Why are people indulged in killing each other in the name of God?



Why are people indulged in killing each other in the name of God? Ans. The original founders of the religions were the human incarnations of the same God like Krishna, Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha etc. Every religion says that their God only created this entire earth or this entire humanity. Unfortunately, there is only one earth and this proves that there is only one God mentioned by all the religions. Since God is one and the same, there cannot be contradicting concepts between the religions. But we find some contradictions and people are divided based on these contradictions. This division is leading to quarrels and finally killing each other. These contradictions cannot be from God because there is only one God as said above. These contradictions were introduced into the religions by some misinterpretations of the followers only in the name of God. Hence the killing is also done in the name of God only. Q`ran says that you should protect even the follower of other religion and convey the message of Allah to him. It is left to him to follow or not. Hiranyakashipu worshipped Lord Shiva and his son Prahlada ( a great devotee) worshipped Lord Vishnu. Lord Vishnu killed Hiranyakashipu not because he is worshipping Lord Shiva but because he tortured Prahlada to change his religion of worshipping Vishnu. In fact Shiva is Vishnu (Shivashcha Naarayanah…Veda). The conclusion of this is that God will punish you if you torture the devotee of any religion obstructing the freedom of his religion. Prahlada did not force his father to worship Vishnu. The same God exists in different forms in different religions. Hinduism is a mini model of unity in diversity that should exist in the universe as universal spirituality.
Why are people indulged in killing each other in the name of God? the answer to that, is that it is not true religion it is false religion . it is no wonder that the God of the bible tells his people to GET OUT OF HER revelation 18;4
Why are people indulged in killing each other in the name of God? the answer to that, is that it is not true religion it is false religion . it is no wonder that the God of the bible tells his people to GET OUT OF HER revelation 18;4

There are two root causes for the entire chaos and terrorism in this world. One is the thirst for earning money and the other is the religious fanatic. Due to money, people are quarreling, hereas due to religion, countries are quarreling. Unless these two root causes are eradicated we cannot achieve world peace. The tree will not die by cutting leaves and branches. It dies only by cutting its roots. There is no use in earning the extra money. Due to excess money, quarrels, mental worries and several other problems arise. Finally, it ends in loss only and not in any profit. You have to leave all this extra money here only and quit this world alone. Your issues may lose that money given by you. Such sinful extra money brings problems not only to you but also to your children. Neither yourself nor your children will be happy and peaceful. This entire world is the property of God and take whatever is required from it. This is said in Gita, (“Yavanartha….”).

In these days, buffet system is followed during feasts. In this system, large vessels contain various food items and people take food from these vessels according to their requirement. Similarly, God created this entire world and you can take the wealth from it according to your requirement. People are not following the same system when they are taking wealth from this world. The peculiarity is that most rich people follow this buffet system in the feasts but do not follow the same when it comes to earning the money. ‘Esavasya Upanishad’ says that one should return back this extra money to the Lord. Otherwise, the Lord will give the troubles.

In buffet system, if one takes extra food in his plate by over ambition and ignorance for a moment, he returns back immediately before starting eating. Veda says that you must return back the extra money for the God’s work if taken by ignorance. In the buffet system if you eat the extra food, you will suffer from diseases. Similarly, if you enjoy the extra money, God will punish you in several ways.

In this world, people belonging to any religion think that their religion only is the true religion. They think that the God of their religion can alone give the salvation and the worship of that God should be according to their religion only. They also condemn other religions and invite people to convert people into their religion. They do lot of work to establish their religion only in the entire world which shows their ambition. It is just like Alexander’s ambition to make the entire world his kingdom. Alexander wanted to extend his kingdom. But, even he returned back after fighting with Porus (Purushotama) on seeing the loss of life in the battle. But, the ambition of religious fanatics is not subsided on seeing any amount of loss of life. Religion is considered to be backed with spiritual knowledge and the religious people are expected to be free from ambition. We can excuse ambition of any ignorant person like Alexander.

The heart of a religious fanatic will not change by any amount of kindness or love expressed in the appeals. Such appeals can change only the heart and the change in the heart is always temporary. Change in the intelligence brought by knowledge based on logic is always real and permanent. Intelligence (Buddhi) is considered to be the driver of this body, which is like a chariot running by the senses, which are like the horses. If the driver is convinced, the entire chariot along with the horses is in the correct path. The terrorist will not change by love or kindness shown to him. He becomes the terrorist due to the wrong knowledge that enters his brain. He was convinced by that knowledge. That knowledge can be changed only by the right knowledge. A diamond can only be cut by another diamond. Similarly, one type of knowledge can only be replaced by another type of knowledge. Then only, he will be convinced and changed forever.

So far, the trials made to change the terrorist were beating around the bush and therefore, they did not have much effect. Today, SRI GURU DATTA is giving the right knowledge to remove the religious conservatism.
This may seem sad, but IMO it is within our nature to kill each other. Some say religion is the cause of all yours. But i believe WE are the cause of wars, if we do not have religion to divide ourselves then we will find something else, for example living in a different area or country, our race, sexuality etc....
This is due to ignorance and we do not see the 'bigger picture'.
people just suck

Yep, I second that motion, people really suck.

If there was nothing left for people to fight about we would fight about the fact that there is nothing left to fight about. We really are that stupid.
The tree will not die by cutting leaves and branches. It dies only by cutting its roots. .
very true, Daniel 2;44 says it all ,
And in the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin. And the kingdom itself will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it itself will stand to times indefinite;
This may seem sad, but IMO it is within our nature to kill each other. Some say religion is the cause of all yours. But i believe WE are the cause of wars, if we do not have religion to divide ourselves then we will find something else, for example living in a different area or country, our race, sexuality etc....
This is due to ignorance and we do not see the 'bigger picture'.
when people are taught by Jehovah they do not learn war any more ,
"They will all be taught by Jehovah."—JOHN 6:45.
and there is a GREAT CROWD being gathered from ALL nations in unity of thought and action revelation 7;9-10
After these things I saw, and, look! a great crowd, which no man was able to number, out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, dressed in white robes; and there were palm branches in their hands. And they keep on crying with a loud voice, saying: "Salvation [we owe] to our God, who is seated on the throne, and to the Lamb."
and it is these ones that will go on to live in a paradise earth .
But the meek ones themselves will possess the earth,​
And they will indeed find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace. psalm 37;11
Well... some just blow.
getting back on a spiritual track:)
the seven angels with the seven trumpets prepared to blow them." (Revelation 8:6) What does the blowing of those trumpets mean? In the days of Israel, trumpet blasts were used to signal important days or noteworthy events. (Leviticus 23:24; 2 Kings 11:14) Similarly, the blasts of the trumpets that John is to hear will call attention to matters of life-and-death importance........................ those who kill others in the name of God will be judged by the Almighty .
because Jehovah God, who judged her, is strong.revelation 18;8
so my word that goes forth from my mouth will prove to be. It will not return to me without results, but it will certainly do that in which I have delighted, and it will have certain success in that for which I have sent it.ISAIAH 55;11 ................false religion is soon to be destroyed by God .
having a form of godly devotion but proving false to its power; 2 TIMOTHY 3;5.......killing others in the name of God is just false religion isnt it?
The tree will not die by cutting its leaves and branches only it's roots huh?
Well you do know that it is WE that are the roots.
The tree will not die by cutting its leaves and branches only it's roots huh?
Well you do know that it is WE that are the roots.
manmade things are on their way out, in more ways than one . false religion soon to be gone, manmade goverments soon to be gone .
(Psalm 110:5) Jehovah himself at your right hand Will certainly break kings to pieces on the day of his anger.​

(Isaiah 60:12) For any nation and any kingdom that will not serve you will perish; and the nations themselves will without fail come to devastation.

(Revelation 19:15) And out of his mouth there protrudes a sharp long sword, that he may strike the nations with it, and he will shepherd them with a rod of iron. He treads too the winepress of the anger of the wrath of God the Almighty.
a strong angel lifted up a stone like a great millstone and hurled it into the sea, saying: ‘Thus with a swift pitch will Babylon the great city be hurled down, and she will never be found again.’" (Revelation 18:21)