Somewhat returning
What proves we aren't animals? lol...
I didn't say we aren't animals, I said we are more.
What proves we aren't animals? lol...
Wouldn't this type of asexual virgin birth be a duplicate, a clone of the mother hence female?
I see that as a distinction between that and Jesus, of course I don't have the scientific knowledge to know if that is correct or not...
Parthenogenisis, is known, and viable, however, the result is always female. The miracle of the virgin birth is that a male could be produced...Ironically, the miracle would not hit home until 2000 years later, when we understand how males and females are created...It's the sharks Messiah!!!They've been waiting for this for so long now!!
On a serious note, if they have shown it is possible for a shark to have a virgin birth... Would this be the same for the human being a 100% different type of animal? If yes, then also wouldn't this go to show, that maybe infact jesus wasn't some divine blessing.... He was just born from a freak situation..... ?
amended typos... It's almost 00:00 hours..... I am tired.