Where was Jesus from ages 13 to 33?

Funny, I got something different out of this post this morning than I now see is your real intent. I was kinda bleary eyed, which probably accounts for my mis interpretation. What I thought you were saying was that perhaps Jesus plays a large role in Christianity similar to the oversize role Moses plays in Judaism- which I thought was an excellent point.

Unrelated to that: It's my understanding that the town of Nazareth didn't exist at the purported time of Jesus' earthly existence. This according to the current analysis of archaeological evidence from the region.


Hi Chris,

If Nazareth did not exist during the time of Jesus, then historical writings like the talmud, Joesphus, Tactius, etc would be filled with mockings of such a place, yet history is silent about the topic. IF the bible was only a man made document without divine intervention, then to make up a place such as that would be down right silly. If i wanted to make up a story, would I use a non existent place or a newly developed place? People back then were not dumb. and to argue the bible was written hundreds of years later would also be on the fringe of so called scholarship. I will trust those closest to times.
I try to limit my sources to objective scholarship. It's not all that easy because bias can be very subtle. Like anyone I tend to choose opinions which support my working hypotheses. That said, I think it's likely that "Jesus the Nazarite" references OT material having to do with the Legend of Samson, but was reworked as a place reference after the fact.

Please note that I'm choosing my words carefully. I'm saying things like "it's likely", and "it is my understanding..."

It is difficult to say with certainty just how prominent Nazareth was in the first century. The most common view of commentators is that Nazareth was then a rather secluded, insignificant village. The principal Biblical statement used to support this view is what Nathanael said when he heard that Jesus was from there: "Can anything good come out of Nazareth?" (Joh 1:46) This has been taken by many to mean that Nazareth was looked down upon, even by people of Galilee. (Joh 21:2)
Most scholars identify Nazareth with En Nasira (Nazerat) in Galilee. If this view is correct, Nazareth was situated in the low mountains just N of the Valley of Jezreel and approximately halfway between the S tip of the Sea of Galilee and the Mediterranean Coast. It was in a mountain basin with hills rising 120 to 150 m (400 to 500 ft) above it. The area was well populated, with a number of cities and towns near Nazareth. Also, it is estimated that one could walk from Nazareth to Ptolemais on the Mediterranean Coast in seven hours, to Tiberias on the Sea of Galilee in five hours, and to Jerusalem in three days.

On one occasion people of Nazareth sought to throw Jesus from "the brow of the mountain upon which their city had been built." (Lu 4:29) That is not to say that Nazareth was on the very brow or edge, but that it was on a mountain having a brow from which they wanted to hurl Jesus. Some have identified it with a rocky cliff some 12 m (40 ft) high located SW of the city.

(Naz´a·reth) [probably, Sprout-Town].
It seems to me that every scripture that you quote comes from the King James Bible, which was EDITED by a MAN (King James) to fit His beliefs. I'm more concerned with why, with all the archeologist and Biblical scholars who have looked over the centuries that not ONE trace (scripture, writings, etc.) of Jesus can be found during his "formative" years when a young man becomes a man.

I am not a scholar, but I would imagine that Jesus pbuh had a difficult childhood considering that his mother was accused of adultery. However, the Holy Bible does not mention that Mary pbuh was punished despite being accused/suspected of a wrong doing, which causes me to think that perhaps Jesus pbuh did not struggle as much in his early years. Perhaps the apostles did not feel the need to document his childhood because they felt the more important part of his life was when he became aware of his Mission.
Another Book, the Holy Qur'an, explains that God the Merciful, allowed Jesus pbuh to speak as a new born, providing the evidence of his miraculous birth. As a result, Mary pbuh was not punished and Jesus pbuh was described to be aware of his importance for humanity right from the start. If this is the case, then why his childhood was not documented in the Gospels? Is it lost? Perhaps the apostles did not know much about his first 21 years or so and did not want to invent stories? God Allmighty knows...
My thoughts on this topic are very confused at best. I have gone to many churches of different denominations and I have watched the highly revered Rev. Billy Graham for more than 30 years yet NO ONE has broached this question. Why? I realize that there are gaps here and there in The Bible, yet the SINGLE GREATEST man to have walked this earth, the Son of God, who was without sin and the Savior to all Christians is missing for 21 years. Also, I would think that EVERY man would admit that thoses 21 years, from age 13 to 32, are the most "testing" and sin-filled because of human desires and needs.
I am open to any and all thoughts and/or websites which can answer this question...even in part.
The answer is right there...at age 12, when He set His mother and father to great concern, He did what He was told and did not express Himself again until His time. He obeyed His parents. His mother told Him not to do that again (wander away), at age 12, and then she gave Him leave to begin His ministry at the wedding, at age 30.



I am not a scholar, but I would imagine that Jesus pbuh had a difficult childhood considering that his mother was accused of adultery. However, the Holy Bible does not mention that Mary pbuh was punished despite being accused/suspected of a wrong doing, which causes me to think that perhaps Jesus pbuh did not struggle as much in his early years. Perhaps the apostles did not feel the need to document his childhood because they felt the more important part of his life was when he became aware of his Mission.
Another Book, the Holy Qur'an, explains that God the Merciful, allowed Jesus pbuh to speak as a new born, providing the evidence of his miraculous birth. As a result, Mary pbuh was not punished and Jesus pbuh was described to be aware of his importance for humanity right from the start. If this is the case, then why his childhood was not documented in the Gospels? Is it lost? Perhaps the apostles did not know much about his first 21 years or so and did not want to invent stories? God Allmighty knows...
Perhaps in your book, but not in the Christian book...

Careful Amica. You tread on people's hearts here. Mary was never accused of anything. Joseph was going to "quietly" put her away (break the betrothal). He was a man of great conscience and kindness.

She, on the other hand, did nothing but accept what God offered, and I bet it left her heart in trepidation...

But the dream Joseph had, put all that aside, and he carried and married her.


There is nothing to indicate that Jesus had or exercised any miraculous powers during his childhood years, as the fanciful stories recorded in certain apocryphal works, such as the so-called Gospel of Thomas, pretend. The changing of water to wine at Cana, performed during his ministry, was "the beginning of his signs." (Joh 2:1-11) Likewise, while among the family in Nazareth, Jesus evidently did not make a showy display of his wisdom and superiority as a perfect human, as is perhaps indicated by the fact that his half brothers did not exercise faith in him during his ministry as a human, as well as by the disbelief most of the population of Nazareth showed toward him.—Joh 7:1-5; Mr 6:1, 4-6.