Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week


In the Name of God
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Hi all

Really I'm very sad to see this crowding to support the Idea that Islam is a religion of terrorism.:(


This mean ...washing the brains of thousands of people to believe that Islam call for all bad things.

Whom was behind this artful propaganda ?

Islam is a religion of peace and those bad people are created by CIA ...
Osama bin Laden

Bin Laden and the CIA: Details of the Meeting

The idea that after they finished the game....CIA try to kill the player...
after the subsiding of Sovaiat ,,,in afganistan and in their home Russi also... they try to create new enemy to complete the New world project...
after the cooperations between bin laden and CIA at that time ,,they now convert him to great enemy and ...His image was inflating as much as to be real enemy ....he is Just political card between their fingers.
and Islam became the victim.:mad:

we all knew that the game didn't finished yet,,,because the great project of america didn't appear until now .

If we Muslims start a project of awareness from American political Plans...or the artful propaganda ...What is Americans reaction will be ?

See we didn't use Christianity at all ...(When we talk about what happened their in America) ...While they use Islam in their political attitude....
I think they want to create religions war...and what is wanted from Muslims to keep silent and do nothing in this attack...

Put yourself in Islam side ...and be topical and logical then see How you will feel when you see this harm crowding against Islam??

I'm realy sorry
They don't need to create it... there's already a religious war.

Of course, I don't see it as a clash between East and West or Islam and Christianity or Right and Wrong... Good and Evil, but a war within Islam. Progression and regression. Reformation or stagnation.

It's a bit unfair to call Islam an innocent victim in this. Those who stone and oppress women, destroy the trappings of other religions, spit on human rights granted by Islam to all... they do honestly believe Islam, or at least their twisted vision of it, is right and allows them to do this.

While yes, there needs to be awareness directed towards nonMuslims towards the teachings of Islam, you need to also go after the root of what's causing this perception that Islam is a religion of terror.

Your summary of it is a bit... incomplete. We must look towards all of recent (past 100 years or so) of key Muslim players and Islamic thought/political theories and events in the Middle East to understand the situation today. It's not as simple as Usama and the CIA, not by a long shot.
They don't need to create it... there's already a religious war.

Of course, I don't see it as a clash between East and West or Islam and Christianity or Right and Wrong... Good and Evil, but a war within Islam. Progression and regression. Reformation or stagnation.

It's a bit unfair to call Islam an innocent victim in this. Those who stone and oppress women, destroy the trappings of other religions, spit on human rights granted by Islam to all... they do honestly believe Islam, or at least their twisted vision of it, is right and allows them to do this..

you should know that you speak about two billion of Muslims people around the world..and not about group of terrorists people.
the controled west propaganda ..drawing very black vision about islam...I think simple a merican and west people can't be free from the negative thoughts about Islam.because this need,,, efforts to remove the previous ideas and search without bias about the reality situations and history.

Your summary of it is a bit... incomplete. We must look towards all of recent (past 100 years or so) of key Muslim players and Islamic thought/political theories and events in the Middle East to understand the situation today. It's not as simple as Usama and the CIA, not by a long shot

OK,,,again you made relation between Islam as a religion and political events,,,because American system want it to be like that ...when they decided to creat the new enemy after the end of the cold war.

I see that you pointed that it is necessary to take idea about the political circumstances in the arabs world before 100 years ago. to know how the hate between west and arabs start and way ...( again it is not Islam but political avidity).

In 1914 Enver Bey's alliance with Germany led the Young Turks into the fatal step of joining Germany and Austria-Hungary in World War I, against Britain and France. The British saw the Ottomans as the weak link in the enemy alliance, and concentrated on knocking them out of the war. When a direct assault failed at Gallipoli in 1915, they turned to fomenting revolution in the Ottoman domains, exploiting the awakening force of Arab nationalism.

The British found an ally in Sherif Hussein, the hereditary ruler of Mecca (and believed by Muslims to be a descendant of the family of the Prophet Muhammad), who led an Arab Revolt against Ottoman rule, having received a promise of Arab independence in exchange.

But when the Ottoman Empire was defeated in 1918, the Arabs found they had been betrayed, indeed doubly betrayed. For not only had the British and the French concluded a secret treaty (the Sykes-Picot Agreement), to partition the Middle East between them, but the British had also promised via the Balfour Declaration the international Zionist movement their support in creating a Jewish homeland in Palestine, which was the site of the ancient Kingdom of Israel but had had a largely Arab population for over a thousand years. When the Ottomans departed, the Arabs proclaimed an independent state in Damascus, but were too weak, militarily and economically, to resist the European powers for long, and Britain and France soon established control and re-arranged the Middle East to suit themselves.
See also: French Mandate of Syria and British Mandate of Palestine :eek:Syria became a French protectorate thinly disguised as a League of Nations Mandate. The Christian coastal areas was split off to become Lebanon, another French protectorate. Iraq and Palestine became British mandated territories. Iraq became the "Kingdom of Iraq" and one of Sherif Husayn's sons, Faisal, was installed as the King of Iraq. Palestine became the "British Mandate of Palestine" and was split in half. The eastern half of Palestine became the "Emirate of Transjordan" to provide a throne for another of Husayn's sons, Abdullah. The western half of Palestine was placed under direct British administration. The already substantial Jewish population was allowed to increase. Initially this increase was allowed under British protection. Most of the Arabian peninsula fell to another British ally, Ibn Saud.

Saud created the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 1922.
Meanwhile, the fall of the Ottomans had allowed Kemal Atatürk to seize power in Turkey and embark on a program of modernisation and secularisation. He abolished the caliphate, emancipated women, enforced western dress and the use of Turkish in place of Arabic, and abolished the jurisdiction of the Islamic courts. In effect, Turkey, having given up rule over the Arab World, now determined to secede from the Middle East and become culturally part of Europe. Ever since, Turkey has insisted that it is a European country and not part of the Middle East.

Another turning point in the history of the Middle East came when oil was discovered, first in Persia in 1908 and later in Saudi Arabia (in 1938) and the other Persian Gulf states, and also in Libya and Algeria. The Middle East, it turned out, possessed the world's largest easily accessible reserves of crude oil, the most important commodity in the 20th century industrial world. Although western oil companies pumped and exported nearly all of the oil to fuel the rapidly expanding automobile industry and other western industrial developments, the kings and emirs of the oil states became immensely rich, enabling them to consolidate their hold on power and giving them a stake in preserving western hegemony over the region. Oil wealth also had the effect of stultifying whatever movement towards economic, political or social reform might have emerged in the Arab world under the influence of the Kemalist revolution in Turkey.
During the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s, Iraq, Syria, and Egypt made moves towards independence. In 1919, Saad Zaghlul orchestrated mass demonstrations in Egypt known as the First Revolution. While Zaghul would later become Prime Minister, the British repression of the anticolonial riots led to the death of some 800 people. In 1920, Syrian forces were defeated by the French in the Battle of Maysalun and Iraqi forces were defeated by the British when they revolted. In 1924, the independent Kingdom of Egypt was created. Although Kingdom of Egypt was technically "neutral" during World War II, Cairo soon became a major military base for the British forces and the country was occupied. The British were able to do this because of a 1936 treaty by which the United Kingdom maintained that it had the right to station troops on Egyptian soil in order to protect the Suez Canal. In 1941, the Rashīd `Alī al-Gaylānī coup in Iraq led to the British invasion of the country during the Anglo-Iraqi War. The British invasion of Iraq was followed by the Allied invasion of Syria-Lebanon and the Anglo-Soviet invasion of Iran.

In the region of Palestine the conflicting forces of Arab nationalism and Zionism created a situation which the British could neither resolve nor extricate themselves from. The rise to power of German dictator Adolf Hitler in Germany had created a new urgency in the Zionist quest to immigrate to Palestine and create a Jewish state there. A Palestinian state was also an attractive alternative for Arab and Persian leaders to British, French, and perceived Jewish colonialism and imperialism under the logic of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" (Lewis, 348-350).

The British, the French, and the Soviets departed many parts of the Middle East during and after World War II. Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and the Middle East states on the Arabian Peninsula generally remained unaffected by World war II. However, after the war, the following Middle states had independence restored or became independent:
See also: Arab-Israeli conflict, History of the Arab-Israeli conflict, History of Palestine, and History of Israel The struggle between the Arabs and the Jews in Palestine culminated in the 1947 United Nations plan to partition Palestine. This plan attempted to create an Arab state and a Jewish state in the narrow space between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea.

On 14 May 1948, when the British Mandate expired, the Zionist leadership declared the State of Israel. In the 1948 Arab-Israeli War which immediately followed, the armies of Egypt, Syria, Transjordan, Lebanon, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia intervened and were defeated by Israel. About 800,000 Palestinians fled from areas annexed by Israel and became refugees in neighbouring countries, thus creating the "Palestinian problem" which has bedevilled the region ever since. Approximately two-thirds of 758,000—866,000 of the Jews expelled or who fled from Arab lands after 1948 were absorbed and naturalized by the State of Israel.

The fall of the Soviet Union and the collapse of communism in the early 1990s had several consequences for the Middle East. It allowed large numbers of Soviet Jews to emigrate from Russia and Ukraine to Israel, further strengthening the Jewish state. It cut off the easiest source of credit, armaments and diplomatic support to the anti-western Arab regimes, weakening their position. It opened up the prospect of cheap oil from Russia, driving down the price of oil and reducing the west's dependence on oil from the Arab states. And it discredited the model of development through authoritarian state socialism which Egypt (under Nasser), Algeria, Syria and Iraq had been following since the 1960s, leaving these regimes politically and economically stranded. Rulers such as Saddam Hussein in Iraq increasingly turned to Arab nationalism as a substitute for socialism.
It was this which led Iraq into its prolonged war with Iran in the 1980s, and then into its fateful invasion of Kuwait in 1990. Kuwait had been part of the Ottoman province of Basra before 1918, and thus in a sense part of Iraq, but Iraq had recognised its independence in the 1960s. The U.S. responded to the invasion by forming a coalition of allies which included Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Syria, gaining approval from the United Nations and then evicting Iraq from Kuwait by force in the Persian Gulf War. President George Bush did not, however, attempt to overthrow Saddam Hussein's regime, something the U.S. later came to regret. The Persian Gulf War and its aftermath brought about a permanent U.S. military presence in the Persian Gulf region, particularly in Saudi Arabia, something which caused great offence to many Muslims.
The uprising by Hussein, of course, is the backdrop for the classic film "Lawrence of Arabia" and TE Lawrence's rather less romantic book of the period, "Seven Pillars of Wisdom".
you should know that you speak about two billion of Muslims people around the world..and not about group of terrorists people.
the controled west propaganda ..drawing very black vision about islam...I think simple a merican and west people can't be free from the negative thoughts about Islam.because this need,,, efforts to remove the previous ideas and search without bias about the reality situations and history.

Perhaps you should know that you are speaking to a Middle Eastern Muslimah. There's one billion of us, not two... and yes, out of that one billion there are some Muslims who think their religion teaches these horrible things.

Look at Wahhabism, a genuine belief that all other beliefs and religions than Wahhabism, Muslim and nonMuslim, deserve to die. Look at the history that that disgusting little group. Look at the horrors they have done to their own people in Saudi Arabia, and look to the horrors they committed in Bosnia during that war and genocide there. Yes, they tried to ride in there to "help" the Muslims there and when they found out the [SIZE=-1]Bosniaks wouldn't play to their twisted version of Islam- they joined in on slaughtering them. Very recently a small child was ripped out of her mother's arms in Bosnia by a Wahhabist who then injured her while trying to force the little girl into a hijab.

And don't you dare tell me this isn't happening. My own SO, who is Saudi and was raised in that horrible environment, he used to be a Wahhabist. he used to support them, he used to support terrorism. Now he's an atheist because he's just so disillusioned... (And now will probably come the calling of the kaafir, but I don't care. I love him, G-d loves him... how could G-d hold this against him when he's been through that?)

The stripping of women from their rights, forcing them into layers of cloth, denying them freedom and education, denying them their sex organs, and beating them, stoning them in the streets... That's not "American propaganda." It's real and what is happening because of what some people have twisted Islam to be.

There is a war going on. It's not East and West. It's not America vs the Middle East. It's Islam against Islam. The only way I can see America playing into this mess is as a confused, scared, and painfully ignorant bystander.[/SIZE]

Friend said:
OK,,,again you made relation between Islam as a religion and political events,,,because American system want it to be like that ...when they decided to creat the new enemy after the end of the cold war.

I see that you pointed that it is necessary to take idea about the political circumstances in the arabs world before 100 years ago. to know how the hate between west and arabs start and way ...( again it is not Islam but political avidity).

I am making this into a political issue because it is. America didn't create Usamah, he created himself. America saw him as a way to fight against Russia and didn't think of the consequences of giving that sick man bigger deathtoys to play with.

And while all that information may be helpful to others, it's all things I already know, and not really what I was referring to. I was referencing influential political/religious ideologies and their creators and propagators- think more of things like Pan-Islamism, Pan-Arabism, Islamism, Wahhabism. People like al-Wahhab, Qutb...
salaam aleykum

Jamaesi when you say "unfair to call Islam an innocent victim" I am afraid I cannot agree, Islam itself is the innocent victim here. It is Muslims who are not the innocent victims, it is us that take a message of peace and turn it into ugly hatred.

Muslim countries have not helped themselves at all. The rest of the world watches Muslims beheading reporters while everyone shouts Allahuakbar, stoning women in the street, beating women in the street, ranting about Jews being pigs, burning books and declaring all of this to be the 'will of G-d'. In countries in and outside the Mid East people are killing their daughters to save the family honour - do Muslims really think that is acceptable in 2007? In Egypt they are mutilaing their daughters. In Saudi men are legally allowed to beat their wives, who are not legally allowed to drive. We know this is not Islam but this is the face of Islam that the world see's. All of these insane practices are seen as Islamic teachings because behind every one of the practices there is a small army of scholars saying it is Islamic - so we can't blame people for believing it when Muslims themselves say it is true.

As for the bigger picture, we all know Friend that there is a propaganda war against Islam and that it is working. I think what Jamaesi was suggesting is that until we, the Muslim people, stop some of these unacceptable practices then the propaganda war will continue to win. People are never going to believe that Islam is a religion of peace until Muslims stop killing people. People will not believe that Islam offers equality for women until Muslims stop treating women as property. These are just groups of Muslims but negative publicity always speaks louder than positive publicity. My heart breaks for the people of Palestine but while Hamas refuse to renounce suicide bombers and extermintating Israel people will not be able to see the truth of what is happening there because all they can hear are the voices of hatred. This is politics not Islam but while they say these things while holding the Quran, it is bad publicity and makes all Muslims look bad.

There are 1.4 billion Muslims in a world of 6.6 billion people yet every day I hear extreme Muslims say they will not stop the violence until the whole world is ruled by Islam. I for one do not want to be ruled by a regime that would stop me from driving, not allow me to seek medical help without the permission of my husband, burn my books and force the whole world to convert. The Quran teaches there is no compulsion in religion, so do these people think the remaining 4,2 billion people will just wake up tomorrow and decide to convert? No, they want to force them. I for one can understand why people who nothing of our faith are afraid of Islam, if all they hear are extremists.

This is not the fault of Islam but of Muslims who twist the Islamic teachings to suit their desires and hatred.

I do agree friend that America used Bin Laden to rid Afghanistan of the Russians, then they didn't want anything to do with him and he turned into the enemy.

However he kills people, not in a just war but all people, women and children. He teaches that women and their unborn children should die in their homes if their husband has not given permission for her to go to hospital. This is not Islam. I will never support him, he has done so much damage to the image of Islam. He has become the face of Islam that America says Islam it is. This is what people see and believe and Bin Laden is just the proof that America needs that Islam is about hatred and killing.
Hi...And thus Bin Laden is not pursued, not targetted, and allowed to post his dark-dyed-beard harangues on the net so that the "powers that be" may keep on manufacturing a hated enemy who will unwittingly continue to justify the dark murdering that they are carrying out for the ultimate purposes of profits.

And...I must say that the title of this thread causes me a problem when I read it. Why not also have a thread decrying the antics of the Anglo-American Fascist Monolith ?


Yes, I too feal saddened that someone likens Islaam with fashism. Unfortunately, it is some Muslims who have caused this to happen. Many thousands of us have been mute bystanders while the ugly propaganda within the Muslim communities took over the Muslims' practice of islamic teachings. It is not Islam that is evil and hateful. It is some Muslims who believe such about Islaam.
Just like Hitler believed that Jews deserved to die and often called others to remember how Jews "murdered Jesus," certain people in our own backyard are calling Muslims to hate and cause mischief in the world.
I look at the world as a whole, and cannot help but feel the punishment of God towards Muslims. Many thousands of us have stood by watching fanatical sects grow roots within Muslim communities without standing up and expressing what we really want: Islam the way it has always been according to the Holy Qur'an. Now, we are all suffering the consequences: wars, tragedies, being politically ostricized in the world, etc. It is sad that all the events we are going through today all over the world have had to happen in order for us to open our eyes.
But what is fascinating still is that none of us are on the streets demanding the Great Muslim awakening all over the world. We are so conditioned to follow the human 'authority' that we are still hiding, typing on our keyboards all that we want but do not dare express publically. We still need to grow!
But what is fascinating still is that none of us are on the streets demanding the Great Muslim awakening all over the world. We are so conditioned to follow the human 'authority' that we are still hiding, typing on our keyboards all that we want but do not dare express publically. We still need to grow!

assalamu aleykum sister

This is so true and it makes me so angry when I go to Muslim forums and any post that suggests Muslims are not perfect is deleted. They believe everything bad a Muslim does is propaganda by the West - it is insanity.

Yes we have much growth to do but inshAllah we will achieve this and take our place in the world (rather than try to take over the world).

I do speak out publically but then I am seen as a bad Muslim or not a Muslim at all. We need courage and to use our voices.

salaam aleykum

Jamaesi when you say "unfair to call Islam an innocent victim" I am afraid I cannot agree, Islam itself is the innocent victim here. It is Muslims who are not the innocent victims, it is us that take a message of peace and turn it into ugly hatred.

Muslim countries have not helped themselves at all. The rest of the world watches Muslims beheading reporters while everyone shouts Allahuakbar, stoning women in the street, beating women in the street, ranting about Jews being pigs, burning books and declaring all of this to be the 'will of G-d'. In countries in and outside the Mid East people are killing their daughters to save the family honour - do Muslims really think that is acceptable in 2007? In Egypt they are mutilaing their daughters. In Saudi men are legally allowed to beat their wives, who are not legally allowed to drive. We know this is not Islam but this is the face of Islam that the world see's. All of these insane practices are seen as Islamic teachings because behind every one of the practices there is a small army of scholars saying it is Islamic - so we can't blame people for believing it when Muslims themselves say it is true.

As for the bigger picture, we all know Friend that there is a propaganda war against Islam and that it is working. I think what Jamaesi was suggesting is that until we, the Muslim people, stop some of these unacceptable practices then the propaganda war will continue to win. People are never going to believe that Islam is a religion of peace until Muslims stop killing people. People will not believe that Islam offers equality for women until Muslims stop treating women as property. These are just groups of Muslims but negative publicity always speaks louder than positive publicity. My heart breaks for the people of Palestine but while Hamas refuse to renounce suicide bombers and extermintating Israel people will not be able to see the truth of what is happening there because all they can hear are the voices of hatred. This is politics not Islam but while they say these things while holding the Quran, it is bad publicity and makes all Muslims look bad.

There are 1.4 billion Muslims in a world of 6.6 billion people yet every day I hear extreme Muslims say they will not stop the violence until the whole world is ruled by Islam. I for one do not want to be ruled by a regime that would stop me from driving, not allow me to seek medical help without the permission of my husband, burn my books and force the whole world to convert. The Quran teaches there is no compulsion in religion, so do these people think the remaining 4,2 billion people will just wake up tomorrow and decide to convert? No, they want to force them. I for one can understand why people who nothing of our faith are afraid of Islam, if all they hear are extremists.

This is not the fault of Islam but of Muslims who twist the Islamic teachings to suit their desires and hatred.

Fantastic post Sally!

Don't you think that most of the really harsh Islamic fundamentalism is a backlash against the endemic corruption and injustice of the secular governments Muslims have to live under? The only way harsh justice looks good is when there is no justice. These despotic regimes you all live under cloak themselves in robe of the Prophet, but they do not honor the code of justice and piety he instituted. They live in ostentatious comfort while the people suffer. They enrich themselves at the expense of the people. They are unwilling and unable to provide for the basic security and well being of the people, and resort to draconian methods to silence any opposition or critique. Why was Sadat assassinated? Simply because he allowed himself, and by extension the nation, to be humiliated in the process of making peace with Israel? Or because his corrupt, brutal, westernized regime, and his non Islamic public lifestyle and persona galled the moral sensitivities of regular folks, and the peace treaty with Israel was just the last straw?
