bob x said:"Nobody had to conspire to make Islam look monstrous. It has looked monstrous to me for decades, well before any "neo-conservatives" existed...
Ok ,,,so it is your individual vision
Yes I can see there how you have seperated out the actions of extremists and the actions and teachings of ordinary Muslims. "
It is really separated,,because extremities is not an Islamic attitudes it is a human attitudes from the beginning of the history of this life on this earth.
bob said:I am not only repelled by the terrorism: I am repelled by the ordinary Muslims who think women deserve to be hooted at or assaulted if they do not bag themselves, or deserve to be killed if they have sex with or even go out with a boy their family didn't choose, or should have their genitals sliced off. And I am frightened of what would happen to me, personally, if I set foot in one of the Muslim countries.
If you realy know the tenets of islam ,you can give an comprehensive vision about it .It seems to be you doesn't know the reality about have bias previous information...
both men and women will be under the law of penalty if they didn't respect the relations of marriage institution...the issue doesn't linked to women to be women problem in Islamic societies.
"The woman and man found guilty of sexual intercourse lash each one of them with a hundred lashes, and do not be taken by pity for them in the religion (i.e., Law) of Allah…and those who launch a charge against chaste women, and produced not four witnesses (to support their allegation), flog them with eighty stripes; and reject their evidence…” Qur’an, 24:2-4.
The penalty for adultery (made for mischief in the land) is death and for fornication is 100 lashes. The penalty purifies the person from the sin in this world and saves him or her from the punishment in the Hereafter. One can imagine the lesson a particular Muslim society learns from the execution of a case of adultery to one of its members. This lesson is certain to make each member stay as afar away as possible from even thinking of committing such a mischief.
To prove the crime in either of fornication or adultery cases, however, it is required from the accuser to bring four witnesses. Each witness must testify that he or she saw the penis in the uterus. If one of the witnesses was not sure of this act, then all four witnesses must be lashed eighty times for false accusation and for the spread of undesired news. The possible penalty for conveying the fornication news and the condition of four witnesses severely restricts the legal cases in the court of law. These restrictions in turn help contain the sexual news from becoming common occurrence which may ease its acceptance in the community.
While Islam made these severe restrictions for a fornication case to reach the legal system, it has left the door wide open for sinners of such crime to repent and change their bad habits privately.
[FONT=Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Islam recognizes that morality and ethics are the roots of every good society. One finds abundance of social and spiritual traits in the fabric of Islam geared for producing a better social living. These traits, however, are not enough insurance against misconduct. Shari’ah, the Islamic Law, is a community moral law used to manage and govern a Muslim society and to control the behavior of its members to ensure its safety. Shari’ah is backed by the power of the state that enforces the law by means of appropriate penalties or remedies. In modern societies, authorized bodies, such as a legislature or a court create the law. While this is also true in Islam, however, the basic rules of Shari’ah are divine in nature. [/FONT]
The spirit and essence of the Islamic Law in its severe penalty is to save lives, stop corruption, disallow mischief, serve justice, build a safer society and apply little or no penalty.
bob said:"The question is not why they feel anger, but why they express anger in such an insane and counterproductive manner, unlike other nations who have experienced occupation...
You mean unlike the IRA or FLN or the Partisans or MRTA or Forest Bretheren or Mujahiddin (supported by US against Russian occupation) or ANC, etc?"
Firstly,You should know what happened here in Islamic world to get the answer.
40 Years Of Israeli Occupation
We Muslims know that Judaism as heaven religion is different than Israeil as occupying there are a realistic Jews people believe in the rights of other to live in peace .
Monitoring Israeli Colonization Activities
Did you know that Israel is the only country in the Middle East that refuses to sign the nuclear non-proliferation treaty and bars international inspections from its sites?
Did you know that Israel stands in defiance of 69 United Nations Security Council Resolutions?
Now about your Q...
Did you see like these war image in IRA or FLN or the Partisans or MRTA or Forest Bretheren or Mujahiddin (supported by US against Russian occupation) or ANC, etc....
WARNING / don't see the image if you have sensitive heart
Lebanon's 9/11 or Why Do They Hate Us? Picture Album
Iraq Freedom
Democracy !!
Israeli Crimes
USA Terror On Al Falluja
So If This Was Your Daughter How Would You Feel ?
Again ,I should say that this discussion here is political ... and Islam is not the core of the issue .
Islam have clear tenets about any conflict or war.