Error in bible

Of all your explanation you havn't given me answer that not it speaks like this, i never said its book of science but this came here to deal with the people on this world okay, so it As you say bible is from God then God should know look i created the earth and everything and if their is something in the book regarding earth it should be correct, either science is correct or either your book simple. It does not say that its book of science but things which are related to earth should be correct. And that you did not answered me.

The bible is simply the Word of God. Science is a tool man uses to try and understand the workings of God. God does not need science hence his word does not need to be scientifically expressed. It is just simple facts that he tells us. Yet we still refuse to, or can not understand him...

Christ, we can't even understand the inner workings of a "man" like Albert Einstein, or Stephen Hawking, let alone what they wrote...

God's message is much simpler to us than that...go figure...
islamis4u said:
Then you say it is not the God's Word???
not at all. i just say that the Word of G!D may not be as easy to understand as you think - and, more to the point, if you think you have understood it you may actually be missing something rather important.

Why you try to mislead us you Qouted out of Quran out of context okay!!!
i'm not trying to mislead you. if my Qur'anic quote is out of context, then so is your quote from the Torah. that is my point. the context of the Written Torah is the Oral Torah. you don't know anything about the Oral Torah, which means you don't know a great deal about the Written Torah either.

It is clear in their it is nothing like what you say and Quran do not have like that okay
clearly it does have "like that", because your larger quote from the Qur'an isn't any more clear than the first one was. if anything it makes it less so. and i don't think you get to tell me that what i say is wrong. if you want to know how history or chemistry work and you ask a historian or a chemist, if the answer isn't what you are expecting it to be what is more likely, that you are mistaken or the historian or chemist is mistaken?

Its clear it do not need your own interpretation.
what nonsense. of course it needs interpretation. the translation itself is inherently an interpretation. if you want to know how Torah works, ask a jew. but if you don't like how judaism interprets the Torah, that is not judaism's problem, but yours. to you your religion, to me my religion, as i think Someone said.

Thomas said:
We Christians have the Covenant with Israel, and the New Covenant in Christ, to which the Scriptures testify ...
although the jews, of course, do not agree with this! hehehe.

