That's phenomenal, Tao. A couple things in its stood out to me...
First, the sensation of infinity. Oddly, it was white light that first gave me the sensation of infinity and eternity. I was about 10 and had a dream in which I entered a building and was immediately in infinite white light. It was the strangest sensation and I still can't really explain it. There were no points of reference. There was no sense of time, in part because there were no points of reference. It felt like standing in nothingness and yet everything around me was very alive with something. It felt like I was watched by everything, though nothing was there; the same way that I feel when I used to go to my grove in the woods, that was filled with little spirit-somethings... the feeling that I am not alone. It was disconcerting, to be honest. It felt like God but it was not a Grandpa-like, human-ish, come sit on my knee kind of God. It was a Being beyond comprehension, so foreign that I could experience nothing of it but the feeling of its consciousness of me. It was without emotion and without any message for me in that context, save one, something akin to: You are tiny, but precious. And so is everything else.
In that space, there was just... nothing else. My insignificance, and my significance- a paradox. When I say I've felt the love of God, it is at its heart this calm, constant creation. I know I'm noticed, that every single tiny being is noticed. And yet, that Beingness that was white light is completely whole and unruffled. I experience other beings that seem to have more emotion, that have more messages for me, that are my friends or my comforters... but God Itself- that white light- was completely alien. And I could never squeeze that sensation back into conventional Christianity again. It was too real.
The fractals... the M-set has always appeared everywhere to me. My studio/office is filled with shells and leaves and crystals... each reflecting the other. If you look at the speck of light in your eye in a mirror- look closer, closer, and allow that to become your entire field of vision-- oh, you'll see a very interesting and changing M-set in there... (at least I and a few friends do!) Some of my more detailed dreams and visions- of other worlds- the gates I go through to get there are like huge round-ish disks of energy, and the tendrils are alive and shift just like a M-set. The more circular parts of the M-set images recall the gates so perfectly that it is stunning. The tendrils, in the gates, reach out to draw you in. It is the sensation of an illusion (yourself) traveling to a new illusion (a different world). But the energy remains the same, a constant- ever-changing but never new- a paradox.
The blue orb... Gaia, who is a conscious being to me, or at least that is what I experience of her... I feel is shuddering, preparing to destroy and recreate. We're too unsustainable. Whether by our own hand (which is an illusion anyway) or by her, I feel that there is change coming. It can't go on like this. It is a bound animal, crazily beginning to break free from its bonds. I feel we're loved, but not privileged. That is, the Earth and God loves us, but no more than they love all beings. We have our role, our purpose. We're a bit of them that came to awareness of themselves. But that makes us no more or no less valuable to God, which is in all things. If we are too threatening to other beings, the natural progression is that we will be destroyed... make way for sustainability, for the next image in the set. Life continues with or without us.
However, I do think we continue with or without this life... I can't explain scientifically why this is so, though there is plenty of research on it in psychology and so forth if you care to read it. I can only say-- I have enough personal evidence to know that I've lived before, and I wager I will live again. Somehow, there is consciousness in energy. It is a different kind of consciousness than our waking consciousness here on earth, but I've experienced it and I've seen enough of my own past lives to know that I continue on, somehow. And like the M-set, the outer form changes but the inner core remains, shows up again and again. Like the M-set operating on a universal level, and within every one of the beings that is created. It's interesting that you said the earth was blue energy... I've been blue energy before. It was the dream where everything in the universe was music and energy simultaneously. The music was creating an illusion of form and distinction, but there was an awareness of the oneness of all the music, and a harmonizing as it was all from the One Song. At any rate, I was sound and energy. I was me, but I was a different kind of consciousness than I am now... I had no sensation of time, no thought of anything but a delicious now, in which I merged energy with other illusions and then came back to my own illusion-- really, just blue energy like a fireworks sparkler... but curiously like the M-set... tendrils, and all else was as well... and it all made sound. The entire "place" I was at, the most beautiful "place" I've ever been-- I could simultaneously see as an image, a piece of living art... and the underlying energy and sound... and then I knew what I was, and what God was. I understood that I wasn't only being watched by God, but that God was watching me through me... I was in God, and God was in me. The repetition of that indelible stamp in the energy in me, and the energy outside... and the beauty in those changing forms, myself a part of something fundamentally unchangeable at its core, something unified with all that is. It's one of the hardest things toexplain, but it was completely mind-blowing for me, and life-changing. Everything is beautiful images God creates because at the heart of love is beauty, and life is art. But underneath these beautiful images are God's stamp, the energy that goes on, that bears the same pattern as God Itself... that cannot be destroyed or created, but only changed and molded and crafted. I go on, but it's a different "I" than I thought I was. I'm glad "I" got to meet "her" early... the most spectacular time of my life, never wanted to come back. I knew it would change me forever when I stood in front of the gate to get there, and was offered the journey. But I had no idea how gorgeous it would be, and how comforting, given how alien it was...