Virgin Birth

Wouldn't this type of asexual virgin birth be a duplicate, a clone of the mother hence female?

I see that as a distinction between that and Jesus, of course I don't have the scientific knowledge to know if that is correct or not...

Don't know. I got pulled off topic right out of the box.
It's the sharks Messiah!!! :D They've been waiting for this for so long now!!

On a serious note, if they have shown it is possible for a shark to have a virgin birth... Would this be the same for the human being a 100% different type of animal? If yes, then also wouldn't this go to show, that maybe infact jesus wasn't some divine blessing.... He was just born from a freak situation..... ?


amended typos... It's almost 00:00 hours..... I am tired.
Parthenogenisis, is known, and viable, however, the result is always female. The miracle of the virgin birth is that a male could be produced...Ironically, the miracle would not hit home until 2000 years later, when we understand how males and females are created...

So, either Mary (Miriam) lay with a male, or she did not. It is said that the baby Jesus was not of the color of the local ethnicity, but rather "ruddy" in hue. In short, He was a ruddy man (just like Adam). Ruddy hued humans were unheard of in the time of Jesus (in Palestine). Mary/Miriam, would not have had chance to encounter a Ruddy hued man, since she was cloistered as a child and maiden...

We also know that Mediterranian people have a dominant gene in color and hue, that supercedes others. Three of four parents must be "Ruddy" in order for the dark/olive hue to be subjugated...not happening in the middle east...

Again, lots of "miracles" that are only realized after the fact (and 2000 years later)...

What do you think?

