"What The Bible Really Says"...?


Chin Up =)
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Oh.... i just spent about an hour writing this post and i hit the back button... ouch, here we go again with the shorter version.

It's been quite sometime since i have thought about anything remotely religious and then about 2 weeks ago i discovered a christian rock band which i'm really quite fond of. After reading abit about them, and learning how important their 'faith' seems to be to them, i wanted to try and learn abit more about Christianity. After all i have done the christmas thing every year of my life for as far back as i can remember...
So, i was typing some things into google looking for something i could understand (all that bible lang just confused me) and i found a site, probably not the best site to be looking at but i saw an article on it which caught my attention, and as you do, i decided to have a look.
Something like this has probably been discussed before, hopefully not this very page, but i just wanted to know from ppl who know the Bible, who've understood it... Is whats written on this page true and if so how does it make you feel, etc...?

>> What The Bible Really Says: Some Shocking Statements
i like this book published by Jehovahs witnesses its called
What Does the Bible Really Teach?
Not really what i was hoping for, ty for the suggestion never the less Mee. *shakes head and smiles*

So, either this is a very 'touchy' subject; meaning what's on that page is most probably true, lmao haha! Or no one really knows... wow.
Oh, it's all too :cool: lol.

Well, i had a little giggle anyways. :p;):D
lol and Namaste Mason!

The two links are perfect book ends for discussion!

And they actually have many things in common. Odds are mee won't read or contemplate what the atheist has to say and the atheist wouldn't take a second look at mee's link. They also are both literalists:eek: If you tell either one of them that the bible is a book of stories and full of allegory, metaphor, parables that have more than a literal interpretation they'll both have arguments over that.

So congrats Mason, explore away. Yes folks believed G!d committed genocide, encouraged genocide, and all sorts of slaying, slewing, and smiting. Do you believe it?

Sent em all to hell, yesiree...do you believe it?

But forgiving? hmmm Nonjudgmental?? hmmm isn't that what Jesus preached??

Does the bible if read literally contain bestiality, incest, pedophilia, murder, rape, and all sorts of abomination by today's standard? Yup.

Do I believe it all occurred EXACTLY as written? Nope.

Do I believe it all has purpose for our personal growth? Yup.
Actually Wil both the links are complete trash.
Good try though Mason your gonna need to do alot better to get much of a rise here.
Namaste Dor,

You know what they say, one person's trash is another's treasure. And me being the silver lining kinda guy, anything that will open discussion and provide a venue for folks to realize the value of a relationship with spirit is all good in my book!
Well you know me also Wil and relationships with spirits are not what I desire*too many of them leading us astray*.

Only thing needed to show the value of a relationship with Jesus Christ is The Holy Bible.
Some guy trying to disprove it and some manmade doctrine leading people away from Christ are just going to mislead some poor souls for awhile.
Well you know me also Wil and relationships with spirits are not what I desire*too many of them leading us astray*.

Only thing needed to show the value of a relationship with Jesus Christ is The Holy Bible.
Some guy trying to disprove it and some manmade doctrine leading people away from Christ are just going to mislead some poor souls for awhile.
Not spirits, but spirit, the Holy Spirit if you will, or our Creator...G!d!

But if what the OP says is true...this fellow was wandering not thinking anything, and this site got him from wandering to wondering, the Lord works in mysterious ways...
Good try though Mason your gonna need to do alot better to get much of a rise here.

What does he mean by this? Get a rise? I haven't heard that expression b4...

? |o_O| ? Oh say it wasn't at all offensive! :mad: haha!

& Btw Dor, u sound so defensive, chill lol.

;) @ wil
The website is one guys opinion, and he's welcome to it.
Something like this has probably been discussed before, hopefully not this very page, but i just wanted to know from ppl who know the Bible, who've understood it... Is whats written on this page true and if so how does it make you feel, etc...?

>> What The Bible Really Says: Some Shocking Statements

Greetings Mason,
You're better to discuss specific verses rather than the whole site.

Firstly it's not productive to mix the Old Testament verses with the New. Remember the Law was brought by Moses but Grace and Truth were brought by Jesus Christ.

There have been Churches in the past that didn't read the Old Testament at all.

Some come to Christ via the Bible - but not all. Jesus didn't say "Nobody comes to Me but by the Bible". In fact, Christ only ever wrote in the sand- He purposely didn't write a book.

As for Luke, here is another translation (God's Word):

"If people come to me and are not ready to abandon their fathers, mothers, wives, children, brothers, and sisters, as well as their own lives, they cannot be my disciples.
Briefly, this means that for the purposes of Greater Love, we must break the blood ties (and tribalism) and embrace all of Humanity.

Every Age translates the Bible in way suitable for the digestion of its people.

Best Wishes,
You're not the same Mason from SS are you?

If you're as genuinely intrigued as you claim what I would do is take any one little thing about the Bible that interests you and research it. Get some reputable commentary and a concordance; some maps of the territory...all of which can be found in a good Bible. The other thing is that the Bible really isn't that hard of a read. It's full of stories, and any text can easily be read in the context of whatever story it shows up in. No one can tell me that you can't understand the Bible without the aid of theology. Start at Genesis and just check out the stories in the Torah part for a start. There's some wild stuff in there.

Wil said:
The two links are perfect book ends for discussion!

And they actually have many things in common. Odds are mee won't read or contemplate what the atheist has to say and the atheist wouldn't take a second look at mee's link. They also are both literalists If you tell either one of them that the bible is a book of stories and full of allegory, metaphor, parables that have more than a literal interpretation they'll both have arguments over that.

This is exactly right I think. Exactly.

SS doesn't ring any bells Chris, so i'd say no, i'm not. :p

Bruce, thanks for ur post; i felt i learnt a little from it. I'll read it again just to be sure. ;)

I'm slightly surprised no one asked what band i was talking about,.. they are called Kutless btw.

They do have a good sound. And a very good message
As for your list...I have encountered those before. They just show that person who made the list has something against God's Word. Usually there are HUGE context problems, and this guy in particular has a real fear of castration. (the fear is valid, but this guy seems to have a hang-up.)
Only thing needed to show the value of a relationship with Jesus Christ is The Holy Bible.
very true ,and what the bible REALLY
teaches is what it is all about.going to the bible to find out how to get everlasting life is the answer. and as John 17;3 says,
This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ. ................... and the bible also tells us that the true God is Jehovah , PSALM 83;18 and this true God sent his son to the earth , as the bible imforms us at John 3;16. yes ,finding out what the bible REALLY teaches is what it is all about.And the bible also informs us that the true God has set up a heavenly kingdom and that kingdom will CRUSH and put an end to manmade kingdoms as Daniel 2;44 informs us. and the bible also informs us that Jesus is the one to be given great aurthority, and it is his father Jehovah God ,who is known as the (ANCIENT OF DAYS ) that gave Jesus all that aurthority Daniel 7;13-14And it is only by putting our trust in that heavenly kingdom, with Jesus as a ruling king that we will get through the GREAT TRIBULATION( REVELATION 7;14)revelation 7;9-10 And NOW is the time to find out WHAT THE BIBLE REALLY TEACHES.yes its all happening in this time of the end ,bible prophecy is now well along and 1914 was the end of the gentile times , yes finding out what the bible really teaches is the way to go as it will lead to everlasting life in a paradise Earth for a great crowd of meek ones . as the bible promises.PSALM 37;11
But the meek ones themselves will possess the earth,

And they will indeed find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace.

(Matthew 5:5) "Happy are the mild-tempered ones, since they will inherit the earth.:)
(Revelation 21:3) With that I heard a loud voice from the throne say: "Look! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his peoples. And God himself will be with them...................nice