Anti-Christian website

To be honest, I find the site a confusing mess, not simply in layout, but also in whatever argument it's trying to put forward.
Chaos!! Gimme gimme gimme....I love it!! It is a messy site but will be interesting to follow some of the links and see where they go. And what they claim.

One clever little quote there: The Bible did not form the beliefs. The beliefs formed the Bible. That sums up my veiws on the subject pretty nicely. Not looked hard enough yet to determine it is actually anti-christian or whether it wishes to correct some errors in the standard story. Saying that, frontpage already has him as a double-murderer before he is out of his boyhood:p


"Love your neighbor as yourself" (Leviticus 19:18) originates from an Akkadian proverb.
I am willing that any man should come before us and say, Jesus taught that you must love your enemies, it is written in the Bible; but, if he will open the old manuscript of Diogenes Laertus, he may there read in texts that have never been disputed, that the Greek philosophers, half a dozen of them, said the same before Jesus was born.
-- Col. Thomas W. Higginson, cited in The Christ by John E. Remsberg​

What does this prove? That Jesus wasn't original? Of course he wasn't. As a Rabbi, he wasn't portending to be. He was trying to get the people back into the true worship of God. He quoted extensively on scriptures and drew on many parable themes prevalent in rabbinical circles.

What does this prove? That Jesus wasn't original? Of course he wasn't. As a Rabbi, he wasn't portending to be. He was trying to get the people back into the true worship of God. He quoted extensively on scriptures and drew on many parable themes prevalent in rabbinical circles.

This is understood by you but perhaps it is really more geared toward refuting more fundamentalist sects within christianity that take literalist veiws of the scriptures.

I found a factual error in less than 10 seconds:

Second column:
'About the Trinitarian proof-text (verse 1 John 5:7)'

It states:
"It is now known that the verse was a fourth-century Spanish invention, finally appearing in MSS [manuscripts] of the Latin Vulgate (the official Bible of the Roman Catholic Church) around the year 800."

Problematic, because both Tertullian and Cyprian reference this verse in the 3rd century.

So it should be called 'An ill-informed miscellany of anti-Christian propaganda'

This is understood by you but perhaps it is really more geared toward refuting more fundamentalist sects within christianity that take literalist veiws of the scriptures.
Yes, so far the more I read that attempts to break down my Christian understanding the more firm my footing appears to be.

These sites are quite interesting when one is open enough to explore and read them. In some cases they have valid points, most of which are similar to issues I've had in the past myself, and have found answers and understandings that support Christianity through them. Others are quite hillarious how they grasp at straws.
this one is interesting

Today's Christian doctrine on Hell is no better. "Ethical" God punishes the billions of unbelievers - of all time, including pre-Christian history - with eternal torture in Hell.

In Christianity it seems like only a very limited people out of the vast history of humanity is entitled to salvation and thats if they practiced Christianity properly for which is based on a dodgy sctipture anyway. This is not to say that some of the most important truths of mankind do not lay in the bible because they do, just because something has negative aspects, doesn't mean it is all negative.
this one is interesting

In Christianity it seems like only a very limited people out of the vast history of humanity is entitled to salvation and thats if they practiced Christianity properly for which is based on a dodgy sctipture anyway. This is not to say that some of the most important truths of mankind do not lay in the bible because they do, just because something has negative aspects, doesn't mean it is all negative.

Agreed. But it is useful to recognise these negatives, know how and why they got there, and not let them be used as a licence for harming anybody.
What kind of strength does it take to break away from a brain washed society of a couple thousands of years? Heretics and people getting hurt? I don't think it applys to people living in a secular society though.
What kind of strength does it take to break away from a brain washed society of a couple thousands of years? Heretics and people getting hurt? I don't think it applys to people living in a secular society though.

Please forgive my denseness, but not really getting your point. Could you expand please?
Sorry my writing isn't that good today. What I'm trying to say is Christianity grew and developed and remained firm within 2000 years, surely its embeded in people minds, so it's quite hard for people to break anyway from it. In some countries where the government is ran by a relgious group trying to break away from religion in some ways can cause an adverse effect.
what about the lovely sites advertising with google above us on this site? Evangelicals do my head in.
Sorry my writing isn't that good today. What I'm trying to say is Christianity grew and developed and remained firm within 2000 years, surely its embeded in people minds, so it's quite hard for people to break anyway from it. In some countries where the government is ran by a relgious group trying to break away from religion in some ways can cause an adverse effect.

Forgive me if I am wrong but you seem to imply here that after 2000 years of Christianity it has somehow creeped into our genes. This is patently untrue. On the thread Religion as a Meme, we discuss quite lucidly the idea that religion, not just christianity, can be likened to an infection. Children born into families that have, (to use a west highland phrase that seems to capture it), "got the religion" are infected by these ideas. Anyone who grows up in an agnostic household, like myself, does not get infected with this meme. So it is not a genetic predisposition but a taught behaviour passed to successive generations.

Breaking away, or defying, the religious and/or political conventions of any given community can be a risky business. Again in the Scottish West Highlands this can be catastrophic, where there is only one shop being refused service there can cause serious hardship. Or being a liberal Judge in the US Supreme court under a Republican administration, which can shatter your career. The examples are unending.

This is why I have little time for religions. I have the utmost respect for personal faith. But I dislike intensely when that is hijacked for political ends.


Edit: And I add, I see evangelising as a political strategy. If people have faith they will seek out those to share it with. They do not need it shoved down their throats.
I wasn't implying that formed religions can leave a mark on genes by the way, I ment phychological mark.

Although what you say is true indeed why don't you flip the coin. How else would the great truths in the bible have spread, so far and so fast without political intervention or without the buzz you get from evangelising? I wonder if history unfolded the way you perceive it should have, how things would turn out today. One could turn round and say they disagree with pregnancy because its painful.
I wasn't implying that formed religions can leave a mark on genes by the way, I ment phychological mark.

Although what you say is true indeed why don't you flip the coin. How else would the great truths in the bible have spread, so far and so fast without political intervention or without the buzz you get from evangelising? I wonder if history unfolded the way you perceive it should have, how things would turn out today. One could turn round and say they disagree with pregnancy because its painful.

I believe personal spirituality to be so powerful and universal as to contend that that in itself is indeed a genetic commonality among all peoples. Faith and belief of one kind or another are present in us all and most people find, or are given some way to express it. I would argue that children should be free to find it for themselves. Very few reject it altogether.
Politics,or more accurately Political Elites have always tried to use this universal need to their advantage, taking control of peoples 'souls' to form their armies and their tax payers. These elites are invariably minorities and are self serving to the detriment of the wider community. You may take a 'no pain - no gain' philosophy to this but in doing so you relinquish the singular message of Jesus himself, that one should do unto others as they would have done unto themselves. Well the Elites do not, it's 1 law for them and another for the rest of us. I am a bit of an idealist I admit, but so was Jesus. Seems to me like so many Christians forget what the Christ story is really about, loving ALL mankind.
Basicly what you will find consistant in all my arguments is the idea that religion should have no politics in it. You may well cite a number of examples now on moral issues where the overlap into politics seems unavoidable. Well I will disagree with every one of them. And I will base this on one fact: Nobody knows the will of God. The issues you might raise should be argued for politicaly or moraly without recourse to unconfirmable higher authority. Faith is emotive not rational. Politics should be rational not emotive. If all mankind could keep to this separation the world would be a much nicer place to live.

Interesting.. It seems to me that humanity has 2 separate courses running one political and the other religious, which somehow always tend to intertwine each other. If you look at Islam politics is an integral part of the faith. Maybe religion is made to compliment politics. Jesus himself said he was king of the Jews, maybe politics and religion are one and the same just depends which end you pick. Seems you pick the ultra spiritual or passivist which we can't live on alone. Governing a mass amount of people will never be easy, especially when they can turn on you at any time and it has to be done.

Christianity was heavily rejected by the Romans at first, read some accounts that sword blades would go blunt from killing Christians.
Edit: And I add, I see evangelising as a political strategy. If people have faith they will seek out those to share it with. They do not need it shoved down their throats.
And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come. MATTHEW 24;14 the goodnews about Gods established heavenly kingdom goverment, is the means to bring peace to the earth Daniel 2;44 and it is for a witness or to put people on notice , so it serves Gods purpose . the end means the end of manmade goverments not the end of the planet .
(Mark 13:10) Also, in all the nations the good news has to be preached first. ..................and yes ,there is great opposition to this purpose of God. but at the end of the day when the great day of Jehovah arrives, people can never say that they did not have the witness given to them. but as Jesus said , His sheep listen to his voice. so the witness is to be heralded to all the nations , and to all different religions . and then these ones who decide to go along with Gods purpose become a great crowd from all nations revelation 7;9-10
And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come. MATTHEW 24;14 the goodnews about Gods established heavenly kingdom goverment, is the means to bring peace to the earth Daniel 2;44 and it is for a witness or to put people on notice , so it serves Gods purpose . the end means the end of manmade goverments not the end of the planet .
(Mark 13:10) Also, in all the nations the good news has to be preached first. ..................and yes ,there is great opposition to this purpose of God. but at the end of the day when the great day of Jehovah arrives, people can never say that they did not have the witness given to them. but as Jesus said , His sheep listen to his voice. so the witness is to be heralded to all the nations , and to all different religions . and then these ones who decide to go along with Gods purpose become a great crowd from all nations revelation 7;9-10

I was under the impression that it was most impolite here to repeatedly use only cut and paste quotes? Quite frankly Mee, unless you can use your own voice to communicate you are wasting you time with me. As soon as I see the quote I switch off.

