Yes... there is more. A bit of entropy in the translations: Blue Letter Bible - LexiconI always read that as blessed. Blessed is happy I suppose, but more than happy to me.
Yes... there is more. A bit of entropy in the translations: Blue Letter Bible - LexiconI always read that as blessed. Blessed is happy I suppose, but more than happy to me.
Im not sure what the point is.
I mean I always knew all of this but it doesnt seem to lead to the same attitude Im seeing. Whats wrong with this as a way to happiness? Is there an alternative? Or are you saying "wake up and feel crummy"?
Heehee. Shades of Monty Python.Yeh!! Then flagellate yourself with a barbed whip till you feel better!!
{It's gotta be spring......yep, there's lots of pink trees outside. It's spring.}I heard about another study that found that women with depression have more sex. They need it to feel secure. So if you want to have more sex, get depressed. Complacency and depression = happiness and security. Gotta get me some of that!
Its most probably because we arent as attached to this world in comparison to other people.A belief in God could lead to a more contented life, research suggests.
Religious people are better able to cope with shocks such as losing a job or divorce, claims the study presented to a Royal Economic Society conference. Data from thousands of Europeans revealed higher levels of "life satisfaction" in believers. more from the BBC...
Sort of related, from a Christian youth group leadership weekend, one of the girls responded to "If you can combine any two things what would they be?" she said "I'd combine rose colored glasses with everyone's eyes. So they could have a new perspective on life."
{It's gotta be spring......yep, there's lots of pink trees outside. It's spring.}
Yes, your enigmatic Ness.