Max Heindel

Bruce Michael

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Dear Friends,
Count Carl Grasshoff (a Dane), a student of Dr. Steiner's, collected the typescripts of some his lectures before they had been published and took them to America.

There he added some of his own touches and published the lot under the title of "The Rosicrucian Cosmo Conception", using the pen name of "Max Heindel". The first edition of this work was dedicated to Rudolf Steiner.

The Cosmo Conception has some of the elements of Steiner's teaching but it is not purely Steiner. There is a different teaching on the nature of Christ, for instance, and it doesn't mention Ahriman.

Dr. Steiner talks about a group in California stealing his teachings in his Fifth Gospel.

This is the most comprehensive research I have found on the matter:


Written by a member of the Rosicrucian Fellowship (Charles Weber); it seems to have got him into a lot of hot water!

Here is the quote from the Fifth Gospel:
New Age streams of various kinds....

"A man from
America, who spent weeks and months getting to know our teachings, transcribed and carried them off in a watered-down form to America, where he has given out a plagiarised 'Rosicrucian Theosophy.'
True, he says he learnt a good deal from us over here, but that he was summoned to the Masters and learnt more from them. He says nothing, however, about having learnt from us the deeper things which he had drawn from the then unpublished lecture-courses."
Heinde/Steiner Controversy
Poor old Charles suffered the fate of many a whistleblower:

Mount Ecclesia

Here is a reply he wrote to one of his detractors:
November 4, 2003 posted at Rosenet

Re: Max Heindel, a True Warrior

Dear friend,

Please do allow yourself to entertain in your mind the thought that through your above exposition you may be perpetuating a whole century of a distorted view of past events involving the Rose Cross vs. Rudolf Steiner & Max Heindel.

Although acquainted to some degree with the Teachings presented by both of these advanced souls, at least in main esoteric aspects, it is not my purpose to enter here a discussion on this subject.

As such, it is the aim of this brief lines of mine to merely provide unto you one link to a simple story from the Lakota, a Native American people, about a great Spiritual Teacher of a far past, called:

Hope this "story" may be helpful when in future occasions one performs a restrospective analysis of both individuals upon discussion.

Best, Marco

P.S: some related articles to the Christian mystic Max Heindel at the free Wikipedia encyclopedia:

- Max Heindel (a biography)
- The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception (the magnum opus)
- The Rosicrucian Fellowship & Mount Ecclesia ("A great lodge..."!?)

« In all occult schools the pupil is first taught to forget all else when a new teaching is being given, to allow neither preference nor prejudice to govern, but to keep the mind in a state of calm, dignified waiting. As skepticism will blind us to truth in the most effective manner, so this calm, trustful attitude of the mind will allow the intuition, or "teaching from within," to become aware of the truth contained in the proposition. That is the only way to cultivate an absolutely certain perception of truth. » by Max Heindel in A Word to the Wise in The RCC
Re: Max Heindel, a True Plagiarisist

Although acquainted to some degree with the Teachings presented by both of these advanced souls, at least in main esoteric aspects, it is not my purpose to enter here a discussion on this subject.

As such, it is the aim of this brief lines of mine to merely provide unto you one link to a simple story from the Lakota, a Native American people, about a great Spiritual Teacher of a far past, called:
Hope this "story" may be helpful when in future occasions one performs a restrospective analysis of both individuals upon discussion.

Best, Marco

Hello Marco,
Yes there is much to learn in the Rosicrucian Fellowship.
I take it that you didn't study the material on the link authored by one of your great Heindel students.


If you are serious why not publish the Cosmo with the original dedication to Rudolf Steiner?

These are Dr. Steiner's claims:
"A man from America, who spent weeks and months getting to know our teachings, transcribed and carried them off in a watered-down form to America, where he has given out a plagiarised 'Rosicrucian Theosophy.'
True, he says he learnt a good deal from us over here, but that he was summoned to the Masters and learnt more from them. He says nothing, however, about having learnt from us the deeper things which he had drawn from the then unpublished lecture-courses."

Happy Days,
Re: Max Heindel, the Rose Cross

Hi Mr. Bruce Michael,

Hello Marco,
Yes there is much to learn in the Rosicrucian Fellowship.
I take it that you didn't study the material on the link authored by one of your great Heindel students.


If you are serious why not publish the Cosmo with the original dedication to Rudolf Steiner?

But I am acquainted with the mentioned study by Mr. Charles Weber, as well as with subsequent comments to it from both sides.
Yet, I still found far more valuable previous studies from Mr. Weber such as:
The Mystic and Occult in Max Heindel's Writings

In the end, it is the approach you apply that causes ones' interpretation of such events of "things in heaven and earth"; and the approach seen in the conclusion one draws reveals to those aware who one currently is. It is the same basic difference of approaches that currently, though unseen to most, truly starts dividing the world between the Night Elves and the Light Elves: "the Light-Elves are as thoroughly good as the Night-Elves are bad". These two irreconciliable approaches are called materialism, an ideology that today illudes the majority of us, and Spirituality.

These are Dr. Steiner's claims:
"A man from America, who spent weeks and months getting to know our teachings, transcribed and carried them off in a watered-down form to America, where he has given out a plagiarised 'Rosicrucian Theosophy.'
True, he says he learnt a good deal from us over here, but that he was summoned to the Masters and learnt more from them. He says nothing, however, about having learnt from us the deeper things which he had drawn from the then unpublished lecture-courses."

And this is the starting point of the materiliazation of the Work entrusted to Max Heindel, after one messenger who "had proven faithless by 1905":

« We made a large cross of the same style as our emblem, and on the three upper ends we had painted, in gilt letters, the initials: C R C. These, you know, represent the symbolical name of our great Head, and designate our emblem as the Christian Rose Cross, which conveys an idea of beauty and a higher life so different from the gloom of death usually associated with the black cross.
Our responsibility to aid thousands of weary hearts to bravely bear their burdens has often seemed beyond our strength; yet always have we found our powers renewed by looking within; and this time it seemed as if all Nature wanted to cheer us and was saying: "Take courage, remember the Work is not yours but God's; trust entirely in Him; He will point the way." So we clasped hands and took heart with new strength to carry on the beautiful work of which Mt. Ecclesia is to be the center.
At the appointed time I broke ground for the building. All helped to excavate for the cross, which was set by Wm. Patterson. Mrs. Heindel planted the rose, which was then watered by all present. May it grow, may it bloom, to adorn the nakedness of the cross and be an inspiration to purity of life that will cover all past sins, no matter how dark the life may have been. » in The Founder's Cross (C.R.C.): 1911, October 28

Hope these brief lines may be found helpful at these times.
At your service, Marco

Makes you reward, baron, the Sapience
Supreme of, with the corporal eyes
see what can not the vain science
of the wrong and miserable mortals
-- Luís Vaz de Camões in The Lusiads: Canto X
Re: Max Heindel, the Resolution

Yes there is much to learn in the Rosicrucian Fellowship.

Indeed; and those having an affinity to the Spiritual teachings of Rudolf Steiner may be able to grasp how much, indeed, there is to learn at this Fellowship; through this simple study into the sources:

Tell us something about the Heindel-Steiner connection
"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God." Matt 5:9

At least please do give some thought to the available exposition of Mr Jeff Auen, a writer and teacher of Anthroposophy.

May you have, dear friend, a blessed and fruitful new year.
Goodbye, Marco
Re: Max Heindel, the Resolution

Indeed; and those having an affinity to the Spiritual teachings of Rudolf Steiner may be able to grasp how much, indeed, there is to learn at this Fellowship; through this simple study into the sources:

Tell us something about the Heindel-Steiner connection
"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God." Matt 5:9

At least please do give some thought to the available exposition of Mr Jeff Auen, a writer and teacher of Anthroposophy.

May you have, dear friend, a blessed and fruitful new year.
Goodbye, Marco

Hello Frater Marco,

Yes I know Jeff.

What is the situation with Charles Weber today? He was treated badly by the board in my opinion. After all, he is a great Rosicrucian student - and editor of the Rays magazine. His article was very well researched- with all the relevant quotes.

By removing all of Rudolf Steiner's work from their magazine the Fellowship does itself a disservice.

Students are attracted to the Rosicrucian Fellowship because it has a more religious feel to it- as long as it doesn't turn into a dogmatic religion.

There used to be another organisation- The Rosicrucian Anthroposophic league:
Rosicrucian Anthroposophic League

Here is letter form Charles:
From: Charles Weber [mailto:cswanweber@...]
Sent: Tuesday, July 04, 2006 12:28 PM
To: Danielle Chavalarias
Subject: Brothers in spirit and in truth

Dear Members of the Board of the Rosicrucian Fellowship,

Once again, some of you have chosen to be close-minded, irrational, and self-contradictory by setting up a Rays Gestapo to detect and presumably cull from the Rays Magazine any evidence of influence or information coming from Rudolf Steiner--an impossible task, short of withholding the complete issues. Not because there is so much Steiner in the Rays but because there is so much of the Cosmo in Steiner. The perspective you elect is vital to the Fellowship's health and prosperity, and your view of this matter can either release you from insularity to enjoy the freeing sense true Fellowship, or condemn you to misunderstanding and insecurity.

Forced amnesia cannot gainsay the fact that the Cosmo contains "much valuable information received" from Rudolf Steiner. Charles Weber did not say this. Charles Weber is not the origin of this statement. These are the words of Max Heindel, the founder of the Rosicrucian Fellowship. His superb text, The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception, is dedicated ( in the first edition) to Steiner and employs these very words:

"To my valued friend, DR. RUDOLPH [sic] STEINER, in grateful recognition of much valuable information received..."

Make of it what you will, yet these words will stand for all time as written.

Elsewhere ("The Heindel-Steiner Connection", ample evidence is given to show the commonality between much of what is contained in the Cosmo and the antecedent texts of hundreds of Steiner's lectures and books published before Heindel's visit to Germany, where, "From the beginning of November, 1907, to the end of March, 1908, the writer [Heindel] devoted his time to the investigation of the teachings of Dr. Steiner" (Cosmo, 2nd Ed., Preface).

These facts do not imply that Heindel did not contact an Elder Brother of the Rose Cross and receive the Teachings (dictated in German). We know he did. But they do tell us that Rudolf Steiner and his teachings are in concord with, indeed, in great part are of the same spiritual blood as what Max Heindel has given us in the Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception. That is to say, the Steiner opus is of Rosicrucian provenance and content. Thus: "It should be understood that the introduction of a correct esotericism in the West can only be of the Rosicrucian-Christian type..." (Letter, 1907, Correspondence and Documents, p. 18). And thus, "The Rosicrucian method of initiation is especially for modern people; it meets the needs of modern conditions....It will for long centuries to come be the right method of initiation into spiritual life..." (Supersensible Knowledge, 13 lectures, Berlin, 1906-1907, p. 149). And, finally, in the words of Christopher Bamford, editor of the Anthroposophic Press, publisher of Steiner's books, the following: "...mplicit in these lectures and writings [of Rudolf Steiner], is the affirmation of the primacy of Rosicrucianism both for Rudolf Steiner personally and for anthroposophy, the spiritual science that he initiated. Rosicrucianism, in fact, is the golden, unifying thread that runs through Steiner's life and work" (The Secret Stream, Christian Rosenkreutz and Rosicrucianism, p. 248).

Please, my friends, ask yourself, if Rudolf Steiner is not qualified to be quoted in the Rays Magazine, who is? Remember, much of what is in the Cosmo, like it or not, was spoken from various podiums in European (primarily German) cities before the Cosmo was written. "The Heindel-Steiner Connection" gives ample proof of this fact, for those who have not made this discovery by reading Steiner's work on their own volition. How does this commonality make Steiner a pariah, not to be quoted or mentioned in Fellowship publications, when Max Heindel set the precedent?

Were our recently appointed Steiner sleuths to be consistent, they should cull from Corinne Heline's books all references to Rudolf Steiner, of which there are numerous: After all, he is propounding Rosicrucian Philosophy.

I have aired all of this before, at great lengths, making every effort to be reasonable, objective, and fair-minded, being far more concerned by where the facts and my desire for truth lead me than by toeing party lines and subscribing to an exclusivist position advanced by a few Fellowship members. The Aquarian mindset is universalist in outlook. If the Fellowship is truly the herald of the Aquarian Age, as Max Heindel states in Rosicrucian Mysteries (p. 12), let it be demonstrated. If the core teachings, the essential significance of the contributions of Max Heindel and Rudolf Steiner cannot be seen as complementary and in concord, one is simply not sufficiently familiar with their work. In some instances, one has rushed to a skewed judgment to support a prior opinion or impression.

If, as Max Heindel writes in the preface to the Second Edition of the Cosmo, the "teaching given by the Elder Brother corroborated the teachings of Dr. S. along main lines," how can these teachings of Steiner not be Rosicrucian, not be worthy of quotation, not be freely alluded to and discussed, not be intellectually embraced? They are in such conformity with what Max Heindel gives us in the Cosmo that, he says, "it was thought better to dedicate the book to Dr. S. than seem a plagiarist." Why should Heindel have seemed to be a plagiarist? Because of this near identity of texts! Then again, it makes eminent sense: Both men are expounding Rosicrucian Teachings: One from his supersensible researches, one from his direct contact with an Elder Brother of the Rose Cross (and later from his own supersensible investigations). In either case, both men are giving forth from the same body of spiritual knowledge.

It is to be hoped that the fortress mentality, irrational fears, and reflex defensiveness of a few members who are making adverse decisions regarding this issue will have the spiritual fortitude and character to address the facts presented here, and far more fully elsewhere, and summon the courage and humility to rescue their beleaguered position and discover that where there were presumed adversaries there are friends, where there was seeming division, there is unity, where there was bad faith, there is good will.

The realities will not change. Our view of the realities, however, can, must, and will change.

In Fellowship,

Charles Weber

In Fellowship,
A Confession

Dear Mr. Bruce Michael and Friends,

It is may intimate belief that all will be clarified in due time; as there is yet a promise that is written and kept until the time comes:

« We ought therefore here to observe well, and make it known unto everyone, that God hath certainly and most assuredly concluded to send and grant to the world before her end, which presently thereupon shall ensue, such a truth, light, life, and glory, as the first man Adam had, which he lost in Paradise, after which his successors were put and driven, with him, to misery. Wherefore there shall cease all servitude, falsehood, lies, and darkness, which by little and little, with the great world's revolution, was crept into all arts, works, and governments of men, and have darkened the most part of them. For form thence are proceeded an innumerable sort of all manner of false opinions and heresies, that scarce the wisest of all was able to know whose doctrine and opinion he should follow and embrace, and could not well and easily be discerned; seeing on the one part they were detained, hindered, and brought into errors through the respect of the philosophers and learned men, and on the other part through true experience. All the which, when it shall once be abolished and removed, and instead thereof a right and true rule instituted, then there will remain thanks unto them which have taken pains therein. But the work itself shall be attributed to the blessedness of our age. »

Till that time, as it is has been taught unto us: Ora et Labora.

Grateful. Yours, Marco
We live a code of criticism and condemnation with small appreciation of the works of others. Sects and creeds build up walls about themselves, and only heroic souls in whom spiritual perceptions are truly awake can rise above these imaginary limitations. Think back over the books that you have read and recall how seldom it is that any writer speaks well of another. Each man, firm in his own opinions, gives scant courtesy to the opinions of others. There are many teachers in this world who instruct with words, but only a few who instruct with the noble example of generous deeds.
The true purposes of mysticism are to perpetuate, interpret and apply the idealism of the race. Men turn to religion for guidance, encouragement and solace. We want religion to stand back of us when we try to live honest lives. We want to know that there exists somewhere in the world a body of united people who are upholdingspiritual values in a world of crumbling material manifestations. We are all seeking inspiration. We want ideals. We want a worthy purpose to unite us in action. We desire to establish in this vale of tears a spiritual structure which shall be elevated above the humdrum. We want to go out into life recognizing our spiritual institutions as oases in a desert of materialism.
Civilization is in the throes of a great reconstruction period. As never before in recorded history men are seeking solutions to imminent and eminent problems. Church and State alike are reaching out to grasp something that is secure, something they may cling to when the world they have known passes into oblivion.
During the period of the great Wrold War metaphysics lost a great opportunity to make a permanent contribution to the race by allowing itself to be broken up by internal disruptions and controversies. Organizations which should have been dedicated to the unselfish service of mankind instead wasted their energy in vain wranglings over personal issues of little if any importance.
Our present crisis is far greater than the World War. The whole civilized world is struggling against selfishness and corruption. A new and great opportunity is at hand for the application of spiritual solutions to material problems. It is the duty of all spiritually enlightened individuals to forget all differences, sacrifice all personal ambitions, and rededicate themselves to the great ideals which brought their various orders and societies into existence.
During the great boom period immediately preceding the present economic crisis even mystical organizations were infected by the bacilli of wealth, personal ambition and exploitation. Personalities eclipsed principles and individuals and organizations departed from those simple truths which are the essentials of intelligent living. Then came the collapse. Material values dropped like plummets to an unfathomable depth. Ambitions were scattered to the winds and the race was confronted with problems which can only be solved through a restatement of spiritual values and a rededication of men and organizations to principles of enlightenment and truth.
Both H.P Blavatsky and Max Heindel gave their lives in a beautiful service to the spiritual needs of the race. Both went to early graves, broken by responsibility and persecution. Each has left as a legacy to unborn generations a metaphysical literature which shall survive the visissitudes of time.
- excerpts from Manly P. Hall's introduction to Max Heindel's booklet Blavatsky and The Secret Doctrine , little essay on H.P. Blavatsky and "The Secret Doctrine" published in 1933

Both Madame Blavatsky and Mr. Heindel dedicated their lives to the service of mankind. Each was devoted to the dissemination of spiritual knowledge. Both were rewarded for the most part by ingratitude, persecution and misunder- standing. Both suffered from the falseness of friends and learned how cruel the world can be to those who seek to educate and improve it. Only the leader of a spiritual movement can realize how heavy a responsibility leadership can become. Madame Blavatsky had already passed into the invisible world before Max Heindel began his ministry. They never met upon the physical plane. Though denied personal acquaintance with the great Oriental occultist, Max Heindel came to understand Blavatsky through years of similar service to the same high ideals. He came to understand her as only a mystic can, and his appreciation of her loyalty and her patience was deepened by the adversities which he himself endured.
Both H.P Blavatsky and Max Heindel gave their lives in a beautiful service to the spiritual needs of the race. Both went to early graves, broken by responsibility and persecution. Each has left as a legacy to unborn generations a metaphysical literature which shall survive the visissitudes of time.
The true purposes of mysticism are to perpetuate, interpret and apply the idealism of the race. Men turn to religion for guidance, encouragement and solace. We want religion to stand back of us when we try to live honest lives.
We want to know that there exists somewhere in the world a body of united people who are upholding spiritual values in a world of crumbling material manifestations. We are all seeking inspiration. We want ideals. We want a worthy purpose to unite us in action. We desire to establish in this vale of tears a spiritual structure which shall be elevated above the humdrum. We want to go out into life recognizing our spiritual institutions as oases in a desert of materialism.
Civilization is in the throes of a great reconstruction period. As never before in recorded history men are seeking solutions to imminent and eminent problems. Church and State alike are reaching out to grasp something that is ecure, something they may cling to when the world they have known passes into oblivion.
In all parts of the civilized world there are men and women devoted to mystical interpretations of life. These men and women are dedicated to a code of spiritual ethics which has as its foundation two great principles: the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man. These students are for the most part organized into various groups large and small for the express purpose of self-improvement and social betterment. Such groups may be classified under two headings: First, those whose inspiration is fundamentally Christian; and second, those essentially Oriental. While these groups are divided, by emphasis, the fundamental purposes which they seek to attain are identical, for all enlightened religious movements have as their chief aim and purpose the regeneration of man, individual and collective.
Max Heindel was a pioneer in Christian mysticism and Madame Blavatsky was a pioneer in Oriental occultism. Both established systems of thinking which spread rapidly throughout a soul-hungry humanity. Not only did they leave organizations of their own, but the seeds which they planted in the hearts of men have sprouted forth and borne fruit in many parts of the world, where other organizations have been established along similar lines. There is a considerable body therefore of mystics and occultists in America and their number is increased each day by earnest men and women whose hearts and minds are crying out for some reasonable explanation for the changes which are occurring in society.
Nearly all students of the occult sciences in America know the work which Madame Blavatsky and Max Heindel have accomplished. The lives of these two religious founders are a constant challenge to greater spiritual effort and more unselfish devotion. If we admire these great leaders we shall desire to further their work by the intelligent perpetuation of their doctrines through word and action. During the period of the great Wrold War metaphysics lost a great opportunity to make a permanent contribution to the race by allowing itself to be broken up by internal disruptions and controversies. Organizations which should have been dedicated to the unselfish service of mankind instead wasted their energy in vain wranglings over personal issues of little if any importance.
Our present crisis is far greater than the World War. The whole civilized world is struggling against selfishness and corruption. A new and great opportunity is at hand for the application of spiritual solutions to material problems. It is the duty of all spiritually enlightened individuals to forget all differences, sacrifice all personal ambitions, and rededicate themselves to the great ideals which brought their various orders and societies into existence.
During the great boom period immediately preceding the present economic crisis even mystical organizations were infected by the bacilli of wealth, personal ambition and exploitation. Personalities eclipsed principles and individuals and organizations departed from those simple truths which are the essentials of intelligent living. Then came the collapse. Material values dropped like plummets to an unfathomable depth. Ambitions were scattered to the winds and the race was confronted with problems which can only be solved through a restatement of spiritual values and a rededication of men and organizations to principles of enlightenment and truth.
Suppose this very day H.P. Blavatsky, the lioness of the Theosophical Society, should return from the Amenti of the wise, and should demand an accounting from the members of the society she had founded. Who could stand before her and say honestly, "Beloved teacher, we have done our best, we have remained true to you and the Masters for whom you spoke." How many could say, "We have been honest, kind, just and impersonal; we have hewed true to the wisdom you gave us; we have spread your message; we have read your books; most of all we have remained absolutely free, as you bade us, from all disastrous entanglements and alliances." How many could say, "Here is your Society as clean as when you gave it to us." Could Theosophists do this or would they become abashed and unable to gaze into the great sad, luminous eyes of the first and Greatest Theosophist? Could Madame Blavatsky walk through the corridors of Adyar and turn to those who represent her in the twentieth century and say, "Well done, good and faithful servants?" If she could not say this, why not? Is it because they have remembered her name and forgotten her work? Is it because weak, petty men and women have so forgotten the greater good that they have elevated themselves to power upon the wreakage of ideals? Theosophists of the world, rededicate yourselves to the noblest spirit that was among you, whose labors are your wealth, whose ideals are your purpose, and whose unselfish sacrifice is the cornerstone of your organization.
Suppose, in the same spirit, that Max Heindel returned to the fields of his earthly labors and in simple gabardine walked among his followers. Suppose he should say to them, "Brothers and sisters, have you loved one another? I planted a rose garden of virtues; have you tended it carefully? My name is upon your lips, but is my work in your hearts? Have you been true one to the other? Have you labored unselfishly, impersonally? Have you so greatly loved our Heavenly Father that you have loved all men also?" How would The Rosicrucians answer him? Could they say, "Beloved Brother, our constant inspiration, we have fulfilled your works in humility and gentleness. There has been no pride among us, no selfishness, no personality, no small ambitions at a great cost. Here is the Fellowship you gave into our keeping. We can return it as beautiful, as clean, as united in holy purpose as you intended it to be. There is no jot and tittle observance here; we are united not in petty things but in great things. In the fifteen years since you passed away into greater life we have sought to do your work. We are as you intended us to be-- men and women in whom there is no guile." Would these words be true? If not, why would they not be true? Is man too weak to carry on a good work? Is his littleness so great and his greatness so little?
If we should feel ashamed if our leaders should return to us again and we should know that we have failed them, let us rededicate ourselves to them. Let the spirit of H.P. Blavatsky be reborn in the heart of each Theosophist and the spirit of Max Heindel live again in the heart of each Rosicrucian. When this time comes, and may it come, the mystics and the occultists of the world can clasp hands across the gulf of their differences and, united in purpose, be an army of spiritual reconstruction marching like the prophets of old in the vanguard of progress.
-Manly P. Hall
Book Reviews
Authored by Charles Weber

by Jeff Auen

To the best of my knowledge, Charles Weber (*) attempted to liberate The Rosicrucian Fellowship from an exclusive and binding adherence to Heindel's work and contributions. As I mentioned before, Heindel's strong personality and way of stating occult facts creates a certain fixed view of things but allowed the average person to get the message. In addition, there is a strong devotional and healing element in the Fellowship work that creates strong feelings towards the organization and its mission. Also, many believe it is the only avenue of connection to the mystery Order in Europe.

The Steiner and Heindel issue is long standing. In his early student years, Heindel studied nearly everything but was frustrated by the Theosophical oriented approach to public esotericism. He met a dead end. A patron sent him to Germany to visit Steiner and hear him speak. Heindel recognized a great teacher and seer. He sat in on several lectures and had one or two interviews with Steiner. Nevertheless, he felt that what Steiner was doing was not appropriate for America where pragmatism and clear linear thinking is predominant. In frustration, he felt that he did not find what he was looking for there (a Western oriented spirituality that was accessible to the general public). In this disappointing condition, he states he was visited by an Adept from the actual Rosicrucian Order itself during one night in Germany. He passed a test of trust and was then told to visit a certain location in Eastern Germany where the Rosicrucian Temple was located (within and around a conventional house).

He underwent six months or so of intense spiritual and seership training which produced the ability to enter and explore the spiritual worlds directly both in body and out of body. During this time he was taught the contents of the Rosicrucian Cosmo Conception by his Teacher. He was asked to return to America with a text of this teaching and translate it into English. It had to published before 1910. In the first edition, he dedicated the book to Steiner out of respect for the work he was doing in Europe and for the inspiration he received. This was a mistake because it was totally misunderstood.

The problem was: the teaching found in Heindel's book (much of the early material was "presented" to him by his Teacher) sounded and read very similar to the basic works and lectures by Steiner. Thus people thought he stole the material. Unfortunately this is utterly false. Heindel was only in Europe a short time with Steiner's lectures and he was not interested in Anthroposophy, as such. . And the dedication to Steiner in the first publication lead people to think Heindel took materials and just put them into a simpler form. People can think what the want but these claims are untrue. In later works, Heindel shows that he was a seer and possessed occult knowledge not found in Steiner or any other source In the second edition, he retracted this dedication and explained his relationship to the Order, his initiation, and his first dedication to Steiner. (He was going to write a an East/West text on esotericism and told Steiner. Steiner asked that if anything was to be used from his materials, that proper acknowledgement be used. Heindel agreed.) It is my opinion from parallel studies, that at certain times in lives of both men, they had the same Teacher. This Teacher used certain phrases and methods of explaining occult facts that influenced both men's style and content early on. Both went on to write from their own experience and research and the Teacher receded to the background.

Heindel's followers and students subsequently saw Steiner and Anthroposophy as elitist, overly abstract and intellectual. Thus began the battle and misunderstanding between the two groups.

Heindel produced a wonderful healing and educational organization in the early years. This organization is now in conflict due to opposing views and politics as to how to modernize or remain "true" to older ways. It has failed to grow with times due to strong conservative leadership and dedication to the Founder of the organization. In recent years it has changed and now has a strong net presence.

Charles Weber (and others over the years) tried to show a compatibility between the Heindel's and Steiner's teachings in order to fuse the Rosicrucian elements in Steiner with Heindel and thus make each richer. Anthroposophist often find Heindel's work refreshing and clear; and sincere students of Heindel find Steiner's work goes deeper and is able to fill in many details Heindel did not or could not add. Charles failed in this attempt to expand the foundational teachings of the Fellowship because those in Fellowship refused to see the larger picture and saw his attempts as undermining the Fellowship's central focus on Heindel as the main source of its teaching.
(*) CHARLES WEBER is a veteran Rosicrucian Fellow and Probationer . He was also editor of RAYS FROM THE ROSE CROSS, The Rosicrucian Fellowship Magazine, for about ten years

ROSE CROSS is a Rosicrucian Online Magazine created and supported by Students of the Rosicrucian Teachings and dedicated to promote Rosicrucian Teachings and related subjects. It is related to The Rosicrucian Fellowshipbut not formally affiliated with it. It is not an official website of The Rosicrucian Fellowship .
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#1 WINTER 2002
Book Reviews
Authored by Charles Weber

by Jeff Auen

To the best of my knowledge, Charles Weber (*) attempted to liberate The Rosicrucian Fellowship from an exclusive and binding adherence to Heindel's work and contributions. As I mentioned before, Heindel's strong personality and way of stating occult facts creates a certain fixed view of things but allowed the average person to get the message. In addition, there is a strong devotional and healing element in the Fellowship work that creates strong feelings towards the organization and its mission. Also, many believe it is the only avenue of connection to the mystery Order in Europe.

The Steiner and Heindel issue is long standing. In his early student years, Heindel studied nearly everything but was frustrated by the Theosophical oriented approach to public esotericism. He met a dead end. A patron sent him to Germany to visit Steiner and hear him speak. Heindel recognized a great teacher and seer. He sat in on several lectures and had one or two interviews with Steiner. Nevertheless, he felt that what Steiner was doing was not appropriate for America where pragmatism and clear linear thinking is predominant. In frustration, he felt that he did not find what he was looking for there (a Western oriented spirituality that was accessible to the general public). In this disappointing condition, he states he was visited by an Adept from the actual Rosicrucian Order itself during one night in Germany. He passed a test of trust and was then told to visit a certain location in Eastern Germany where the Rosicrucian Temple was located (within and around a conventional house).

He underwent six months or so of intense spiritual and seership training which produced the ability to enter and explore the spiritual worlds directly both in body and out of body. During this time he was taught the contents of the Rosicrucian Cosmo Conception by his Teacher. He was asked to return to America with a text of this teaching and translate it into English. It had to published before 1910. In the first edition, he dedicated the book to Steiner out of respect for the work he was doing in Europe and for the inspiration he received. This was a mistake because it was totally misunderstood.

The problem was: the teaching found in Heindel's book (much of the early material was "presented" to him by his Teacher) sounded and read very similar to the basic works and lectures by Steiner. Thus people thought he stole the material. Unfortunately this is utterly false. Heindel was only in Europe a short time with Steiner's lectures and he was not interested in Anthroposophy, as such. . And the dedication to Steiner in the first publication lead people to think Heindel took materials and just put them into a simpler form. People can think what the want but these claims are untrue. In later works, Heindel shows that he was a seer and possessed occult knowledge not found in Steiner or any other source In the second edition, he retracted this dedication and explained his relationship to the Order, his initiation, and his first dedication to Steiner. (He was going to write a an East/West text on esotericism and told Steiner. Steiner asked that if anything was to be used from his materials, that proper acknowledgement be used. Heindel agreed.) It is my opinion from parallel studies, that at certain times in lives of both men, they had the same Teacher. This Teacher used certain phrases and methods of explaining occult facts that influenced both men's style and content early on. Both went on to write from their own experience and research and the Teacher receded to the background.

Heindel's followers and students subsequently saw Steiner and Anthroposophy as elitist, overly abstract and intellectual. Thus began the battle and misunderstanding between the two groups.

Heindel produced a wonderful healing and educational organization in the early years. This organization is now in conflict due to opposing views and politics as to how to modernize or remain "true" to older ways. It has failed to grow with times due to strong conservative leadership and dedication to the Founder of the organization. In recent years it has changed and now has a strong net presence.

Charles Weber (and others over the years) tried to show a compatibility between the Heindel's and Steiner's teachings in order to fuse the Rosicrucian elements in Steiner with Heindel and thus make each richer. Anthroposophist often find Heindel's work refreshing and clear; and sincere students of Heindel find Steiner's work goes deeper and is able to fill in many details Heindel did not or could not add. Charles failed in this attempt to expand the foundational teachings of the Fellowship because those in Fellowship refused to see the larger picture and saw his attempts as undermining the Fellowship's central focus on Heindel as the main source of its teaching

(*) CHARLES WEBER is a veteran Rosicrucian Fellow and Probationer . He was also editor of RAYS FROM THE ROSE CROSS, The Rosicrucian Fellowship Magazine, for about ten years.

ROSE CROSS is a Rosicrucian Online Magazine created and supported by Students of the Rosicrucian Teachings and dedicated to promote Rosicrucian Teachings and related subjects. It is related to The Rosicrucian Fellowshipbut not formally affiliated with it. It is not an official website of The Rosicrucian Fellowship .

#1 WINTER 2002
Book Reviews
Authored by Charles Weber

by Jeff Auen

To the best of my knowledge, Charles Weber (*) attempted to liberate The Rosicrucian Fellowship from an exclusive and binding adherence to Heindel's work and contributions. As I mentioned before, Heindel's strong personality and way of stating occult facts creates a certain fixed view of things but allowed the average person to get the message. In addition, there is a strong devotional and healing element in the Fellowship work that creates strong feelings towards the organization and its mission. Also, many believe it is the only avenue of connection to the mystery Order in Europe.

The Steiner and Heindel issue is long standing. In his early student years, Heindel studied nearly everything but was frustrated by the Theosophical oriented approach to public esotericism. He met a dead end. A patron sent him to Germany to visit Steiner and hear him speak. Heindel recognized a great teacher and seer. He sat in on several lectures and had one or two interviews with Steiner. Nevertheless, he felt that what Steiner was doing was not appropriate for America where pragmatism and clear linear thinking is predominant. In frustration, he felt that he did not find what he was looking for there (a Western oriented spirituality that was accessible to the general public). In this disappointing condition, he states he was visited by an Adept from the actual Rosicrucian Order itself during one night in Germany. He passed a test of trust and was then told to visit a certain location in Eastern Germany where the Rosicrucian Temple was located (within and around a conventional house).

He underwent six months or so of intense spiritual and seership training which produced the ability to enter and explore the spiritual worlds directly both in body and out of body. During this time he was taught the contents of the Rosicrucian Cosmo Conception by his Teacher. He was asked to return to America with a text of this teaching and translate it into English. It had to published before 1910. In the first edition, he dedicated the book to Steiner out of respect for the work he was doing in Europe and for the inspiration he received. This was a mistake because it was totally misunderstood.

The problem was: the teaching found in Heindel's book (much of the early material was "presented" to him by his Teacher) sounded and read very similar to the basic works and lectures by Steiner. Thus people thought he stole the material. Unfortunately this is utterly false. Heindel was only in Europe a short time with Steiner's lectures and he was not interested in Anthroposophy, as such. . And the dedication to Steiner in the first publication lead people to think Heindel took materials and just put them into a simpler form. People can think what the want but these claims are untrue. In later works, Heindel shows that he was a seer and possessed occult knowledge not found in Steiner or any other source In the second edition, he retracted this dedication and explained his relationship to the Order, his initiation, and his first dedication to Steiner. (He was going to write a an East/West text on esotericism and told Steiner. Steiner asked that if anything was to be used from his materials, that proper acknowledgement be used. Heindel agreed.) It is my opinion from parallel studies, that at certain times in lives of both men, they had the same Teacher. This Teacher used certain phrases and methods of explaining occult facts that influenced both men's style and content early on. Both went on to write from their own experience and research and the Teacher receded to the background.

Heindel's followers and students subsequently saw Steiner and Anthroposophy as elitist, overly abstract and intellectual. Thus began the battle and misunderstanding between the two groups.

Heindel produced a wonderful healing and educational organization in the early years. This organization is now in conflict due to opposing views and politics as to how to modernize or remain "true" to older ways. It has failed to grow with times due to strong conservative leadership and dedication to the Founder of the organization. In recent years it has changed and now has a strong net presence.

Charles Weber (and others over the years) tried to show a compatibility between the Heindel's and Steiner's teachings in order to fuse the Rosicrucian elements in Steiner with Heindel and thus make each richer. Anthroposophist often find Heindel's work refreshing and clear; and sincere students of Heindel find Steiner's work goes deeper and is able to fill in many details Heindel did not or could not add. Charles failed in this attempt to expand the foundational teachings of the Fellowship because those in Fellowship refused to see the larger picture and saw his attempts as undermining the Fellowship's central focus on Heindel as the main source of its teaching.
(*) CHARLES WEBER is a veteran Rosicrucian Fellow and Probationer . He was also editor of RAYS FROM THE ROSE CROSS, The Rosicrucian Fellowship Magazine, for about ten years

- Jeff Auen

ROSE CROSS is a Rosicrucian Online Magazine created and supported by Students of the Rosicrucian Teachings and dedicated to promote Rosicrucian Teachings and related subjects. It is related to The Rosicrucian Fellowshipbut not formally affiliated with it. It is not an official website of The Rosicrucian Fellowship .
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#1 WINTER 2002