

Obtuse Kineticist
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I don't have a great deal of time with my work schedule to elaborate deeply on my thoughts on this topic, but wanted to throw this idea I have out there to bounce off of the great contemplaters here.

Telepathy, something many spiritual people see as an advanced ability to hone to any degree, in my opinion, is something that evolution, for humans, deemed less useful than the emergence of language and writing. Telepathy is essentially a body-centric device used mainly in the animal kingdom it would seem, as a survival tool. Anyone with any time to watch nature in action would have witnessed telepathy (or some other unknown ability that is similar) at work in different species. We as humans still have it to some degree, but rarely give it more than a bemused thought - such as knowing when someone is about to call you, the bond between mother and child, etc.

I don't know why the idea struck me, but it seemed a good topic of discussion for anyone interested. Do you think telepathy is something that humans unfortunately left behind as a natural ability...or do you suppose as I do, that it was deemed a limited communication tool which evolved for humans into the emergent skills of language and writing - which allowed for a great expansion of communicative depth?

~DC Vision
To put it into simple terms...for humans, did telepathy become obsolete in favor of language and writing emergent skills?
I think it did and those with vestige abilities are called psychics and the like.

I actually think it will return...with the advent of higher technology our latent memories of times past will allow us to contemplate some deja vu experience and more and more people will begin to do things we once did.
What would be the advantages of telepathy re-emerging in our communication arsenal to a degree where it would be "on demand"?
What would be the advantages of telepathy re-emerging in our communication arsenal to a degree where it would be "on demand"?

Hello Pseudo,
Telepathy happens now on a day to day basis.

Whenever we engage in conversation there is some degree of telepathic relay. We need to be more aware of it.

You might find Rupert Sheldrake's page interesting.

thanks bruce - i am aware of rupert's work, and have contacted him about a bird situation in maine that i became aware of.

my point was, however, that for humans telepathy seems to have taken a back seat to language and writing skills, as if telepathy were an obsolete ability...still there, but something not in the foreground of our awareness...

i know there is a desire to regain this ability in some spiritual and even scientific circles...but i wonder if it is something that would even benefit us beyond the "cool" - obviously, our ability to communicate in a more complex manner with language has certainly pushed us far above and beyond that of the animal kingdom in Self i wonder why the nostalgia for some over an ability that for the most part is highly limited in scope.
heres my two cents worth. If telepathy re-evolved(for want of a betterword), I think that eventually the human species would become a vastly different(hopefully better) race. People would be better abled to see others points of view in all aspects. Imagine the politicians etc who could make more informative and fairer decisions for all. Hang on a minute, we probably wouldnt need pollies. Of course there would be problems, but if everyone could understand others and their points of view, maybe we would act differently than today. Fundamentally, we are all from the one family. There wouldn't be any liars . That thought in itself is very interesting. No lies. None. Anywhere. I'd have to drink more scotch just to muddle my mind and not let anyone know what I was thinking. Also, there would be no privacy, I know that would be terrible. Sometimes Its good to be lost in your own thoughts. Sometimes thats all that you have that is really yours.......
>my point was, however, that for humans telepathy seems to have taken a >back seat to language and writing skills, as if telepathy were an obsolete >ability...still there, but something not in the foreground of our awareness...

Yes, it is the communication of the future. How often have we experienced the "I was just about to say that!" having received the thought with rapidity.

From one to another we use of words, by way of the voice, to impart meaning. But that is preliminary- we have to translate the words. Meanings are imparted and those meanings have to be comprehended. There is a space between the two; and so it is for telepathy.

I have read books where a person has developed a telepathic power and it has proved to be very annoying. Imagine walking down the street and hearing everyone's thoughts!

However, there is an exercise you can do to prevent this.
I think telepathy will never re-evolve unless we learn how to handle it, counter telepathy would develop too. With human communication came the murder spree of the "bully" gene that we see in chimps and other animals.
I have this notion of the 'realm of acceptability'. And we are more likely to believe and create and utilize things that are within our realm of acceptability. And notions that are outside of our realm of acceptability we discard, discount as not worthy...heck we can't accept it so it doesn't exist.

Our modern technology in the past century has brought many things into the realm of acceptability for a large portion of the population we now believe that voice and data can travel instantaneously over long distances without the use of wires...through radios, cell phones, TVs, wifi, etc. So now for the first time in quite a while something akin to telepathy is within our realm of acceptability...which opens the door for telepathy to enter that realm as well...

Truly no one wants to venture in that strange mind of mine...
The thing with physical communication where it be writing or verbal they are only a reflection or expression of what you feel and want. If we eliminate that reflection in communication through telepathy it could be a move towards new heights, the thing is, it won't develop until we are ready as it will also be an efficient tool for abuse. Maybe we still have telepathy, it could be that we also developed a counter telepathic ability so it's masked because of our other great aspects such as tool building and physical expressions which would clash. It can't be a hard mechanism for nature to develop if it's seen throughout the animal kingdom.