Shades of Reason
I believe that sin is a missing of the mark - the mark is that which God has put in place to bring us in harmony with Him, and each other. when we sin, or rather miss the mark, the harmony shifts to disharmony, and we, or others suffer for it. This is why God hates sin; He wants us to be happy, and joyful, and to appreciate the union, and relashionship created when we meet the mark He has set for us.
I'm of the mind that we are not punished for our sins, but by them - this implies that the natural consequence of sin is disharmony with God, and our fellow man. Sometimes we sin intentionally, but the result is the same if we sin unintentionally - despite what some might think. God is a loving God, and a merciful God, and we have the opportunity to be reconciled back to him though Christ our Lord. It is the Spirit that gives life; the wages of sin are death. Death here is a spiritual death - The state of being a slave to sin, as oppossed to the freedom we have in Christ, and through His spirit.
Christ died so we might be free from our sins; He died so we might have life, and have life in abundance. This comes by grace, and by the Spirit, and by seeking first the kingdom, which is a life connected to God, and in harmony with our fellow man. Our sins prevent us from attaining the kingdom, and they cause us, and others to suffer. To live in the darkness of mind where hate, and bitterness, and anger, and jealousy, and envy, and pride, and lust, and resentment keeps us from realizing the kingdom at hand. Anything that seperates us from God, and causes contention, or disharmony with our neighbors is a sin, or a missing of the mark. [imo]
Sin is not nescessarily something to fear, as we are to learn from our mistakes. Sin is more of a tool, as when we realize the effects thereof, we are better able to resist, and are better able to see what it takes to hit the mark God has set for us. Most of us wish to be happy, don't we? This is the pupose of sin, so we might realize the effects, and change our behavior - repentance. [Aim for the heart - Love] Seek first the kingdom, which is living in harmony with God, and our fellow man.
I'm of the mind that we are not punished for our sins, but by them - this implies that the natural consequence of sin is disharmony with God, and our fellow man. Sometimes we sin intentionally, but the result is the same if we sin unintentionally - despite what some might think. God is a loving God, and a merciful God, and we have the opportunity to be reconciled back to him though Christ our Lord. It is the Spirit that gives life; the wages of sin are death. Death here is a spiritual death - The state of being a slave to sin, as oppossed to the freedom we have in Christ, and through His spirit.
Christ died so we might be free from our sins; He died so we might have life, and have life in abundance. This comes by grace, and by the Spirit, and by seeking first the kingdom, which is a life connected to God, and in harmony with our fellow man. Our sins prevent us from attaining the kingdom, and they cause us, and others to suffer. To live in the darkness of mind where hate, and bitterness, and anger, and jealousy, and envy, and pride, and lust, and resentment keeps us from realizing the kingdom at hand. Anything that seperates us from God, and causes contention, or disharmony with our neighbors is a sin, or a missing of the mark. [imo]
Sin is not nescessarily something to fear, as we are to learn from our mistakes. Sin is more of a tool, as when we realize the effects thereof, we are better able to resist, and are better able to see what it takes to hit the mark God has set for us. Most of us wish to be happy, don't we? This is the pupose of sin, so we might realize the effects, and change our behavior - repentance. [Aim for the heart - Love] Seek first the kingdom, which is living in harmony with God, and our fellow man.