Are We Really Living in “the Last Days”?

mee, I was not referring to Jehovah Witnesses. You DO get all you communicate from one source. If nothing else, your group definitely does spread the news. I just disagree with some elements of your message.

I was referring to those that are cobbling together religions of their own design and attempting to create mix-and-match deities.
Sorry for the confusion, if there was any.:)
because Jehovahs witnesses always speak in unity, and all speak in agreement, i am always getting told off on this site for cutting and pasting, but it is more like unity of thought, so when you mentioned cut and paste i thought you were speaking to me ;) yes you are correct we do all go to the source of the bible for our direction , which comes through the faithful slave spoken of in matthew 24;45-47 which Jesus is feeding and directing . and this means unity indeed and it is all good bible based unity . and it produces good fruitage MATTHEW 28;19-20 MATTHEW 24;14 acts 20;20 matthew 5;5