I think we either tackle the sins as they happen, repent, and learn during life or we face this after death. For those of us in Christ, the evidence of our salvation is repentence and growth during our life. It is not that we are saved because we do good things, but rather that we do good things because we are saved. So we are suffering for our sins now, and repenting now, which is much easier than saving it all up for later.
I don't know about others, but I suffer for my sins right here and now as they happen. I prefer it that way. I want to be uncomfortable, to be refined by God's fire, a little at a time. So the Spirit continually reveals my mistakes and errors and flaws- my sins- to me during life, and I continually repent, ask for forgiveness, and humbled by the grace of God given through Christ, and am encouraged by Christ's teachings and example to reach for being something more... to reach for being Christ's hands and feet, voice and eyes and ears on earth.
I figure that after I die, it is not that I had a "get of judgement free" card. Rather, being in Christ during life and having been saved has caused me to face God's refining judgement each day, gently guiding me. By repenting as I sin, I avoid building up a bunch of sins that have not been accounted for. If we refuse to repent during our lives, we accumulate all that suffering for the end. Either way, every person is accountable for their sins, whether in Christ or not. It is just that when we are in Christ, we have the gift of recognizing sin as we do it and repenting continually, and our sins are covered by His grace.
There is no danger of the sort of "sin as ye will, you're already forgiven" as a reality, because any person who happily sins in this sort of mindset is not showing evidence of salvation. The person who is in the Spirit and saved by Christ will show it through their attitude/character (the fruits of the Spirit) and their actions (a good tree bears good fruit).