Yes, I think all religions are
efforts to acknowledge and worship the same God ... as others have said. And everything else is essentially footnotes.
You all are getting closer to answering the question about
why people kill in the name of God, however.
Nasti Paro Dharma [There is no religion higher than Truth] - and eventually, one man gets tired of hearing what another man has to say about the Divine, thus he draws his sword and ends the discussion.
This happens where guns and bombs are used nowadays instead of swords. And it happens on discussion forums, where men (and women) show their lesser selves - or purely personal
egos - and demonstrate that they know no more about God than a hole in the ground.
It is elitism, pure and simple, and the pot
loves to call the kettle black. Whether a war of words, or the war of blood & violence, it is still a `holy war,' although there is really nothing
Holy about it whatsoever!
One sure sign that we are on the wrong track, is to presumptuously and dogmatically proclaim - that
there is no Progressive Revelation ... or that it supposedly
ended at some point in the past. I especially love the absurd idea that
Revelation ended, generally speaking, with "my religion" - whichever religion that tends to be.
Yes, there are lesser revelations, some of them originating with
lesser aspects, presentations, or Representatives of the "same God." But those who are obsessed with the game of declaring, "
My religion is greater than
your religion," these are the elitists, who have missed the point entirely ... and who love to try and turn their elitism around.
Practice your
own religion, if it is so special to you. Do as YOUR God has commanded of you -
lovingly, I hope, else what kind of `god' are you worshipping at all!?!
But do not sit in judgment of
another man's God, and tell him that his religion does not measure up to your own.
Hurry not to stamp out the cult of TRUTH ... under whatever
inconvenient presentation you happen to find it. Seek to build up, instead, your own
cult of Love, of Forgiveness, of Peace and of Understanding, and
SEE how in time, these many tributaries widen, and empty into the same, Great Ocean!
It may be that only a Christ or a Buddha, or a handful of the Greatest of Humanity's Teachers, yet stand
across the ocean on the farthest shore, awaiting our arrival. But they left footprints, and indications to guide the way. No person who looks in earnest will fail to find Them ...