should your names fade from every mortal mind


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"Should your names fade from every mortal mind, and yet God be well pleased with you, ye will indeed be numbered among the treasures of His name, the Most Hidden." -Baha'u'llah, the Summons of the Lord of Hosts

God is the Incomparable Friend... others may forget you. God never will.
You treat people correctly.... You shant be forgotten, and family.... I will be someones ancestor... They will remember me :) My childrens, childrens, childrens, children will have my traits, my ways, my blood, my DNA, my atoms!!£$£!$!... I shant be forgotten. :)

I have a 3 generation wedding ring.... I will pass it on to the 4th... And they will pass that Torch to the 5th.... And then our fathers, fathers shall remain alive... :)

I -will- live on :) You will too :)
Thanks for the post Alex..

and welcome!

I've found that when people move as many do today and say to strange communities the average person feels lost and in a social sense is lost.. Records get lost in time and like old photos begin to fade.

Many people don't really know who their great great grandparents were and some don't seem to care..

But people are interested and many find ancestors and cherish memories .. I've found living in the same community helps because as a community there are shared memories of people that get passed down.. I knew very little about my grandmother who passed on when I was about a year old.. NO one told me about her.. that I could remember. But about a month ago I met a lady in her nineties who was a best friend of hers and she remembered.

Of course God remembers as we say and the believers are remembered and when we're alone we can be aware that the Supreme Concourse of Holy Souls is around us.

- Art:)
Awesome post... Thanks :D

I am very glad you met a friend of your grandmother! I know some can roll their eyes when someone wishes to share the past with them "Oh I remember when me and so-and-so used to go down and pick apples from the nearby farm, and we always had such a laugh, so-and-so was a very funny and smart person... Those were the days." Example there lol.... I think it is good to listen just as much as it is to share the story... It helps both parties.

To not lose where you come from, takes strong family ties. We should always be working on that. Family members.... Future problems they are the most likley to stand for us, and with haste. Also they help us to recall the past, memories of youth. So in the present, I think we need to work on not neglecting them. :)

The other thing going back to the first post..... "Others may forget you, god never will."

That is kind of harsh if you ask me.... My mother, if she could, she would always remeber me, obviously, but she isn't immortal... So of course she will pass on... But I don't think that is classed as her forgetting me.... Your concept of a god is eternal.... If my mother was eternal... She'd remember me alot longer than your god ;)
Hello Alex and Arthra!

I recently read an autobiography of my great grandma Alice. It was interesting to see what I have in common with her, and what she went through in her life. I met her when I was really little, but didn't know anything about her then. I believe she's immortal because God made her that way, just like everyone else. I'm sure she knows who I am, but not even she, nor my own mom, can know me as much as God knows me. As a Baha'i (and Muslims, Christians, and Jews would agree) I believe God is All-Knowing. And I believe that is absolute. God knows absolutely everything about everything.
Hello Alex and Arthra!

I recently read an autobiography of my great grandma Alice. It was interesting to see what I have in common with her, and what she went through in her life. I met her when I was really little, but didn't know anything about her then. I believe she's immortal because God made her that way, just like everyone else. I'm sure she knows who I am, but not even she, nor my own mom, can know me as much as God knows me. As a Baha'i (and Muslims, Christians, and Jews would agree) I believe God is All-Knowing. And I believe that is absolute. God knows absolutely everything about everything.

That's awesome! :D See to me, you looked up the memories of your ancestors and they live on.... :)
That's awesome! :D See to me, you looked up the memories of your ancestors and they live on.... :)

Hello Alex! Want to vote in the Baha'i color poll?

I probably won't have any kids.. and with no kids I'll have no grandkids. With no grandkids there'll be no great grandkids... I probably will be forgotten as far as this world is concerned. Also, most people who ever lived haven't left any record of themselves. Sure, I have quite a bit of information on the internet and have been published in a couple of newspapers, but even that is fleeting. Who would look up that stuff a hundred years from now? I believe in immortality. People who lived a hundred thousand years ago, who have left no trace to be found in this world, they live, I believe.