Here's a hypothetical:
Is it possible for someone to have a vision of Baha'u'llah? If so, to what extent?
How about meet up and converse with Baha'u'llah in some inexplicable spritual manner?
Is Baha'u'llah gone, never to be communicated with again, excepting through words on pages? Or is it possible for Baha'is - and perhaps others - to somehow commune with Baha'u'llah in some extraordinary way?
If Uncle Bob claimed - with all sincerity - to have communicated directly with Baha'u'llah, then what would the expect Baha'i reaction be? Or is that question a strictly individual one to answer?
Is it possible for someone to have a vision of Baha'u'llah? If so, to what extent?
How about meet up and converse with Baha'u'llah in some inexplicable spritual manner?
Is Baha'u'llah gone, never to be communicated with again, excepting through words on pages? Or is it possible for Baha'is - and perhaps others - to somehow commune with Baha'u'llah in some extraordinary way?
If Uncle Bob claimed - with all sincerity - to have communicated directly with Baha'u'llah, then what would the expect Baha'i reaction be? Or is that question a strictly individual one to answer?