Hey guys, new to the forum.
It is an authentic website, I stumbled across it when I was leaving the church to find a religion more suited to my personal tastes and opinions that the church was not fond of such as the existence of a "god" male, and a goddess "female", surely life can only be formed between the unity of these two forces, male and female. And the belief that some all loving father would send you to hell forever if you did not obey him while he sat on a cloud watching your every move, earthly parents would never burn their children to death for a mistake(s) they've made, so why would a divine loving being who's beyond negative human emotions like revenge, hate and anger. Of course i'd have been blasted out of there if I expressed these beliefs to the others.
My beliefs are firmly rooted in nature based religions. But I have practiced some teachings of the website, such as raising my consciousness, communing with divine beings such as arch angels, ascended masters and the "Elohim Gods and Goddesses".
A lot of what they teach rings true in my heart, that has never been paralysed by indoctrination which blinds some people to see any truth outside of their view. Unfortunately some people just follow blindly and never pursue the truth, or at least try to experience their beliefs. Only through an experience have my beliefs become solidified, these experiences occurred after practicing some of Kim's techniques. He definitely helped heal my relationship with the cosmic being Jesus Christ.
Incorporating some of Kim's teachings, and with the help and protection of Archangel Michael, and the other ascended beings, I came out of my depression very fast! My friend has had depression for a long time, i've exposed her to his teachings just to see what rings true for her, she has been invoking a lot of spiritual light through the calls and is the blazing sun she once was, it is great to see her rise from the pits of despair just by practicing some spiritual techniques. I'd recommend anybody serious about raising their consciousness or wanting to find some peace over any issue to at least give it a whirl
Or tailor it to fit your religious fashion
There is a lot of valuable information on the website that makes a lot of sense to genuine spiritual seekers I know, but may appear very "alien" to people of certain religions, so I do understand the rejection given by others regarding such a website.
As for the money making part, the website is available for free to all people, you could say the donation is a "thank you" and Kim does sell a lot of audio and e-books which are a very interesting read. So don't brush off the teachings of this website before at least trying to read them first.
Kim offers one thing from this website, and that is a universal spiritual path to lead you back to oneness with the divine through raising your consciousness, the duality consciousness by removing the beam in your own eye, the human ego.
I can say it is a very rewarding path to walk. So if you really want to get close to Jesus, God, Buddha or any divinity, just have a go and open your heart and connect to that being by performing the garden meditation on his website, which you can just type into the search box.
It is not only Christ who may appear in the garden in the kingdom of heaven, in your heart. But any being of the light. So if it rings true, try it, you'll be surprised at how much happier and peaceful you will be in the following weeks, months and even years, I am certainly a far happier person and have never felt so close to the divine (Or whatever label you chose to give him/her/it). I will just say this, the being is one of unconditional love, and you can experience the unconditional love yourself, instead of trying to intellectualise a love that cannot be put into words.
Best of luck.