Need a context please

You understood me correctly, this was my question. I wanted to know how this 'incident' fits into the Bible and what lesson you are meant to take from it.

Its wrong.. and dont do it. :) All those laws.. the number of them.. because the Jews were baby stepping and God was leading them to something that they ended up missing ...(on purpose of course).. that the way would be opened to the gentiles..God bless Israel. When you read something in the OT and question it here please note that Im speaking as a Christian you might get an entirely different response from the folks in Judaism board.
Its wrong.. and dont do it. :) All those laws.. the number of them.. because the Jews were baby stepping and God was leading them to something that they ended up missing ...(on purpose of course).. that the way would be opened to the gentiles..God bless Israel. When you read something in the OT and question it here please note that Im speaking as a Christian you might get an entirely different response from the folks in Judaism board.

Hi Faithfulservant

Thank you for your input. Can you tell me your view of the story of Lot please. I did ask Dauer to come and give his take on it, for which I thank him but I would also be very interested in yours. I can understand that the prevelant homosexuality was wrong and the message is don't do it but how was that answered by a man offering his virgin daughters, giving them his concubine to rape to death and then having sex and children with his daughters (sorry I may have mixed up 2 stories here). What I am trying to understand is how this all fits together, what is the lesson for mankind? Does it not seem that women were deeply mistreated all round in this story and how should women in latter days view the lesson of this story? Hope you are not ofended by my questions, as I said I just happened upon the verse and wanted to understand it's context.
