Madam Blavatsky's Occult Imprisonment

Bruce Michael

Well-Known Member
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Dear All,
Yes she was a victim. It was suggested to me that Pascal Beverly Randolph was involved. The H. B.of L. are certainly candidates, considering how she attacked them later.

The reason for the imprisonment was that she was deemed a loose cannon in releasing too much of the secret teachings. Remember the Brahmins were also concerned that she was revealing too much. (T.Subba Row had a row with her about this, if my memory serves me correctly.)

Never before in the modern world had so much been revealed to so many. At the point when the most interesting of all occult facts were to be
released, the curtain came down.
"Think of it in this way. - The occult knowledge was in her aura; as the
result of certain processes that were set in operation, it came about that
for a long time everything in this aura was thrown back into her soul. That
is to say, all the occult knowledge she possessed was to be imprisoned; she was to be isolated as far as the outer world and her occultism were

R. Steiner The Occult Movement in the 19th Century.

"There is a certain operation of ceremonial magic by means of which a wall of psychic influences may be built up around an individual who has become dangerous, which has the effect of paralyzing the higher activities and producing what is called the 'repercussion of effort', and the result is a kind of spiritual sleep characterized by fantastic visions. It is an
operation seldom resorted to even by Brothers of the Left, and in the case
of Madam Blavatsky was disapproved of by almost all European occultists."
Trancendental Universe, Harrison.

"The reappearance of Madam Blavatsky has necessitated a total change of the policy of secrecy hitherto pursued. Whether for good or evil, she has made public an immense mass of information in regard to matters which, until quite recently, were never spoken of outside certain societies, but which is of a character as to commend itself on its own merits to persons from whatever source it may come."

This is an extremely painful, and unfortunate step you have taken ... to post such a thing. Although part of me feels that such a post really doesn't deserve the graces of a response, another part of me serves to remind that - we decide whether or not to take such assaults personally.

And yes, this amounts to an assault. It is a form - not even a subtle form - of spiritual warfare. As such, the least of what HPB deserves is my best effort to provide a SHIELD, for my friend, you know not whereof you speak.

Simply repeating the unsubstantiated rumours of others is not very forthright. Inasmuch as you perhaps feel that you need to issue others a warning, I can appreciate your Good intentions, your Goodwill, and give you the benefit of the doubt ... but LET THIS STOP HERE, please. :(

If you wish to talk about this process of temporary abeyance, or interruption, which must sometimes, though rarely occur between an advanced student and his or her Spiritual Master, read up on Jiddu Krishnamurti. You will find that, following his rejection of the Masters - and his choice to interrupt the process of Overshadowing from Maitreya (the Christ, the World Teacher), just such an hiatus became necessary.

Now on the one hand, what I have just said can be WITNESSED by all, and the PROOF IS IN THE PUDDING, as the expression goes. Read for yourself. Krishnamurti came to "FORGET" his own earlier, Theosphical experiences, and BY HIS OWN ADMISSION there came about severe lapses in his memories, which are most curious in someone so otherwise enlightened or spiritually progressed.

In Occult terminology, Krishnamurti was a 4th Degree Initiate, an Arhat, although he chose to advance along the Deva line, and this forced his work with Maitreya to come to a close. He occultly set himself adrift, and the process you mention in connection with HPB became necessary, for his own protection and that of others.

Now, unfortunately, what you say about HPB is UNSUBSTANTIATED, nor can you provide any EVIDENCE for what you say ... since it is no more than wild speculation and a vicious lie. :(

HPB, until the very day of her death, was a strong supporter of the Work she had initiated in the physical world. Amazingly, one of the resident Catholics here, Thomas, has advanced yet further vicious lies (TOTALLY unsubstantiated) suggesting that HPB recanted of her Theosophical "allegiances" upon her deathbed and embraced Roman Catholicism. :rolleyes: :p

She was, of course, right up until her crossing over, and perhaps even afterwards as well (continuing even unto the PRESENT DAY, in certain ways), the EMISSARY, or Messenger, for a certain Branch of the Occult Brotherhood, the Trans-Himalayan.

Further, since ALL BRANCHES of the Brotherhood are connected and WORK IN HARMONY, your speculation about a schism between either HPB, or the Trans-Himalayan Branch ... and the Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor ... are likewise, PURELY UNSUBSTANTIATED. (In fact, I'm not convinced yet that Max Theon's H.B. of L. bears any resemblance to the true article, the real McCoy ... but I remain OPEN to the possiblity until I learn otherwise!)

My friend, I do not know your motive, only your error. I will not stand by, and watch you - or anyone - launch such BASE ATTACKS, which are really no more than an effort to topple one presumed spiritual authority, and then SUPPLANT that authority with another - be that Heindel, Tomberg, Steiner, or whomever.

I do not go around saying, Heindel, Steiner, etc. were a bunch of crackpots, erring because they spouted off too much about occult topics. The fact that HPB spoke openly and plainly about certain things was a part of her work, and was further, the satisfactory fulfilment of her role, working directly under the Guidance and Instruction of her Teachers.

HPB's own Masters are the ones - as Nick has so clearly pointed out, several times - who APPEALED to Their `Chief' (the Maha Chohan) for permission to attempt to bring the Occult Teachings to the West during the 2nd half of the 19th Century. And the experiment, as history records, was only partially successful.

Yet the burden of responsibility was owned by Masters M and KH, while `The Secret Doctrine,' as the dictated work primarily from Master DK (`the Tibetan Master'), fell completely in line with the Spiritual Impulse initiated by the Occult Hierarchy at the close of the Century - the key year being 1875 (the year of the Founding of the Theosophical Society).

What authors such as Valentin Tomberg apparently fail to understand, is that the Occult Hierarchy of our planet - speaking of such as a whole - does not operate according according to such a limited perspective and capacity to appreciate the evolutionary plan, as applies to most of us. Rather, the Christ and Masters are accustomed to taking into account a point of view which brings into awareness the relative progress of Humanity across the centuries, even millennia!

Christ spoke of the Plans for the Aquarian Era, even during His Work at the start of the Piscean. He could well see the future, yet He struggled with the daunting task that lay before Him - as recorded for all of Humanity to witness in the episode at the Garden of Gethsemane.

So, in Tomberg's criticism of HPB, for apparently failing to deliver a useful practical Occultism to the West (see this article, mentioned in a post to another thread) ... it becomes clear that Mr. Tomberg is simply not acquainted with the modus operandi of the Spiritual Hierarchy. :eek:

He views the first wave of Theosophical Inspiration, the wave of effort that began a larger Movement, as if it were an isolated instance, a one-time event. Tomberg fails to see, or is apparently unaware, that the Work of the Masters with HPB was not meant to be the end-all, be-all, of modern Occultism. And nor is any of Their possible work with Steiner, Heindel, et al. ;)

"Round 2" of the Masters' Work, for many a disciple at least - and from one angle in terms of Humanity as a Whole, can be understood via the Tibetan Master's further work with Alice Bailey, from 1919 to 1949. Other Teachings, too, as those of Agni Yoga from the Master M./Helena Roerich, and Master R./Lucille Cedercrans, have issued forth from the Hierarchy, while those of Messengers or students like Heindel, Steiner, Hodson, have been presented alongside.

ALL are part of the Inspiration that Humanity needs from God, forming in the collective what the Tibetan calls "the Restoration of the Mysteries." This, as well as the Externalization of the Hierarchy, are accompanying the Christ's Reappearance in the outer world of Humanity. And all three can be though of together as the Reappearance of the Christ, and as New Spiritual Revelation.

A pity that those who cannot see the above progression have to resort to slander, and to wild, invented ideas to try and downplay the contributions of Humanity's modern Prophets (for such HPB veritably was!) ... only so that they can prop up their own, idolized versions.

Bruce, I'm ASHAMED you'd stoop so low. Please convince me that you've simply committed an error in judgment, and that perhaps you just weren't thinking when you posted this nonsense. I expect MORE from someone who speaks of modern Christian Esotericism, and claims to be familiar with (let alone sympathetic to) Theosophical ideas! :(

The only people here who are occultly imprisoned, would be those who have only traded one set of dogma for another - regardless of what title we give to the 2nd set. Personally, I have not problems considering what Wisdom those such as Max Heindel or Rudolf Steiner have to share, as I can see how it fits into the greater picture of part of the New Revelation.

So again, Bruce, please demonstrate that you are above simply trying to knock down the Teachings of someone you don't always agree with, simply by launching an ad hominem attack ... and restore my good faith that YOU ARE BETTER THAN THAT! :)




It is an ineresting theory, that perhaps Blavatsky gave out too much of the secret teachings, and may have been attacked or silenced because of it. I have never heard of such an idea, but you never know....

Who are the H. B.of L.?

You said,
"The H. B.of L. are certainly candidates, considering how she attacked them later."
--> The giving and receiving of attacks is centainly a part of the Blavatsky story. I suppose Blavatsky felt justified in the way she attacked the church, and they certainly attacked back! (I consider Blavatsky one of the most slandered people in the history of America.)
"The reason for the imprisonment was that she was deemed a loose cannon in releasing too much of the secret teachings."
--> Are you saying she was physically imprisoned?
"T.Subba Row had a row with her about this, if my memory serves me correctly."
--> I have not heard of this. If you can a quote or something like that on this, I would like to see it.
"Never before in the modern world had so much been revealed to so many."
--> How true! Blavatsky claimed this was the first time so much of the secret teachings were made available to everyone. (However, I have never heard she was criticized for it.)

As a matter of fact, I was going to say she and the Mahatmas should be congratulated for releasing as much as they did. One of the most enjoyable parts of reading Theosophical literature is seeing how much more information was released as the years went by, and as new writings came out. (I love the parts where such and such a teaching was not allowed to be given, then, several years later, that same teaching was finally released. I like to think the human race is making progress, and these continuing releases are proof of that.
"At the point when the most interesting of all occult facts were to be
released, the curtain came down."

--> Please post more on this, if you can.
"The reappearance of Madam Blavatsky...."
--> Which reappearance are you referring to?
"... she has made public an immense mass of information ... which is of a character as to commend itself on its own merits to persons from whatever source it may come."
--> We can only be grateful for what she did release. She was the one who started the entire New Age movement, way back in the 1800's, and brought words like reincarnation and karma into mainstream American culture.

There is one more thing to mention -- she released a huge amount of information. I am amazad everytime I look at how much she released.


You lost me on this one. What makes you think Bruce is attacking Blavatsky?
Re: ~*-,._.,-*~'`^`'~*-,._.,-*~'`^`'~*-,._.,-*~'`^`'~*-,._.,-*~'`^`'~*-,._.,-*~


You lost me on this one. What makes you think Bruce is attacking Blavatsky?

I think you need to read up on the kind of "occult imprisonment" which Bruce is proposing. He is in fact saying that the Masters literally "cut her off." He is saying that They basically had to "spiritually stonewall" her, or initiate a break in Their relationship, because she divulged too much of the Occult Doctrine.

I don't think you realize HOW GRAVE is the accusation he has leveled against her. It is, in fact, worse than anything Thomas has ever even suggested!

Remember, Thomas denies the existence of the Mahatmas outright! What Bruce has suggested, is that HPB knew Them, and betrayed Them (!) - EVEN IF unintentionally.

I cannot stand for this. If I am mistaken in my interpretation of what you have said, Bruce, please correct me now ... because frankly, this is a most disgusting idea, and I would much rather BE IN ERROR, and feel embarrassed, and issue you an apology ... than have to accept that I am right about this. :(




This is the first time I have heard the idea that the Mahatmas (or anyone else) silenced Blavatsky for giving out too much information. It does not sound too plausible, and I do not give it much creedence. Blavatsky was quite active as a Theosophical teacher right up to her death. (She was giving instruction on the very day she died, wasn't she?)

All of this "occult imprisonment" talk is something that does not bother me. We have The Secret Doctrine, which is plenty enough.

All of this reminds me of one the best Blavatsky stories. She had been teaching for years, and her body was worn out. She had earned the right to immediately enter Nirvana, and the Mahatmas were ready to grant her wish. At the last second, however, they made one last request -- could she write The Secret Doctrine? My, how that one, last-second request changed the western metaphysical world!
Re: ~*-,._.,-*~'`^`'~*-,._.,-*~'`^`'~*-,._.,-*~'`^`'~*-,._.,-*~'`^`'~*-,._.,-*~

All of this "occult imprisonment" talk is something that does not bother me.
I assure you, Nick, it is only something that bothers me because: a) it is very real, and b) to even suggest that it applies to HPB (while we know from various accounts that it applied to Krishnamurti) ... is an offensive, and disgusting, idea.

As a simple misunderstanding, however, of which, of course, we are all capable ... I can understand the error. We'll just have to see if this is what has occurred.

Meanwhile, allow me to shed some light on just what is being implied, by borrowing a quotation from one of Geoffrey Hodson's books, regarding Krishnamurti:
"Reductions of contact with the Master may temporarily occur as a result of two procedures. One of these is interior and almost automatic; for when an Initiate falls deeply into error, indulgence, denial and scorn of the occult Path, his own Ego withdraws its radiant influence and knowledge of the Brotherhood so that the personality forgets about the illumination and upliftment it has received. The other is external and may be regarded as a surgical operation by the Brotherhood which, regretfully and generally for the remainder of that life, closes down the memory centers associated with Occultism in the mental body and even in the brain. In both cases, the psychical and magnetic interplay, which continually occurs between every faithful Initiate and his Master and the Brotherhood as a whole, automatically becomes reduced and eventually ceases. Even so, a certain stamp of princeliness remains and can on occasion be discerned. All such falls, however, are tragic for the Brotherhood and the Master concerned, who must shoulder some responsibility for failure just as He would share in the karma of success. Of course, this applies to the Initiated Ego which has found itself powerless to control the personality and maintain its conscious link with it - chiefly showing as aspiration and determination towards the heights." (G. Hodson, The Yogic Ascent to Spiritual Heights, p.191)​


All of this "occult imprisonment" talk does not make me angry in the least. At the very least, I find it amusing. Equanimity is something we all must master before entering Nirvana.

Hodson's quote is a great quote. It refers to the dangers a disciple will fall into, if and when they decide to go against their Mahatma's teachings (a very real danger). Since Blavatsky was following her Mahatmas' instructions at all times, there seems to be nothing to worry about.
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All of this "occult imprisonment" talk does not make me angry in the least. At the very least, I find it amusing. Equanimity is something we all must master before entering Nirvana.

Hodson's quote is a great quote. It refers to the dangers a disciple will fall into, if and when they decide to go against their Mahatma's teachings (a very real danger). Since Blavatsky was following her Mahatmas' instructions at all times, there seems to be nothing to worry about.
I think you said it, Nick! Right on both counts ... :)
Hi Br. Andrew,
I started by saying that HPB was the victim in this. It seems quite plausable to me because many occult lodges were trying to take advantage of her.

The Masters would not resort to that kind of thing. This was done by an American lodge of occultists. She was released by an Indian lodge.

You see, they jealously guarded their wisdom and didn't want it in the public domain..

There are other points in C.G.Harrision's book that you wouldn't like... but not for now ;).

Apparently Rene Guenon (sp) repeats the same story (imprisonment).

HPB suffered a lot in her life, and all the while tried to be independent.

The H.B. of L. is not the real Luxor Group- which is not a city in Egypt. That was a secret occult lodge.

Re: ~*-,._.,-*~'`^`'~*-,._.,-*~'`^`'~*-,._.,-*~'`^`'~*-,._.,-*~'`^`'~*-,._.,-*~

>He is in fact saying that the Masters literally "cut her off."

No, geographically based lodges- secret brotherhoods.
Through a process of ceremonial magic- seldom resorted to.
It's very simple --> Christ, and the Masters, supported HPB's Work, right until her last, dying breath. I'm quite sure They received her on the other side, and that she was soon with them, after a brief sojourn through the bardo.

We know that HPB was reborn, in an Austrian body, and that in this male incarnation she attained to no less than the 3rd Initiation (I believe she left her incarnation as HPB as a 2nd degree Initiate). This was in either 1924, or 1926; I could look it up.

My own belief is that she currently occupies another female body, although it is known to very few ... probably almost no one in Theosophical, or even Occult circles - save to an Initiate or disciple here and there. Other claims have been made, and I am aware of them; however, I believe them to be in error, even if well-placed.


This business about "being cut off" is a nasty thing indeed, Bruce. Please be careful about what you are suggesting, or implying. If, say, YOU AND I, get together and "invoke the Devil," or perhaps all chant ritualistically to shut out the Light of the Soul from someone - whomever that person may be ... then in fact, YOU AND I have worked a bit of black magic. Soul light will continue to reach that person, but we may indeed, cause some degree of harm, and our own karma will be dark indeed.

Now, if some spurious, sicko cult that wishes to call themselves the all-mighty, ancient brotherhood of hooha, sits down and pronounces someone a heretic ... and goes on and on about how folks like you and me have released too much "secret info" to the rest of the unknowing, ignorant world - then it's plain to see where the foolishness is, and while you and I will avoid these folks on the one hand, it would also be quite sad for anyone who's silly enough to get caught up with such mess.

Rene Guenon, if indeed he may have known a thing or two about Occultism, was clearly quite ignorant of the true nature of the relationship between HPB and the LODGE OF MASTERS to which I am referring when I say `Occult or Spiritual Hierarchy.' The Brotherhood of Luxor, an ancient, well-established Branch of the SAME OCCULT HIERARCHY when also counts the Trans-Himalayan Lodge among its Branches ... was presumably on good terms with HPB, again - regardless of the speculations coming from Guenon, K. Paul Johnson, etc.

As an aside, I notice that Johnson seems to believe Max Theon was one and the same as Tuitit Bey ... and although I certainly cannot disprove this theory, I find it a little bit amusing - but then, I have yet to hear or read his rationale. Knowing something about his wild and erroneous notions regarding the identity of the rest of the Theosophical Mahatmas, I feel fairly confident that tossing his notions about Theon/Tuitit Bey out the window would be a safe practice.


Perhaps we need to start a new thread about Branches of the One Esoteric Lodge of Masters ... and the importance of distinguishing this from any kind of Human-originated, and often-spurious "occult" lodges, or earthly organizations ... since under NO circumstances thus far, that I am aware of, has there ever been a direct relationship between the former and the latter. HPB's Theosophical Society is the first instance in modern times, of which I am aware, involving such a degree of close cooperation between the Hierarchy and Humanity.

This is a relationship between the 5th Kingdom in Nature (even if artificially originated, 18 million years ago) ... and the 4th Kingdom, and we have only just begun to try and repair the damage done during Atlantean times, when the Occult Hierarchy (Brotherhood) was banished from open interaction with Humanity.

Guenon, and others, need to be aware of the bigger picture. I believe they have certain biases, and allegiances with earthly organizations or institutions, which noticeably get in the way of their good judgment, and limit their insight. If, perhaps, their motives are well-placed, their character assessments of HPB are off by a million miles. This makes it difficult to consider the rest of what they have to say without considerable reservation.

At any rate, I think we should look to another thread to clear up this confusion over just who it was that worked a bit of black magic against HPB. We know well enough that she had plenty of enemies from within the Roman Catholic Church, and that the Jesuits were out to do her in from the very beginning. So, too, the Darwinians did not like her challenge of the newly favored views regarding Humanity's origins. She became enemies even with the Spiritualists, since she dared to contradict what they had to say about interactions with the deceased. It is no small wonder that somebody, somewhere, worked some ritual black magic to try and do her ill. It is sad, but true. :(

