Namaste Friend,
Again, my heart goes out to all involved in this conflict. But I am confused as to how you think this will help it stop.
Yes I've seen that when it circulated on the web years ago. Horrendous, although again, I'm afraid I don't know the whole story.
But again, I must ask, what purpose does it serve your posting it here. What is your goal.
My goal is to decrease separation, increase discussion that will lead to peace. I don't see how this assists. Do you not believe the other side could show a bomber entering a bus, or a crowded cafe and incite attitudes as well?? What does either of this prove?
You say you are sorry for posting such graphic images, me too. But you must have felt that posting will get you closer to your goal...please tell us what that might be.
Hi Wil
First accept my thanks for your enthusiasm to want to decrease the violence; MashAllah; that is a praiseworthy goal which all mankind shoud aim for.
Secondly bro., I think you are misunderstanding sister Friends motivation for her photos.
In the context that it was posted; i.e, to refute the claim that there were only terrorists amongst Muslims and all other communities were terrorist free, it should be obvious to all that it was to show that all communities have their terrorists and not just the Muslims.
Truth and falsehood are a two way sword infact, and what i mean is that, making false claims and both truth can give rise to incitement for the extremists; let me explain further inshAllah:
Bob said that terrorists exist only in the Muslim culture and all other cultures are terrorist free, now this was obviously a false statement, and it could incite people to hate Islam and muslims, thinking that we have such a culture and religion, that only we produce terrorists, and we know that hate can lead to malice and violence; the BNP are allready trying to incite another Bosnia in Britian, based on claims such as "Islam is a vicious faith" etc, and this is an example of how false claims can give rise to hate, malice, enmity and violence.
So it is only natural that we should counter such falsehood with the truth, and show people that were not a culture that exclusively produces terrorists, and that all other major communites do so too, so I pointed out that, although there may not be as much 'non-governmental' terrorists amongst the Jewish and Christian community, but there is a hell of a lot of state terrorism amongst them.
And this kind of balancing out the truth, creates peace, in that people can see that the general forms of evil, including terrorism, is not exclusive to the Muslim commnity and that were at least a 'normal' [if not better in their eyes] community, just like the rest. [with the warts and all that is]
But my pointing out of state terrorism amongst the Christian and Jews just got dismissed by bananabrain
So what is needed next if mere claims get dismissed without a second thought and people refuse to accept that terrorists exists in all communites and not just the Muslim one?
PROOF!...thus my sis came in with the hard evidence; well done sis [thumbs up!; there needs to be a thumbs up smilie on this board!
Now ofcourse the extremists could get incited to hate by the proof of truth, but the extremists on the other side could get incited to hate by the falsehood, if it is not countered; this is what is meant by, both truth and falsehood are a two edged sword [for some].
And what does that show?; it shows that there allways will be extremists on iether matter what we do, but for the general peacefull public, we must continue to endevour to make peace between us, by countering the false propaganda and lies, to show that no community is inherently evil and that evil exists in all communites, and we should acknowledge this fact in order to 'normalise' ourselves [as a community as a whole] in each others eyes, and thus we can learn not to hate and get along peacefully together inshAllah!.
Also, there is another reason to put the truth out there, although it may not be nice and pleasant to hear and view, and that is that action has to be taken to stop terrorism on both sides, for the wanton killing on both sides have to stop and if one side dont even acknowledge that terrorism is happening in/from their community, then how are they supposed to try put a stop to it?; so it is on us to expose the evils that are happening so the humanatarians of this world can take action to try and put a stop to it.
InshAllah I will be commenting on them pictures in my next post.
Salaam, and together we shall all strive to decrease the violence and hate, and bring peace, understanding and love between all mankind, inshAllah!
ps: lets just bring in the hindus here quickly, for they are a major religious community too, and it wouldn't be fare to mention specifically the Jewish and Christian communties terrorism, without mentioning at least another communites terrorism too [i dont want to sound to be singling out the two former communities]:
Well we all know about how they sometimes go into a frenzy and massacre the Muslim civillians, and how they have, and are still? commiting atrocities in Kashmir, and how even the last major frenzied massacre of muslims was supported by and directed by the hindu government; not forgetting to mention the occasional terrorist bombs that go off in Mosques in India too
...]; No generalisation meant!