New to the Path

Johanna said:
The Pentacle, or Pentagram rather, was used before Judaism in Egypt, I think. It was then adopted by pretty much everyone in Europe. I know that Scandinavians used to carve pentagrams into the cribs of their infants to ward of the fay, trolls and the riverman. Pregnant women also wore it as protection and men going to battle sometimes did as well, so that the riverman wouldn't mark them. (The riverman is a mixture of old heathen mythology and Christianity's Satan, i believe. He lures women, and sometimes men, into deadly waters by playing - usually on a violin - beautiful music. If you see him, as himself or in the guise of an old crone, washing your soldier friend/sibling/spouse/parent's clothes in the river, then this person will die in battle).

Thanks for clearing that up for me :)

I've heard Witchcraft is a thing that the Wicca use.
Wicca uses Witchcraft, but rather practise their religion,
more than use Withcraft.

So what i've come up as result is tha Witchcraft is no the same as Wicca.

By the way, care helping me start Wicca as religion and Witchcraft too?

Thanks in advance! ;)
The Mysterious said:

I've heard Witchcraft is a thing that the Wicca use.
Wicca uses Witchcraft, but rather practise their religion,
more than use Withcraft.

So what i've come up as result is tha Witchcraft is no the same as Wicca.

By the way, care helping me start Wicca as religion and Witchcraft too?

Thanks in advance! ;)

Welcome, Mysterious.

I'll keep this response short as this should probably be in a thread of its own.

Yes, it is true that witchcraft and Wicca are not exactly the same thing. Witchcraft is a practice (basically, the practice of magick) and Wicca is a specific religion. Wicca does base a lot of its ideas on witchcraft lore. There are a lot of witches out there who are not Wiccans though. And there are some Wiccans who say they are not witches too (although I wonder about that... I think they are missing the point of Wicca.)

There is a lot of excellent introductory information on Wicca as well as other Pagan religions at in their Info menu in the Basics section. Witchvox has a lot of other great info too. Be sure to check it out.