why doesnt god give points for the good we do

he only forgives you if you worship him, grovel at his feet, become born again and admit things like "I deserve hell" or "Im a he;; deserving sinner"

if not he tells you to depart from him into a lake of fire.

well I was raised christian and sometimes I think I feel the holy spirit in my heart meaning I am getting a warning that it might be real. even though I think its crazy
shadowman said:
he only forgives you if you worship him, grovel at his feet,

I don't believe this to be true. He only wants to be accepted. I don't read where "groveling" is ever required.

shadowman said:
become born again and admit things like "I deserve hell" or "Im a he;; deserving sinner"

What's so bad about being "born again"? Maybe you have had people knock you over the head with the idea or something. Jesus didn't do that. He simply presented the idea. Are you perhaps relying on other people's often faulty explanations, rather than sincerely trying to see it for yourself?

if not he tells you to depart from him into a lake of fire.

People have tried and tried to tell you that this may be a metaphor. I realize that some believe it is literal, but these same people have done everything they know how to do to tell you how it can be avoided. Do you refuse to listen? I am beginning to think you like the idea, shadowman. Is fear a thrilling thing to you? I don't mean to sound harsh, but you just keep repeating the same questions over and over. I think you have to let go of some of these preconceived notions you have, that is, if you really are seeking answers.

well I was raised christian and sometimes I think I feel the holy spirit in my heart meaning I am getting a warning that it might be real. even though I think its crazy

Why not give inner Peace a chance? Maybe it is not so much a warning as it is the call of Love wanting you to acknowledge the embrace and let go of the fear. I don't know what the most prevalent phrase in the Bible is for sure, but I know that "Do not be afraid" or words that express the same are very close to the top of the list. Don't be so afraid, shadowman.

well I was raised christian and sometimes I think I feel the holy spirit in my heart meaning I am getting a warning that it might be real. even though I think its crazy

Then maybe you should look at some of the less 'hellfire and brimstone' Christian groups and find out how you can gain forgiveness. I'm not Christian, but I'm with InLove on this; I don't think grovelling has alot to do with it. Sounds to me like you've blanked out the love bits of Christianity and are only listening to the hellfire stuff. Which is a shame because I'm sure the love is more at the heart of it than anything to do with hell.

You could always go to your local churches and politely (!) ask the vicars/pastors your questions. (Or ... you could always ask God himself :p)