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Hi again Nick,

Thank you for the link, I read the page and thankfully I have never experienced anything that terrifying, I would not be able to handle something like that Suzy Smith must be a very extraordinary woman.
The worst it has ever got for me is the stero being turned on in the middle of the night, but I am not sure if this way a good spirit looking after me because at the time it happened I was going through a very tough time and the music was Take It Easy by the Eagles or if it was an annoying spirit and it was because it was the first track on the CD, other incidences have been them just hanging around staring, invading my privacy and a feeling of somebody being stood close behind me.
I have an issue with some kind of remote viewing though, I see people doing mundane, ordinary things in their lives at home or work (anywhere really) and it annoys me because it seems so pointless and when it happens I can't stop it, but sometimes it's also very scary I see horrible stuff that makes me cry.
Thank you again.

Love and Angel Hugs
Rebecca XXXXX
I am posting to ask your thoughts on why you think any form of faith healing would work on one person and not on another?

Im guessing that you have already gotten a religious answer,
but are facing some "science minded" people? So lets tackle a science answer.

Like many things religious or spiritual science has actually proven that it works. But you have to look for the answer because science has a habit of proving itself right all the time by renaming things it proves and putting them on the science side.

In this case you look at subjects such as
power of positive thinking
mind over body

Besides those, even a totally scientific or medical treatment can fall prey to "why does it work for some and not others". As an answer a doctor might say that the person didnt give it a chance. They might say the person aggravated the condition by stressing over it.

In any case, whether its magical, religious, or medical...
those who believe and that belief causes them to relax and go with the flow will gain better benefits than those who doubt or for some reason stay sharply focused on the problem. And one thing that even the science minded have to agree with. Even if they think its a scientific reason for it working, the power of faith tends to make it work better than someone who is trying to do it with the belief in science (but of course they have an answer for that also)

I am not throwing doubts into your belief system. I just happen to love arguing with the science minded in ways that makes their own science backup things that they would dismiss out of hand. I thought that this might arm you in such an encounter.
Hello I am new here and have been lurking since yesterday, I like this place there appears to be many lovely, warm, intelligent and amusing people here so hello to you all.

I am posting to ask your thoughts on why you think any form of faith healing would work on one person and not on another?

I have recently been intorduced to Christian Science by a dear friend who is a life long member of the chruch oc christ, scientist. I am surprised at how open I have become to this because the words God, Jesus and bible have never figured in my life and if I am honest they have scared me, the few religious people I have known throughout my life have been bad people.
My background is in spiritualism, I have the 'gift' of claisentience, empathy and psychometry, although I regard all three as anything but a gift I hate it and spend a great deal of my life researching how to get rid of it.
I am a qualified counsellor of Rogerian psychotherapy, I love crystal healing and the angels, I know I have lived many times before and remember living in a time of magic, sourcery etc and I am facinated with all things metaphysical.

I have had some amazing experiences of healing with Christian Science despite being a total novice, I know these healings are real one example is I live in southern Spain (I am from UK) the climate here is warm all year round and the other day I was bit several times on my chest by something yukky, the bites turned into lumps and itched, the more I scratched the more sore they became so I decided to pray the way Christian Scientist's do and low and behold ten minuted later they had gone, not just the bites, but the redness and any sign of itching.
Last night I decided to do an internet search relating to critism's of Christian Science and there are thousands of testimonies about the staggering amount of Christian Scientist's who's children have died due to them believeing that their faith would heal their child and didn't.
Now I know there is a world of difference between a few nasty insect bites and a possibily terminally ill child but a healing is a healing........urrmm I think.

There are many aspect of Christian Science I am not happy with (even before I read the critism's) such as not being 'allowed' to belive in spirits, other energies etc, I am not keen to be tied down to something that tells me what I can and can't believe in especially when I know what I have seen and experienced.

I am glad I was introduced to it though, I feel like it has helped me find God and Jesus and that can't be a bad thing, but I can't ever see myself becoming a full member or taking my studies any further despite the healing I have recieved which I think is a wonderful thing, but I would love to hear your thoughts on these healings and why they worked for me, a total beginner, but alledgedly not for the children of life longer believers.

Love and Angel Hugs

Rebecca xx

Hi , i notice that you are interested in ANGELS here is a link about angels .

Angels—How They Affect Us
For what purpose did God create angels? Do they affect our life today? Read the Bible’s truthful
There is some very interesting things breaking loose in the Quantum Theory fields in regard to angels. And in fact for many magics, miracles, and even God. Im going to be interested in how "branes" and "10+1 dimensions" plays out in the next few years before someone is brave enough to broach the subject.
There is some very interesting things breaking loose in the Quantum Theory fields in regard to angels. And in fact for many magics, miracles, and even God. Im going to be interested in how "branes" and "10+1 dimensions" plays out in the next few years before someone is brave enough to broach the subject.
there are only two types of angels , ones obedient to God and willing to go along with his purpose , or disobedient ones who are in opposition to Gods purpose .
there are only two types of angels , ones obedient to God and willing to go along with his purpose , or disobedient ones who are in opposition to Gods purpose .
Ummm OK. Im guessing you mean that in your religion there are two types.

And Im not sure what it has to do with what I said. Unless you are trying to say that quantum physics will never be able to prove the existence of angels.
there are only two types of angels , ones obedient to God and willing to go along with his purpose , or disobedient ones who are in opposition to Gods purpose .

Yes, this is religion specific. In some other religions, there is only one type. Angels are messengers AND messages from God. They don't have free will.

And then there are religions with varieties of types of spirits, not just angels/demons but a plethora of nature spirits and beings from other planes of existence.

I find quantum physics fascinating as well. When I first read some of it, it seemed to run parallel to much of my intuitive grasp and spiritual experience.
I find quantum physics fascinating as well. When I first read some of it, it seemed to run parallel to much of my intuitive grasp and spiritual experience.

aye, for quantum physics, see shunyata!

talking about angels , some of the obedient angels are very busy, and this is what they are doing :)

And I saw another angel flying in midheaven, and he had everlasting GOODNEWS to declare as glad tidings to those who dwell on the earth, and to every nation and tribe and tongue and people, saying in a loud voice: fearGod and give him glory, because the hour of the judgment by him has arrived, and so worship the One who made the heaven and the earth and sea and fountains of waters.revelation 14;6

i like GOODNEWS:) its better than badnews