Thanks Thomas and wil for your posts, but I guess I'm just too much of a realist to objectively believe in transcendant truths as expressed in the Gospels when our everyday lives demand subjective judgements and decisions from each of us.
I've had way too much exposure to the scientific side of universal realities, and they greatly influence what I believe...but I do believe that all stories concerning Jesus' time among us may be explained in terms of the quantum and uncertainty realities of the universe around us. Like wil...I take what is there and fit it to my real world experiences and understandings. And I might add that it works for me, and I feel that I have a strong relationship with G-d, even if He/She may not see it that way at all. But I still walk around and breathe each day, so I guess that level of acceptance also works for me.
In my way of viewing it all Jesus came among us for a reason, to bring a new ordering reality to the brutal realities of the classical world. I don't believe that the classical influences of acting in the world have faded that much in our everyday lives. There is still hierarchical rule, and there is still detrimental manipulation of the common people throught the hypocritical exercise of power by individuals and institutions alike, despite the advocation of liberty and democracy by certain leaders. And my opinion is that this is becoming more , not less, prevalent over time.
And Thomas, sad to say, I would attribute this to the purposeful obfuscations of Jesus' mission among us two thousand years ago. Too much information about this has been systematically excluded rather than being included. I know choices had to be made way back then to maintain the Classical order, but as time dances on it is becoming more clear that this has not been an approach beneficial to many people, especially the more unfortunate among us. Jesus was inclusionary, not exclusionary.
The universe is a conglomeration of order and disorder in ALL of its observable systems, animate and inanimate. That's what nature really is, and humanity is a reflection of that whether we believe it as individuals or not.
Jesus told us that He came to cast fire upon the earth. That means the old must pass away and be replaced by principles which treat everyone more equitably and fairly. That there will be more compassion and understanding among all of us. That there will be spiritual rewards for good people after their lives which may be less than glorious in earthly terms. That we must understand and love our neighbors, just as we would wish them to trust and care for us. Alas, in my world that doesen't seem to be happening any more these days than it ever did.
I ran across something on another site that convinces me that a plan is working here though. The link below explains a complex and systematic parody of religions that was composed in anticipation of the new sciences involving the study of complex systems and how they interact.
These scientific understandings, popularly known as chaos theory, began to be uncovered in the late 60's, well after this parody was conceived in the late 50's. They are in full bloom today in the ways that scientific discovery is being utilized to create our collective futures. What I'm saying here is that I'm grappling with all of this in trying to fit the traditional approaches into the new realities so that we have some chance of preserving what we all have had to guide us over the millenia. Whereas the bogus constructs as described in the link do not and have no chance of doing so. In many ways, the traditional stories and the traditional ways in which they have been interpreted and understood over the millenia are also deficient in explaining the realities that I must deal with. I believe that this is what your tutor was telling you in his comments concerning your essay.
I'm pretty much past having any real influence in the workings of the world, and I'm not going to delude myself into believing that I ever did. But I do know what is real to me, and what's going on in general is not very real to me anymore. Now I'll go have some cocoa and take a nap.
Discordianism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I've had way too much exposure to the scientific side of universal realities, and they greatly influence what I believe...but I do believe that all stories concerning Jesus' time among us may be explained in terms of the quantum and uncertainty realities of the universe around us. Like wil...I take what is there and fit it to my real world experiences and understandings. And I might add that it works for me, and I feel that I have a strong relationship with G-d, even if He/She may not see it that way at all. But I still walk around and breathe each day, so I guess that level of acceptance also works for me.
In my way of viewing it all Jesus came among us for a reason, to bring a new ordering reality to the brutal realities of the classical world. I don't believe that the classical influences of acting in the world have faded that much in our everyday lives. There is still hierarchical rule, and there is still detrimental manipulation of the common people throught the hypocritical exercise of power by individuals and institutions alike, despite the advocation of liberty and democracy by certain leaders. And my opinion is that this is becoming more , not less, prevalent over time.
And Thomas, sad to say, I would attribute this to the purposeful obfuscations of Jesus' mission among us two thousand years ago. Too much information about this has been systematically excluded rather than being included. I know choices had to be made way back then to maintain the Classical order, but as time dances on it is becoming more clear that this has not been an approach beneficial to many people, especially the more unfortunate among us. Jesus was inclusionary, not exclusionary.
The universe is a conglomeration of order and disorder in ALL of its observable systems, animate and inanimate. That's what nature really is, and humanity is a reflection of that whether we believe it as individuals or not.
Jesus told us that He came to cast fire upon the earth. That means the old must pass away and be replaced by principles which treat everyone more equitably and fairly. That there will be more compassion and understanding among all of us. That there will be spiritual rewards for good people after their lives which may be less than glorious in earthly terms. That we must understand and love our neighbors, just as we would wish them to trust and care for us. Alas, in my world that doesen't seem to be happening any more these days than it ever did.
I ran across something on another site that convinces me that a plan is working here though. The link below explains a complex and systematic parody of religions that was composed in anticipation of the new sciences involving the study of complex systems and how they interact.
These scientific understandings, popularly known as chaos theory, began to be uncovered in the late 60's, well after this parody was conceived in the late 50's. They are in full bloom today in the ways that scientific discovery is being utilized to create our collective futures. What I'm saying here is that I'm grappling with all of this in trying to fit the traditional approaches into the new realities so that we have some chance of preserving what we all have had to guide us over the millenia. Whereas the bogus constructs as described in the link do not and have no chance of doing so. In many ways, the traditional stories and the traditional ways in which they have been interpreted and understood over the millenia are also deficient in explaining the realities that I must deal with. I believe that this is what your tutor was telling you in his comments concerning your essay.
I'm pretty much past having any real influence in the workings of the world, and I'm not going to delude myself into believing that I ever did. But I do know what is real to me, and what's going on in general is not very real to me anymore. Now I'll go have some cocoa and take a nap.
Discordianism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia