Bruce Michael
Well-Known Member
Hi All,
We are living in an age where we need to develop the Consciousness Soul. What does living "in the Consciousness Soul" mean?
You could start by reading chapter one of "Theosophy" part four. You still might be in the dark, though.
Chapter I: 4. Body, Soul and Spirit
There is another aspect to the Consciousness (or Spiritual) soul, and that is the importance of individuals making free decisions, being "true to oneself". This is a theme in Steiner's "Philosophy of Spiritual Activity", but really a theme for the whole of Anthroposophy.
Dr. Steiner defined Anthroposophy itself as a living out of the Consciousness Soul. (See definition in Awakening to Community.)
Steiner was careful when giving advice to present facts and let people decide for themselves.
We are capable of making our own good decisions out of the Consciousness Soul, because through it we attain to the Eternal Spirit, the True and the Good - see "Theosophy". That gives us the power to make our own "moral imaginations".
This ability is a fairly new one bestowed upon Man, and still, as they say on a lot of websites, "under construction".
The other aspect is the direct spiritual intuitions a student may have, which are not just a result of intellectualising or study. Here one must talk of Manas or Spirit Self as well as Consciousness Soul (Quotes from "Theosophy".)
We are living in an age where we need to develop the Consciousness Soul. What does living "in the Consciousness Soul" mean?
You could start by reading chapter one of "Theosophy" part four. You still might be in the dark, though.
Chapter I: 4. Body, Soul and Spirit
There is another aspect to the Consciousness (or Spiritual) soul, and that is the importance of individuals making free decisions, being "true to oneself". This is a theme in Steiner's "Philosophy of Spiritual Activity", but really a theme for the whole of Anthroposophy.
Dr. Steiner defined Anthroposophy itself as a living out of the Consciousness Soul. (See definition in Awakening to Community.)
Steiner was careful when giving advice to present facts and let people decide for themselves.
We are capable of making our own good decisions out of the Consciousness Soul, because through it we attain to the Eternal Spirit, the True and the Good - see "Theosophy". That gives us the power to make our own "moral imaginations".
This ability is a fairly new one bestowed upon Man, and still, as they say on a lot of websites, "under construction".
The other aspect is the direct spiritual intuitions a student may have, which are not just a result of intellectualising or study. Here one must talk of Manas or Spirit Self as well as Consciousness Soul (Quotes from "Theosophy".)
The "I" is the highest expression of Consciousness Soul- it could be called an "over-ego". (My old copy of "Theosophy" refers to the Intellectual Soul as "Kama Manas".)"The "I" lives in the soul. Although the highest manifestation of the "I" belongs to the Consciousness Soul, one must, nevertheless, say that this "I" raying out from it fills the whole soul, and through it exerts its action upon the body."
In order to understand anything of an esoteric character it is essential to be adept in both intellect and imagination. Reasoning alone, will not bring to life the spiritual realities in the soul. Not everyone is so gifted as to be able to imagine and reason well at the same time, but numbers will grow in time. I suppose you could call it "heart thinking.""The spirit forming and living as "I" will be called spirit self because it manifests as the "I," or ego, or self of man. The difference between the spirit self and the consciousness soul can be made clear in the following way. The consciousness soul is in touch with the self-existent truth that is independent of all antipathy and sympathy. The spirit self bears within it the same truth, but taken up into and enclosed by the "I," individualized by it, and absorbed into the independent being of the individual. It is through the eternal truth becoming thus individualized and bound up into one being with the "I" that the "I" itself attains to the eternal."
"The spirit self is a revelation of the spiritual world within the "I," just as from the other side sensations are a revelation of the physical world within the "I". In what is red, green, light, dark, hard, soft, warm, cold one recognizes the revelations of the corporeal world. In what is true and good are to be found the revelations of the spiritual world. In the same sense in which the revelation of the corporeal world is called sensation, let the revelation of the spiritual be called intuition."