universal consciousness and the utility of mind

Gravity is entangled energy between structures. The reason no one has described this is that a fixed 'constant' is affixed, where the reality is, each line item of 'f' has different material energy. So a rock has less juice cold, than hot. Same rock, same amount of material mass (atoms) but more light (energy) upon the structure imposing affects to its environment.

and Yes.... much of what is described is incorrect (dark matter/energy)


Point particles...

Resonance ....

Speed of light ....

Mass ....

Most all of chemistry is directly affected. Not that we will not continue using many of the patterns and chemical processes but that to identify 'what is happening' can be directly described. ie. metabolic process...

Ok I think I'm with you so far. (would be helpful if you could have given brief examples in that list though) So you are saying entanglement is also at work on the micro, macro and all the way up to the cosmological scale? That dark energy acting on galaxies is really quantum impedance pulling them apart? And that symmetry in the entanglement is what gives form to matter? Ohh and that the 'hole' in the centre of a black hole really is that, a massless place that unlike anywhere else really contains nothing?


Sorry bud but I'm not going to respond to that yet. You see I'm in the process of reading new stuff thats kind of shaking the foundations of what I thought I knew. Watch this space though :p

So you are saying entanglement is also at work on the micro, macro and all the way up to the cosmological scale?
So a question each person should ask themselves; if the rules of cosmology would be in fact true, then should they combine every scale of physics ‘micro, macro and cosmological’ for it to in fact apply to the real world I live in?

That dark energy acting on galaxies is really quantum impedance pulling them apart?
Pulling apart? The reason this material (dark ??) is even presented to the public is that the math they use does not fit with what they see.

And that symmetry in the entanglement is what gives form to matter?
Em (light) is simply an energy field and magnetic field at perpendicular planes (a cross) orientated to its source. Mass is found to be a spectrum of energy affixed in time. Point particles do not exist, as each polarity is that isolated portion of the original. i.e… an electron is a portion of an atoms energy isolated by a field. (magnetic)

Ohh and that the 'hole' in the centre of a black hole really is that, a massless place that unlike anywhere else really contains nothing?
To state as fact what is in the middle of a per se black hole is foolish, the opinion is based on logical assessment since as of yet a computer simulation of the math has never been done but look at the data from the various universities, all I suggest is the phenomenon they are observing is not being represented correctly. It is not something ‘unknown’ that is attracting all the mass to the center it is the energy associating between the stars that is causing the momentum and attraction. It is a property of energy called entanglement.

would be helpful if you could have given brief examples in that list though

Heat... em upon mass. Frequency (color); the temp. Otherwise note the colors in a flame, and the direction in relation to the earth, as the mass cools (color change) to the momentum (kinetic)… based from reactions where a combination occurs, a reaction is releasing (light) energy held by molecules that can retain energy in which as thresholds are met a chain reaction may entail. All nuclear is doing is breaking (fisson) apart mass at the core and releasing full spectrums.

Point particles... a portion of energy isolated. They appear as point particles to test experiments because the reacting measuring tool can only register each ‘blip’ when a threshold is met, hence “tic tic tic tic” or even in the accelerators, as to send a portion of mass they still do not reveal themselves until it meets its threshold to identify the singular in point, but not a one is a fixed “quark” ‘boson,’ ‘lepton’ as each and every one of them decay (return to a ground state) once the energy retaining their momentum (identity) is reduced.

Resonance .... a fixed point of mass with energy upon it (a frequency of light) will vibrate. When more than one structure has the same frequency, they will align and resonate; harmonize. See hydrophobic and hydrophilic. The opposing force is the resonance on the structures caused by the structures themselves can only retain certain wavelengths and now you have the cause of your water and oil affect. Like associate / unlike oppose.

Speed of light .... t<0, predetermined. Run a google on ‘speed of light’ and the word ‘predetermined’ …. Seems more than a few are starting to recognize this.

Mass …..energy affixed in time.
bishidi and tao, hi
this is great stuff guys, i am reading with interest.

entanglement is also at work on the micro, macro and all the way up to the cosmological scale?

that which is moved by, and moves all things.

this is all a bit sciencey for me, on a related level i have been thinking about causality; if we say that everything is connected to everything else in like a string of universal integers [ ~ ‘it’ ], we could take an real example and see like a line of connectivity from it to everything else. that is in short, to say, any given thing [it] has a parent and child connection to objects around it. this in turn connects to its ancestors and descendants and onwards to everything else.

within the entire we have two apparently distinct fields; causal relationships of group blocks; e.g. a human is composed of its evolutionary path of events, and of its contents its materials.

then in tuns of every days events & coincidences, we have a second causal. these are the usage and the interactions between group boxes.
what then is the universal ‘it’?

intelligent design. i cannot see a prime mover or something that moves all things in a universal sense. it would appear that everything moves itself, although this alone i find unsatisfactory. i would see intelligence in everything, i perceive ‘it’ as an intelligent [entity ~ not human, just pure intellect. i also see it as an everyday real and living thing, but thats just me lols.

so how do we connect it all?
1. intelligence
2. causality in two fields.
3. the universal integer [it] that i am using can be ascribed to all events and all causes both physical and holistic ~ even the imaginary and illusory.
so what is the machine!? how does it all work when we think of everything as one entity?

this is a fascinating picture we are building here! :)
so how do we connect it all?
1. intelligence
2. causality in two fields.
3. the universal integer [it] that i am using can be ascribed to all events and all causes both physical and holistic ~ even the imaginary and illusory.
so what is the machine!? how does it all work when we think of everything as one entity?

way to go Z.... :p

Mass, energy, time...... the combining form is that 'light' entangles all mass within time.

Energy is light!

So from that 'beginning' all mass has been entangled by the consciousness of life; light!

are all things bound to the ONE? Perfectly true!

The universal consciousness and the utility of mind; within the total the mind is evolving to comprehend its existence.

The universal consciousness and the utility of mind; within the total the mind is evolving to comprehend its existence.

i often think the same, however when we stretch that mind over potentially billions of incarnations of the universe then there is little left to learn!

So from that ‘beginning’ all mass has been entangled by the consciousness of life; light!

why light? i would see that as simply one kind of manifestation of energy, consciousness as i see it emanates from infinity, that is why it cannot be found in any instance of the material universe. how do you see it?

however when we stretch that mind over potentially billions of incarnations of the universe then there is little left to learn!
Mind=consciousness, knowledge, will.

‘consciousness’ in that quality to mind; a self can preconceive.

Knowledge evolves over time, over billions of incarnations (words, symbols, etc), as each mind conveys for the next born, in time that collection eventually enables the consciousness to understand within a mind(s).

why light? i would see that as simply one kind of manifestation of energy,
Turn that over, energy is just a manifestation of light.

Because each and every single atom is associated by light. Meaning each and every atom that combined to make molecule 1 is combined by a photon (per se) or simply light. And every single form of ‘potential’ when drilled down to the molecular basis whether it be chemical, nuclear or kinetic, every line item drills down to an exchange of light (em). Not sometimes, every time! It is quite similar to planck’s constant which is the basis of most all physics, where that qubit of energy is an “f”….

consciousness as i see it emanates from infinity, that is why it cannot be found in any instance of the material universe. how do you see it?
Began at point A of the beginning, no matter where you measure from. As soon at the isolation of mass began existence in time, the energy itself is that unversal 'infinite' property to all mass throughout all time.

Now if there is a debate, then issue one is whether ‘life’ itself is understood from atom 1 associated with any other? That for an evolution to operate; what is that form or pattern that creates an intent for mass to associate? Electrical descriptions do not work. Within the comprehension of energy as light, then the unknown “phenomenon” no longer exist since the currently defined properties of light itself share them phenomenon as definable. Life is what reveals energy as light.

Throughout most all historical or religious renditions, this same frame ‘light’ is shared as the cause of life itself. From Egypt to the Mayan… no matter which form you look at, each continues to point at light as ‘the beginning.’

Then to understand the magic associated to a ‘non-local’ affect of the universal consciousness (GOD), is to comprehend the properties of light (em), entanglement is that magic phenomenon but actually a physical reality. Meaning each line item of light has a physical property, that when more than one point of mass shares the split light or shared light, there is a physical reality that shares a non-local affect. Just as words conveyed between people, on different sides of the world or even in time, can have an affect.

TO comprehend the combining of Mass, Energy and Time; then light simply reveals itself as the true representation of energy rather than a potential difference as existing within time. Meaning; that a system is defined as associated to the conception versus isolated without cause. See Schrödinger’s Puppy Dog….
bish, hi

Because each and every single atom is associated by light. Meaning each and every atom that combined to make molecule 1 is combined by a photon (per se) or simply light. And every single form of ‘potential’ when drilled down to the molecular basis whether it be chemical, nuclear or kinetic, every line item drills down to an exchange of light (em). Not sometimes, every time! It is quite similar to planck’s constant which is the basis of most all physics, where that qubit of energy is an "f"….

thats interesting, so every particle in the entire periodic table has light as a combining agent? what about electrons, and nutrinos etc, is light ‘in’ them too? sorry to sound dumb, science is not my field.

Began at point A of the beginning, no matter where you measure from. As soon at the isolation of mass began existence in time, the energy itself is that unversal ‘infinite’ property to all mass throughout all time.

‘that which begins must end also’ hence i would not measure it from anywhere nor consider there to ba a ‘start’ of the universe and time. i would think energy is limited ~ if that is what conservation amounts too? however it may be conserved because it is in some way infinite, hence we don’t get more or less energy, we just get exchanges and transferrals of types of energies. perhaps it is our measure that is limited? although i don’t know how infinite energy would work, we would have to redefine our terms to something that is infinite and limited at once!

then issue one is whether ‘life’ itself is understood from atom 1 associated with any other?

i would consider atoms as like fishes in the ocean, they exist in mind and mind in them like a sthe fish breathes water of the ocean, it makes utility of it. obviously there comes a point when we have to define an ‘it’ that is both the ocean and the fish. so one thing is an operation of another, the it is utilised both in form nature animation and mind. these things must all be different aspects of the one thing? light?

i thought light was just a part of the wavelength of the em field?
thats interesting, so every particle in the entire periodic table has light as a combining agent? what about electrons, and nutrinos etc, is light ‘in’ them too? sorry to sound dumb, science is not my field.
No electron exists unless a force isolates it from an atom. So the electron is not the energy but the force (em) upon the structure is that energy. So ‘yes’ all energy is light in one ‘f’ or another of the EMR spectrum. Even E=mc2 suggests the quite the same thing. All so called fixed particles are simply energy affixed in time. ‘at rest’ is the basic mass, all energy imposed to change that state is light (em) , every time!

we would have to redefine our terms to something that is infinite and limited at once!
and why the change will cause a paradigm shift.

Philosophically: See the yin and yang, then recognize what the E=mc2 means. That all a fixed point of mass is, is energy fixed in time.

So in the yin and yang mental observation; when one extreme reaches its peak it births the seed of its opposite. So note how life combines mass to continue life in time and then note how the sun redistributes energy by its combined mass.

things must all be different aspects of the one thing? light?
i thought light was just a part of the wavelength of the em field?
electric and magnetic fields at perpendicular planes. Literally a cross of energy. More energy smaller cross inversely proportioned to size (space). From gamma to radio, we only see with a little sliver but all the same; light.

Any single atom that has momentum, combines or even heats up; that if you stopped, separated or even stopped the vibration immediately, a line item of em (light) or the per se photon of energy would exchange. Even chemical reactions are simply capturing or releasing em in each exchange of mass.

So absolutely, each and every interaction between all mass (atoms/molecules) exchanges em.

For example: every one of your senses, is an exchange of the affects between mass, and the single items our body uses to determine what the ‘sensed’ article is, is with light. No atoms are used up, it is the energy that exchanges, detected, viewed, felt, smelt or how ever you wish to observe the taste of the matter. Even when we consume food, that mass is not what is important, it is the energy upon the mass that is the priority (well after a certain age). And each structure carries specific wavelengths/frequencies of energy.

It’s actually rather simple but since the change encumbers all the sciences, it may seem confusing to dig into the material evidence as all that data is based from previous models. Still to observe all that data and note how much is still wrapped around ‘phenomena’ than an honest person can simply realize that what is currently accepted in current physics (models) must be in error.

For a single set of understanding to be purely true, then all them realms of phenomenon must be addressed.

which can be within a 'universal consciousness and the utility of mind' combining knowledge.
bish, thanks for the informative post! :)

No electron exists unless a force isolates it from an atom.

what is electricity then? hmm i remember my tutor saying it could be thought of as like a river, so is it a river of ‘light’ [or given universal ‘it’], and particles only exist when we observe/isolate them?

All so called fixed particles are simply energy affixed in time. ‘at rest’ is the basic mass, all energy imposed to change that state is light (em) , every time!

so we are seeing light as force, or force and energy as two versions of the same thing and that we define as ‘light’. i see your point, however i would not think of that universal entity as light? is that the correct term and meaning to use?

That all a fixed point of mass is, is energy fixed in time.

interesting. can we say that there is only forces in time, and that mass is formed from the interaction? would that mean mass does not actually exist but we are just seeing forces slowed by our perception of time? ~ like oil on water or lights at a stadium and where they cross is mass.

So absolutely, each and every interaction between all mass (atoms/molecules) exchanges em.

i agree of course, but can we call that light or em!

It’s actually rather simple but since the change encumbers all the sciences
i am beginning to see yes, the more we understand it the simpler it becomes.

yes, eventually we will replace old science with a simple yet dynamic version.

For a single set of understanding to be purely true, then all them realms of phenomenon must be addressed. which can be within a ‘universal consciousness and the utility of mind’ combining knowledge.

indeed! if light/energy can be considered together with consciousness mind as one entity, what does that give us? i see how things in the real world can be affected by universal consciousness on the mental and emotional plane, but does that translate all the way through to energy/light on a physical level.

what does that give us!!!!!!!

1. something that moulds things as it goes along. everything it changes can in turn make a change in the greater environment, hence ‘it’ [light/mind] is that which moves and is moved by all things.
2. is ‘intelligent’, has ‘mind’, is being. its intelligence would be gathering, nurturing and coordinating. this may be why all very ancient peoples thought of the great spirit as feminine.
Tell me Bishadi,

If the photon is the primary building block where did they come from? If I get it right what the science of today thinks is that all photons were originally created in particle/anti-particle collisions that resulted in the creation of two photons with opposite polarity or spin. This a bit of a chicken or egg paradox, does the collision 'liberate' the photons or 'create' them? If the former is the fact then under what conditions were the photons trapped in the first place. If the latter the photon cannot be the primary as you state.

Looking through some articles on the photon it seems to me there is nothing new that you add to what is already being said. Just they way you dress it and attempt to 'spiritualise' it. "Let there be light". Even if you are on to something and the photon is far more relevant to the big question than given credit there is still no way to marry such an idea with some omnipresent and deliberate purpose.

If I am wrong please correct me but I see no difference in what you are saying from that proposed in the Standard Model. You hint that your idea, unlike the standard model, also incorporates gravity but you dont say how. Well not that I have understood so far anyway. Also...what is a photon to fermions and bosons? From what you say they are all derived from the photon too. For that to be true I could only imagine that there is more than one type of photon. You see I find it hard to accept all stems from one. You need a medium of interaction and a catalyst too.

Doubtless you have seen that film where a photon is fired into a BEC and slows from light speed to a few meters per second. And as it exits the BEC it reassumes its original lightspeed momentum. I have never understood how that is possible. Can you explain it?

Universal consciousness...

Where there is an imagination there is an enterprise of dogma. Buzzzzzing ideas and words like a spider web to entangle the quantum mind. The tasty koolaid from the outer... the inner... the energized... the singularly everpresent... the zero infinite... the infinitely constant... the stochastically deterministic... the quantum continous... the super EM gravitationally weak nuke-lee-ar... the fiction friction... the massfully energetic massless spacey void in time... the instamatic dogmatic coveted world of restricting but non-restricted free imagination.

Sorry if I stepped in the Tao or the Z of the Bishadi here... a bit of dissonance in the congnitive lobe so I fired up the imagination to put out the fire. Ooops.

... the utility of mind.

< steps away to avoid further quantum entanglement >
i agree. there is a proposed higgs boson particle that is presumed to be the heaviest and origin of all later particles, but it is thought that they only existed at the beginning of expansion. i don’t see how it all comes down to light though? there may be a universal origin ~ probably must be, but light is but an aspect of it.

ever heard of quantum un-entanglement! other than that i didn’t understand a word lols
Universal consciousness...

Where there is an imagination there is an enterprise of dogma. Buzzzzzing ideas and words like a spider web to entangle the quantum mind. The tasty koolaid from the outer... the inner... the energized... the singularly everpresent... the zero infinite... the infinitely constant... the stochastically deterministic... the quantum continous... the super EM gravitationally weak nuke-lee-ar... the fiction friction... the massfully energetic massless spacey void in time... the instamatic dogmatic coveted world of restricting but non-restricted free imagination.

Sorry if I stepped in the Tao or the Z of the Bishadi here... a bit of dissonance in the congnitive lobe so I fired up the imagination to put out the fire. Ooops.

... the utility of mind.

< steps away to avoid further quantum entanglement >

WoW MaN!! Thats just like so deep Mannn. Maybe I'l ask you to be my Guru after all! ;) Yeh it is a lot of ballcocks. But it is not the only source of that....

Among friends in engineering it was a common phrase, "You've pulled that one out of your grass." ... only it is more along the lines of: What is the last thing to go through the bug's mind when it hits the windshield?

From a thermodynamics perspective it is simple: what comes out has greater entropy or heat than what goes in. The cornerstone of imagination, and evolution, is a good source of entropy.

Quantum unentanglement? Well I've discovered that God can entangle and un-entangle things that people can't. I don't think spooky is the right word but it does seem to defy any limitations of distance.
i agree. there is a proposed higgs boson particle that is presumed to be the heaviest and origin of all later particles, but it is thought that they only existed at the beginning of expansion. i don’t see how it all comes down to light though? there may be a universal origin ~ probably must be, but light is but an aspect of it.

What does E=mc2 mean?

Is is possible that a single unit of mass is simply a spectrum of em set in time.

To bust open u-235, to different structures are left with a whole bunch of light.

funny that basic common sense and simple understanding reveals what has been described over millinium.

that light thing is nothing new, but having the math and the years of combining the representation is that foundation to a paradigm shift.

or if you like your theology; the revealing

all based on the nuts and bolt of light!

At least no magic is involved.

seem the 'utility of mind' was used maintaining a clear consciousness within absolute truth.