god thinks all humans are evil right?



since god is always moral, and never makes mistakes.... then he must see us all as evil. since without jesus, we all deserve hell.

am I on the right track?
I doubt it.

It's not that we all deserved hell before Jesus, but that his big gesture was supposed to encourage us all onto the 'right path'.
he was a blood sacrifice that underwent merciless torture. now why did god require this? to atone for our imperfections.... sounds like god is pretty miffed at humanity if he has to kill himself to save us.

to save us from the fate he thinks we deserve.
I may be mistaken but according to The Bible all people are sinners, yes, but that doesn't equate to evil. You can sin by thought, word or action and repent. Yet evil people take action (usually planned action), such as rape, murder, church burnings, etc.
What are YOUR thoughts about evil people and sinners??
When Jesus died on the cross God DID NOT "kill himself." He let his ONLY earthly son be killed for the sins of the world. But, as the scriptures foretold, Jesus rose again on the third day after His death to show the power of God, Our Father, and to show his "yet to be convinced" disciples that He would rise again as He told them and for them to pass along His message to all who would listen.
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since god is always moral, and never makes mistakes.... then he must see us all as evil. since without jesus, we all deserve hell.

am I on the right track?


Sin is serious in the eyes of God. you are right in saying as the Bible does that there is none that do good, no not one. YOu are also right that one can see the seriousness of law breaking as jesus was nailed to the cross. We as humans look around at each other we see goodness within ourselves compared to other people yet when one looks at the 10 commandments and sees GOds holy standard we realize that one is in need of a savior. Think about this....have you ever told a lie? stolen something? Looked at a woman with lust? For Jesus said that in GOds eyes that is considered adultery. Have you ever commited murder? For Jesus said that if one looks at another with malice and hate he has committe murder in his heart because GOd looks at the heart as well as the external. Have you ever taken Gods name in vain....used the one who gave you life, food, shelter, and used his name as a cuss word? I have and if GOd is good by nature he must punish us for doing these things! but God so loved the world that he sent his only Son to die on a cross for the forgivness of Sin if only one repents and puts his faith in Christ. Just as barnabas the criminal was released by the Romans and Jesus took his place, so he took the punishment we deserve and fulfilled the penalty that should of been brought down upon us! What an amazing God to humble himself to his own creation and die for us! In American christianity today we have watered down the seriousness of sin and replaced it with the word love. yet this love is so shallow compared to the true gospel of Jesus Christ. Gods angry at sin, yet he loves us so much to take it upon himself for those who will recieve it!
forgot one part...and he rose from the dead defeating death and validating his message with power