Yes, it can be obtained. I'm currently preparing to transcribe the Book of John from the original Greek Text(s). Have to be careful with Hebrew though. Lots of hidden astro-philosophical symbolism in the characters.Mohsin said:Asalam-u-Alaikum. May peace and guidance be upon you all.
A question was asked that what is the original language of the Bible. The Jews, Christians and the Muslims believe that the Old Testimony was revealed to the Prophet Moses(P.B.U.H). The Christians and the Muslims believe that the New Testimony was revealed on Jesus(P.B.U.H). Now, we all know that english is not the native language of the Bible. The Bible holds the record of being the most translated book on the face of the earth, then in which language was it actually revealed? Can the original copy of the Bible be obtained? Please clarify.
I'll keep in touch about my transcription. (So far, it doesn't vary much from the original King James appointed version other than stereotypically gender-centric words appearing to be not so gender-centric at all, in fact.)
Biblical Greek is much different than modern English. More conceptual.