lol... it hasn't worked for u then, eclectic..?
but, to try and answer your q...
Personally, I think it's a myth that our ego, or definition of self is something to be rid of- what are we, if we are not us? A buddha, one who knows thinking, he must know he knows what he knows, and hopefully, by the same token, he must also be aware of what he doesn't know... that shouldn't mean that he should remove that which he knows, become a small wretched unprincipled idiot, surely? no, and so, the objective is for clear seeing, "samyak-drsti", perfect, or complete seeing... hence...
to see things as they are....
this in itself is easy: u open the eyes, have a look. Do some research. And then things become known. Perhaps this seeing things as they are is not some transcendental thing at all- maybe it's just a simple matter of being honest, realistic, and cultivating wisdom? Looking at issues and suchlike from both sides, understanding the potential repercussions of actions, understanding spin, and hype, and hearsay, etc, while at the same time understanding that you have come to the conclusions you have because of your education and experience of the world, while others might draw completely different conclusions...
without eyes, you cannot see. Without education, people remain stupid.
currently I am thinking that the term ego dissolution must in fact actually be a misnomer? As, for us to experience it there must be someone who watches, sees, feels, experiences... and so "I", "me", "us", "them", they haven't gone.. not entirely, surely?
The ego is much maligned in most religions; this willful backsliding sinful thing and yet- without ego, without a sense of self, without knowledge of what makes us tick, and an appreciation of who we are, which entails understanding where we've come from and understanding all the things we've seen and felt and heard and understanding how all these things makes us the person we are today, we are ignorant. Without a sense of self we become shameless, unprincipled...
in buddhism "mimamsa", or, "no shame" is considered a fetter, a bind, something which will hold you back, yet without an ego, there is no sense of right, and wrong, of what is acceptable and what is not, and so you might fall into the trap of no-shame- which binds you to suffering, in buddhist theory, at least...
the idea is, giving up that part of the ego which is fake, that part of the ego which says- hey, I'm better than you, I'm better than I am, I'm so clever and marvellous, I'm original, self propelling, self originating, such a great individual, when in truth, you are the same as the rest of us, with a mind full of other people's ideas and theories, with a mind full of illusions and fears which don't exist...
...for, it's that false ego which gets us into trouble, blinds us to our own faults and issues, makes us greedy, dishonest, spiteful, and to rid ourselves of these stains, these flaws, we have to understand why they have arisen, and so...
a good, honest appreciation of the self, a small but perfectly formed ego, is a good thing to have... a positive sense of self is something to cherish, not something to deride as inferior, or too human or worldly... stuff that...
if jesus, buddha, mohammed didn't have such well developed sense of themself, their opinions, their ideas, they wouldn't have been the men we think they are today, surely?
some people are seemingly born leaders, teachers, and guides... should we suggest that they do not bother, as their paths are considered too egocentric..? for if we do, there is no buddha, no jesus, no mohammed...
so yes, there can be a red area, where truth is truth, regardless of who you are and where you've come from, and that's the seeing things as they really are part...
lol... cheerio