Why have my posts been deleted?

Anyway, it looks like I'll be buying a new domain to run CR from - if this goes ahead, I can move the forums to it without a problem, with no posts lost.

People Plan...G-d Laughs !

Seriously though, we all are so grateful for this place and its ability to provide unlimited friendships...thank you.


Tell the tech people that your friend (me) had a vision and knows what is wrong. I saw the whole thing. It was like this:


I don't know how much that helps, but I try to do my part.


Tell the tech people that your friend (me) had a vision and knows what is wrong. I saw the whole thing. It was like this:


I don't know how much that helps, but I try to do my part.​



OMG you must have a hidden webcam on my PC :eek:

gday again all. OMG in love, that little computer punchout is funny as. I havent stopped laughing. love the grey. do you like my new avatar? thats Dinger, my cockatoo.
Hi greymare--glad you got a smile from that. That's how I felt when my computer crashed that time! Heck, sometimes that is how I feel even when I'm not having pc problems--you know, I type something and word it very carefully and somebody's fist full of words comes back on the screen and gives me a punch right in the face!

That's a beautiful bird there. I've been good friends with a parakeet and a cockateil. I miss them both....

you know, I type something and word it very carefully and somebody's fist full of words comes back on the screen and gives me a punch right in the face!

I think we all know about that one InLove. :(