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  • *looks around* I c no vomit... Where is this vomit u speek ov? Lol. I like ur bright colors. My retinas aren't so sure, lol, but who listens to their retinas, lol. Pff, pansy eyeballs... (^_^)
    Yes, I am now Medusa. I love snakes and other reptiles..about that gender confusion.
    Seattlegal, I never did see the Giant Palouse Earthworm during my time in that area. I've moved now, so chances that I'll see one around here (in the mountains of Virginia) are slim. ;)
    Thanks for the comment. I am having problems figuring out howmy profile page works. I accidently deleted my comments while goofing around. Something that happens to those of us who aren't so computer literate .~~Jan
    Yesterday was sunny and the temperature got up to about 50, but there is snow in the forecast...
    *pulls off some fancy disco moves...*
    It's the last train to london, just heading out pathless, last train to london... Just leavin' town....

    Ugh yeah! They call me the cuban heel!
    oh yeah, Pathy, I had the "best" time. Ill be back soon, lol. Not soon enough for me......
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