OPENING POST 1: Are we reborn as animals? If so, what would be the point, how can a deer or a butterfly get enlightened?
Are we reborn as human? If so, it seems it can not work because there are more people now then before.
Rebirth is not reincarnation: If so, what is the point of a spiritual life? Nobody exists before or after the present.
Reborn as animals? Can a deer or a butterfly get enlightened?
Why? They seek enjoyment, albeit like a mentally disadvantaged Human.
They are passing the time as per where they were 'mentally' at the time of death in their last life. Luckily, animal lives are short lived, except for the exceptions.
Are we reborn as human?
The "NON-MATERIAL ENERGY COMPONENT OF CONSCIOUS" is an ego-less part and parcel of the totality of creation ---what is are Job-Title??
Is their an eternal Job-Title that the "NON-MATERIAL ENERGY COMPONENT OF CONSCIOUS" possess; or can aspire for; or return to??
Yes yes.
The "NON-MATERIAL ENERGY COMPONENT OF CONSCIOUS" is the Spirit-Soul in the Material world ---that is what WE ARE doing here.
The "NON-MATERIAL ENERGY COMPONENT OF CONSCIOUS" must cultivate proper ettiquete for future good karma, by attending to "obligated duties" [dharma].
there are more people now then before
There are quadillions of insects and fish and ameobas and roaches and crickets and penguins ---there is room for everyone ---that is why their is not Hell ---it just funky births that are the bitch.
Show me an falsely emprisonioned convict and I'll show you a man that was once, in a past life, a Judge.
Each next birth is predicted on past karma accrued ---and this allows for reformation, reconcilliation, to suffer in the same way, and thus graduate to higher level of consciousness ---in contrast with low-life base bestial subsistence living.
The funny thing about Aliens invading and destroyer our world is that ---we are just seeking beautiful women and a suitable substitute ---why would "higher life forms" seek anything different then sensual pleasure?
Nobody exists before or after the present.
But everything else does!
It even exist before the seed is planted.
The present is the ONLY TIME that exists ---past and future time do not exist ---except in the real present time.
That is why the Soul-Self [albeit like a mentally disadvantaged beast] reincarnates afresh/anew/as a babe ---to past the Time in an ILLUSION of the PART ENJOYING THE WHOLE ---until the rent runs out.
POST 8 I thought I would share for anyone interested in finding about the Buddha's thinking on rebirth
Who is Steve Hagen?
I though his name was Gautama.
These word cited are the words of an author (?) with a quota of words for his publisher. And the Bold text is your own Commentary? Or do you mean that you bold-fonted the paragraph by Steve ---either way, it's a third-person reading of "Buddha's thinking" ---we are inwant of bonefide text citations directly from Buddha or his direct disciples.
Where's the Buddha words?????????????????????????????
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No one has a Buddhist sutras on their shelf to reference a citation????????????????
Even I got buddhist sutras on my shelf!
I got the Tao te ching too.
The entire bhagavata purana too amongst other volumes
I got a red-letter bible and two other bi-linguals bibles
I got a Roman-Catholic Delux bible.
I got the Bhagavad gita in 14 languages!!!
Every lawyer has their own stash of case studies
every architect has their own stash of specialty vendors & craftsmen
FOR CHRIST'S SAKE, quote me Buddha's words!!!! I need some nectar!!!
POST 8 reincarnation requires a self that persists through time
Or else . . . the Dessolution of the Self is being advocated.
That would leave the passion-filled adventurer with must less competition as he roams around claiming "king of mountainship" as far as he can survey, while its lasts, and when the younger turks come up and declare their prowess --in such a 'dog-eat-dog-world'.
The "self" is real versus "Maya" is matter and energy morphing into forms with creatures crawling about expressiong their prowess.
Does some one presume that "Samsara" (cycle of birth and death) is not part Buddha words?
Does some one presume that "ahimsa" (
non-violence) is not part Buddha words?
Does some one presume that "ahankara" (
false-ego) is not part Buddha words?
Does some one presume that "maya" (
illusion; that which is not) is not part Buddha words?
The self is best advised to give up "Samsara" by stopping "himsa" and thus release the ahankara ---and the 'true-self returns to it's primordial state of Nirvana'.
The 'ten-thousand things' rise and fall for the embodied self to preceive with material sense organ ---thus the self identifies it's ego with The 'ten-thousand things' that surround itself. This is temporal and repeats itself allowing for freewill expression in any form available to the imagination ---all this is "maya".