Jesus (pbuh) - failed Prophet


Coexistence insha'Allah
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Last night I was very saddened to watch a documentary about apostacy in Islam. A part of the programme looked at evangelists coming from US to UK to try to convert Muslims. The leader of one such group said that "in Islam Jesus is not the son of G-d but is just a Prophet, a FAILED Prophet. Because he failed he must return again". :eek::eek::eek::mad::mad:

I was hurt, angry and astonished at his utter lies and/or ignorance. I wanted to set out for everyone the beliefs, respect and love of Jesus (pbuh) that Islam teaches.

I realise we disagree about the nature and role of Jesus (pbuh) but I hope you will take time to read this and understand the reverense in which we hold him in our hearts. This is what Islam teaches:

Jesus is mentioned in the Quran, by name, in 25 places. In other places he is called the son of Mary, the Messiah/Christ (our definition of Christ is different to yours), the servant of Allah and as the Messenger of G-d. He is also referrred to as the Word of G-d, the Spirit of G-d and a Sign from G-d. There are others but none are in any way insulting.

There is an entire chapter of the Quran named Maryam (Mary - being the mother of Jesus (pbut)).

The virgin birth - yes we believe in the virgin birth:

“When the angels said: ‘O Mary, indeed Allah gives you glad tidings of a Word from Him, whose name will be the Messiah, Jesus the son of Mary. He will be honored in this world and the next and will be of those close to Allah.’ ” Quran 3:45

“She said: ‘O my Lord, how can I have a son when no man has touched me?’ He said: ‘Even so Allah creates what He wishes. When He decrees something, He only has to say to it: “Be!” and it is.’ ” Quran 3:47

Did Jesus (pbuh) perform miracles?

The first miracle was when Mary (pbuh) returnd to her people after giving birth, as an unwed mother the people accused her of fornication. She refused to speak and simply pointed to her son (a baby):

"When she pointed to him, they asked, 'How can we talk to a child in the cradle?'. He [Jesus] said 'Indeed I am a servant of Allah. He gave me the scripture and made me a prophet.'" (Quran 19:29-30)

This was the first miracle of Jesus (pbuh).

The Quran also tells of Jesus (pbuh) curing the blind, bringing the dead back to life, curing lepers - it also tells that he used to make birds from clay and blow onto them and they would fly away as real birds brought to life.

Why do Muslims not accept the miracles as proof of the divinity of Jesus (pbuh)? Because all things are by God's will alone, G-d performed the miracles through Jesus (pbuh), as He performed the miracle of the parting of the Red Sea through Moses. This miracle did not make Moses divine. I believe in the Bible Elisha & Elijah caused the blind to see and cured lepers - they were not accepted as divine. All of these very special men were gifts from G-d and performed miracles with the permission of G-d, not through their own ability.

We are told that from the Bible we know Jesus (pbuh) did not claim to perform miracles of his own ability: In John 5:30, it is narrated that Jesus also said: “I can do nothing on my own authority; as I hear, I judge; and my judgment is just, because I seek not my own will but the will of him who sent me.

The Mission of Jesus:

G-d sent Jesus (pbuh) as a gift to the world, a light, a confirmation of the Jewish scripture before him. He was given the scripture (Injil) as a guidance to mankind. G-d allowed Jesus (pbuh) to perform miracles as proof of his Prophethood and to show that he was a gift from G-d.

The death of Jesus:

There is debate among Muslims as to whether Jesus (pbuh) was resurrected alive or dead. Most Muslims believe that Jesus ascended to heaven prior to death (various theories abound, someone was crucified in his place, G-d replaced someone with Jesus while on the cross, he simply slipped into unconciousnessness and was revived in the tomb, etc). The Quran gives no specific answer to this question, so the debate rumbles on.

Was Jesus (pbuh) the son of G-d?

For Muslims that is a definate no. He was a Messenger, a Righteous Prophet, a gift to mankind, beloved of G-d. He is alive, in heaven, as I type, alhamdiolillah. For Muslims divinity and worship belong to G-d alone.

And when Allah will say: O Jesus son of Mary! did you say to men, Take me and my mother for two gods besides Allah he will say: Glory be to Thee, it did not befit me that I should say what I had no right to (say); if I had said it, Thou wouldst indeed have known it; Thou knowest what is in my mind, and I do not know what is in Thy mind, surely Thou art the great Knower of the unseen things. I did not say to them aught save what Thou didst enjoin me with: That serve Allah, my Lord and your Lord, and I was a witness of them so long as I was among them, but when Thou didst cause me to die, Thou wert the watcher over them, and Thou art witness of all things (Quran 5:116)

The Second Coming

Again there is debate in Islam as to whether Jesus (pbuh) will return to earth to herald the coming of the Day of Judgement. The hadith are very clear that he will return but those that study the Quran alone are less clear on this issue, as the Quran does not explicit on the second coming.

The most widely held view is that he is alive in heaven and when the time is right, insh'allah, he will descend from heaven, lead an army and kill the anti Christ. He will be preceeded by the anti Christ who will perform minor miracles and try to make people believe he is G-d. We are not to be persuaded by this deception.

The killing of the anti Christ will bring a time of peace, where all creatures will live in peace, wolves will lie with the sheep, lions with camels and all mankind will worship G-d alone. He will remain on earth for 40 (it does not specify days, weeks, months or years but it is presumed to be years) and will then die. During these years he will live as any mortal man does. There is no indication of what he will look like, what colour his skin will be or how he will make himself known.

Jesus (pbuh) will not come with a new message or return as a Prophet, he is coming, as G-d's servant, to confirm the message of G-d and refute the false beliefs about him. He will unite the believers, show us the errors of our various ways and bring us together to the true path of G-d.

Original Sin

Muslims do not believe in original sin, hence the need for Jesus (pbuh) to die for our sins. Every man and woman is responsible solely for their own sin. We do not inherit sin and cannot take upon ourselves the sin of others. Our good deeds do not negate our bad deeds but we will be judged by weight of good deeds compared to bad deeds. G-d will judge everyone with absolute fairness and mercy, giving more weight to our good deeds. Sins as children will not be judged.


Jesus (pbuh) himself called mankind to worship the One True G-d and he will return to repeat this message. He was born of a virgin, performed miracles, was a mortal Prophet, is beloved of G-d and now lives in heaven awaiting the time to return, to confirm his original message.

I know as Chrsitians you will not accept the above but I felt the need to set out our beliefs and refute the utter nonsense that Muslims believe Jesus (pbuh) to be a 'failed' Prophet. He is beloved of Allah, he was one of the greatest Prophets ever sent as a gift from Allah and we love and respect him. We also wait for his return, his killing of the anti Christ and his bringing a time of absolute peace in the world.

I accept that for you it is rude that we do not see him as the son of G-d and for us it is rude that you would worship a man, albeit such a great man, as G-d. These are differces we can live with and accept, I hope. We will all be told the truth of our faith when G-d judges us.

I have tried to give the mainstream Islamic beliefs here, rather than my personal views. I hope Allah will forgive me if I have misrepresented anything.

Thank you for reading my little rant but I felt I had to speak up against such an inaccurate portrayal of my beliefs.

Namaste MW,

Thanks so much for your taking the time to provide this for us!

I've read some of that before....I think in some apocryphal (didn't make the bible canon) texts?

My question is, we realize these documentaries are edited for effect...but what did the Muslims say when the missionary talked about a failed prophet, did they protest as you do?
Thank you, Muslimwoman. You cleared some things up for me, anyway.

One caveat: Christians will differ on the meaning of Original Sin. I believe the orthodox churches (Roman Catholic, EO), believe that original sin from Adam was passed down to all men, and that is why they baptise infants, to cleanse from that original sin.

I, for one, do not believe in original sin, per se, but I do believe that the original sinful nature was passed down from Adam, that is the tendency of being tempted into sin through the weakness of the flesh due to the change as a result of the Fall. Our DNA became corrupted, we get sick, we die, we sweat our brow in the garden, because all nature also fell. Women experience pain in child birth because of the Fall, etc. (But I believe that in the Resurrection, all things will be restored to their pre-Fall state as the original Eden was.)

Since we have this tendency to sin, every person is be prone to temptaions of various sorts, as long as we live in the fallen flesh. But we believe that the Holy Spirit of God is able to dwell in us to help us live according to God's commandments. Our responsibility is to respond to God's call to righteousness in His strength and power. But when we are resurrected, our bodies will be changed to incorruptable flesh that will not be subject to temptation in the hereafter.

Just wanted to clarify this.

Love & Peace

My question is, we realize these documentaries are edited for effect...but what did the Muslims say when the missionary talked about a failed prophet, did they protest as you do?

It wasn't said in front of Muslims Wil or no doubt they would have had something unpleasant to say about it. It was a chap that evangelises at speakers corner in London but he had moved away from the crowd before he said that.

I have no doubt that the Muslim speakers there have just as insulting and uneducated things to say about Christian beliefs but I just needed to answer that particular claim.

One caveat: Christians will differ on the meaning of Original Sin. I believe the orthodox churches (Roman Catholic, EO), believe that original sin from Adam was passed down to all men, and that is why they baptise infants, to cleanse from that original sin.

My apologies Dondi, I wasn't trying to comment in any way on Christian belief, I accept there are various attitudes toward original sin. I was just trying to explain the Muslim view on the subject.

I am with you in the belief that mankind, every last one of us, is sinful by nature and has been since the time of Adam. Is it up to us as to what degree we allow ourselves to follow those desires.

I am with you in the belief that mankind, every last one of us, is sinful by nature and has been since the time of Adam. Is it up to us as to what degree we allow ourselves to follow those desires.


When it come to vices that we become addicted to, I believe that God helps us break those habits, if we are willing to submit to His will. (It's how I quit smoking. :D)
Oh when you have time please will you PM how you managed this (I need step by step instructions, as I am such an addict).

Step 1. Don't put a cigarette in your mouth.

Step 2. Repeat Step 1.

> Continue for the rest of your life.


(My consultancy bill is in the post).
Step 1. Don't put a cigarette in your mouth.

Step 2. Repeat Step 1.

> Continue for the rest of your life.


(My consultancy bill is in the post).

And where are the steps that deal with the cravings, the biting everyones head off (to the point where they ask you to have a cigarette) the weight gain??????
And where are the steps that deal with the cravings, the biting everyones head off (to the point where they ask you to have a cigarette) the weight gain??????

I'm happy to discuss further consultancy services with you, if that is what you require. Usual rates apply.:)

I'm happy to discuss further consultancy services with you, if that is what you require. Usual rates apply.:)


What are you waiting for? Get PMing.

I would love to give up smoking but was interested in how Dondi used his faith to achieve this.
therin lies the difference....I think we are perfect by nature...made in the image...sinful by choice...G!d shines through us 24/7 it is our filters that others see...
One caveat: Christians will differ on the meaning of Original Sin. I believe the orthodox churches (Roman Catholic, EO), believe that original sin from Adam was passed down to all men, and that is why they baptise infants, to cleanse from that original sin.

Hi Dondi:

Actually Original Sin in the sense it is usually mean is present only in the beliefs of the Western Church. The Orthodox churches do not subscribe to that belief.

This article may be of help:

OCA - Q & A - St. Augustine & Original Sin

I didn't want to drag the thread off topic any more than this...sorry.
Really don't have time right now, but has anyone pointed out that Jesus Christ was NOT a prophet at all.
Namaste Pattimax,

can you expound...nothing prophetic at all from Jesus? Can't be prophet and saviour and son and lord and G!d incarnate?

MW as you are aware is countering what one Christian said was Muslim interpretation. Muslims believe Jesus to be prophetic...
171. O People of the Book! Commit no excesses in your religion: Nor say of Allah aught but the truth. Christ Jesus the son of Mary was (no more than) an apostle of Allah, and His Word, which He bestowed on Mary, and a spirit proceeding from Him: so believe in Allah and His apostles. Say not "Trinity" : desist: it will be better for you: for Allah is one Allah. Glory be to Him: (far exalted is He) above having a son. To Him belong all things in the heavens and on earth. And enough is Allah as a Disposer of affairs.

172. Christ disdaineth nor to serve and worship Allah, nor do the angels, those nearest (to Allah.: those who disdain His worship and are arrogant,-He will gather them all together unto Himself to (answer).

173. But to those who believe and do deeds of righteousness, He will give their (due) rewards,- and more, out of His bounty: But those who are disdainful and arrogant, He will punish with a grievous penalty; Nor will they find, besides Allah, any to protect or help them.

174. O mankind! verily there hath come to you a convincing proof from your Lord: For We have sent unto you a light (that is) manifest.
175. Then those who believe in Allah, and hold fast to Him,- soon will He admit them to mercy and grace from Himself, and guide them to Himself by a straight way.


These verses from ( 171-175) from Chapter (Surat) The weman ( Al Nesa) clarify an Islamic view to our prophet Jesus (PUH).

We muslims understand as we informed in Quran That Islam is the religion of our prophet Ibrahiem (PUH) and moses (PUH) and Jesus (PUH) ...and after them Mohammad (PUH) ,,,Islam is to agree that their is no God but Allah,,, any one believe in that will be Muslim...and Islam called to believe in all prophets and respect them ,,, and it is clear that all prophets's message came from the same source to the same target...and Mohammad came to complete the message and correct the twisting of the one heavenly message .

Fine. Rather knee jerk on my part. I am just tired of seeing the lord of the universe being put on the same level as mere prophets.

As for quitting smoking, whatever you try- stick with it. Cancer can be a vicious way to die.
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Fine. Rather knee jerk on my part. I am just tired of seeing the lord of the universe being put on the same level as mere prophets.

Hi Patti

It's ok I did expect some harsh comments. I accept that we have different beliefs as to the nature of Jesus (pbuh). I am not trying to change anyone's mind or insult anyone's beliefs. I was simply annoyed that an evangelist said Muslims believe Jesus (pbuh) to be a FAILED Prophet. I just wanted to set the record straight about what Muslims believe about Jesus (pbuh), that is all.

You may find it annoying that we refer to Jesus (pbuh) as a Prophet but we find it unthinkable that you refer to him as the lord of the universe. For Muslims there is only one Lord of the Universe and that is G-d, who has no partners, sons or equals. I accept you find our view of Jesus (pbuh) insulting to him but equally we find your view insulting to G-d, it is just different beliefs. We do not try to insult Jesus (pbuh), as I know you do not try to insult G-d.

Jesus refers to himself as a prophet... in the Gospels... in the Bible.