many paths to the city; one location

Baha'u'llah said the purpose of life is to know God and to love God.
Define God, per Baha'i.....

and while you are debating mentally as to what the reply will be think on life and 'purposed to continue'

World Peace was rejected by the kings and emperors that Baha'u'llah wrote to.
Perhaps the plan was incorrect.

They chose war instead and lost all their empires.
But not the big war. #3

World Peace is coming.
I agree
It is a process.
Based in truth; Understanding

It takes the free will of people to follow the advice that Baha'u'llah gave to the kings and emperors and to humanity as a whole.
Problem is Bahaullah left out quite a bit of unanswered questions. Reason; he was like Jesus; not the one to finish the last chapter.

We know it works. It works in the Baha'i community. We have the only world democratic system, the only truly global democracy is the administrative order of the Baha'i Faith. It works. And that's a fact.

And the pope will say the same thing about his church.

Faith and beliefs in magic and omnipotence are the base error as to Understand, then those needs are gone. Nothing magical about knowledge.

and as much as each of the contributors are considered the last of the last words; until life is understood that withstands the test of truth and reality with zero magic and funny stuff; then the story is not finished.

This retention of integrity is the first hurdle to get over.
My way or the Baha'i way?

For the last century or so many people have said religion is a neurotic self medicating activity -- like an addiction sort of. To them religion is a vine parasite which has weakened, yet somehow upheld the humanity tree in symbiosis. Others have always said it is a destructive meme. All of these new religions have surprised me: Baha'i, Neopagan, & Theosophist. They all have a world peace ethic in common, however their sudden appearance leaves me with a strange feeling. I do not count them all as the same thing -- its just I heard about them all at once, so tend to associate them with each other. Its like meeting a room full of people at once, then remembering their names and family histories.

So Baha'i's are interested in world peace, democracy, peace, etc. That's nice. What other reasons are there to believe in Baha'U'llah ? I know he attempts to meet several humanistic needs, thus appealing to the tempest tossed yearning to breathe free. That's all well and good for the easy-going types. What about the geek and well-meaning anal-retentive? What about me?
So Baha'i's are interested in world peace, democracy, peace, etc. quote]

what about theocracy God rule , its the only way Daniel 2;44:) look what doing it our own way has done .......... Adam and eve
The ultimate aim in the Christian plan is neither Theocracy nor Democracy. The question was how do Baha'i answer the charge that their religion is synthetic. I can not be the only person who has asked it. Its a legitimate question and has nothing to do with JW's, Mee.
The question was how do Baha'i answer the charge that their religion is synthetic.

Words are synthetic; created by mankind.

religion(s) synthesis in defining; all have to return to magic and omnipotence

even as the road(s) may have stories to lighten up the path; in all cases there is only one goal, understanding

and basic common sense shares to all people; magic and omnipotence will never offer understanding.

religions are the foundation of complacency to ignorance

Only with integrity, honesty and selfless compassion will any find the final location; the truth!
What's unique in the Baha'i Faith is the Adminstrative Order that is both democratic and divinely ordained, we believe. I'll give a short explanation, but if you want to talk about it more, you are very welcome to post a new topic in the Baha'i forum about it.

Each locality that has nine or more Baha'is has a locally elected Local Spiritual Assembly. Each region gets together yearly and votes for delegates to a national convention where a National Spiritual Assembly is elected by secret ballot with no candidates nor campaigning. Every adult Baha'i is eligible to be elected. Elections at every level are free from campaigning. Every five years the National Spiritual Assemblies from all over the world get together and elect, in the same way, the Universal House of Justice. It's a global democratic system, the world governing body being just a few steps from the local level.

If you want to talk about this subject more, please feel free to post a new topic in the Baha'i forum. Thanks!
So Baha'i's are interested in world peace, democracy, peace, etc. That's nice. What other reasons are there to believe in Baha'U'llah ?

We believe that Baha'u'llah is the Promised One of all the major world religions. We believe He is the Return of Christ in the Glory of the Father, the Lord of Hosts, the One extolled by Isaiah. We believe He brought the remedy the world needs, that He gave us everything we need for a united world, that He is bringing together people from all different backgrounds into one fold, gathering His sheep together from all the tribes of the earth. If you want to talk about this more, please feel free to post a new topic about it in the Baha'i forum so I won't lose track of it. Thanks!
We believe that Baha'u'llah is the Promised One of all the major world religions. We believe He is the Return of Christ in the Glory of the Father, the Lord of Hosts, the One extolled by Isaiah. We believe He brought the remedy the world needs, that He gave us everything we need for a united world, that He is bringing together people from all different backgrounds into one fold, gathering His sheep together from all the tribes of the earth. If you want to talk about this more, please feel free to post a new topic about it in the Baha'i forum so I won't lose track of it. Thanks!

note how this is what the thread is all about;

many paths to the city: one location

all of mankind is awaiting the truth

and like mentioned above Bahaullah basically tried to fill the shoes of what the Bab was suggesting a long time ago

He claimed to fulfill the Bábí prophecy of "He whom God shall make manifest

and as good meaning as it may appear; democracy and all the voting of people for the leadership, the key articles of truth had not been revealed.

Only one set of truth! (one location)
Baha'u'llah didn't "try" to fill the shoes of what the Bab was suggesting. The Bab knew exactly Who Baha'u'llah was and named Him Baha.
Baha'u'llah didn't "try" to fill the shoes of what the Bab was suggesting. The Bab knew exactly Who Baha'u'llah was and named Him Baha.

Bahaulla was 'mirror' of the Bab's teachings. The Bab was in prison and that story of Baha'i is a fabrication for the belief by Bahaulla.

Do you need referencing material or is Christ God.... ooops wrong religions

Do you need referencing or is Krshna God .... did it again

Do you need referencing or is Mohammed the last prophet......

it's a pychosis; must know the truth...............

don't play with beliefs as most are simply rude with self preserving participants who are so bend on the words their faith professes, that most do not even care to read a second, third, forth, or any of the 6 billion opinions on this earth; as their's is it!

Did the works of bahaulla bring world Peace during his life on earth? Meaning was he alive during the war of 'good and bad', and then afterwards leave the works that govern mankind into the next period bringing, equality, knowledge, universal understanding and world Peace?

NO! The he was not the guy!

many path to the city: one location
Had the leaders of the world heeded His counsel, we would have beheld a new earth. They chose to exalt themselves, and in the process lost everything they had. The empires are gone. (The mountains passed away.) We are now in the Formative Age, I believe, which leads to the Golden Age. You want instantaneous peace when the world itself chose not to have peace. We will have world peace when we heed the counsel of the Manifestation of God.

To you be your religion, to me my religion.
Had the leaders of the world heeded His counsel, we would have beheld a new earth.
Then you proved to yourself that he did not fullfill the prophecies. Then little locations did not include the globe, Israel was not at the stage, nor were the trees dying from the top-down, nor did the white buffalo change through the four colors of men.

Nor did he raise the fathers to the flesh...

simple enough, thank you

They chose to exalt themselves, and in the process lost everything they had. The empires are gone. (The mountains passed away.) We are now in the Formative Age, I believe, which leads to the Golden Age. You want instantaneous peace when the world itself chose not to have peace. We will have world peace when we heed the counsel of the Manifestation of God.
God is all of existence; we live within.

We have a big war, with lots of big ugly fire crackers, the 'doomsday mare' of the Hindu religion spitting fire upon the earth (nuclear subs) have yet to make their charge my friend.

To you be your religion, to me my religion.

Not really a religious kind of guy except to honor all of existence, all of God's knowledge, evolved throughout time. To care to actually observe the atrocities occurring right now on this earth and simply remember the words written by many many many different authors, coupled with knowing that the knowledge also learned; the truth of life; in a physical constraint, will be what combines all of mankind with Understanding. So the religions will soon be over.

Combine a few areas of knowledge and many questions throughout history can be understood.

Maybe ask a few
I believe in spiritual resurrection, not physical. I believe in the spiritual significance of life, resurrection, and judgment. People like to take things literally and physically when I believe they are meant spiritually. Armageddon is a mountain by Megiddo, very close to Mount Carmel, the world center of the Baha'i Faith. There's a spiritual conflict going on right now between spirituality and materialism. Spirituality will win.

I believe in spiritual resurrection, not physical.
Good, you stated simply what you believe; now that is fair. But are these open for discussion?

Meaning; you stated what you believe, no one has a right to impose unless what you believe adversely affects others. You could sit on a rock and say you believe you are a flying elephant, get drunk, hammered, stoned to death; just don’t harm another by choice. Life or death; these are our choices. Want to die; go ahead; just don’t damage other (existence).

I believe in the spiritual significance of life, resurrection, and judgment.
Completely fair to maintain your choices.

People like to take things literally and physically when I believe they are meant spiritually.
Which people?

Armageddon is a mountain by
Megiddo, very close to Mount Carmel, the world center of the Baha'i Faith.
Oooops! Might be a hot location if Israel hits Iran as she is practicing now. Not joking; Big UN watchdog chief said yesterday, middle east will become a ‘fireball’………… just yesterday… not last month, not in a book, not of some prophecy………… a world respected leader, democratically chosen, stating …. Israel best not

There's a spiritual conflict going on right now between spirituality and materialism. Spirituality will win.
Life will win; that is a fact. And for an opinion, think of spiritual as ‘experiencing existence’ …. We (a bunch of rocks/mass) can actually experience our surrounding and ‘do’ something. That ‘do’ is a spiritual choice we can impose to material existence. From an idea to a rocket ship.

And to live in the ‘spiritual’ is to be alive in that choice.

Just an idea .... to assist you on finding the path to that ONE location
I found what I was looking for. Baha'u'llah.
such are the faithful.....

as they do not care for the future; just themselves

"i found what I was looking for"

then live and die in your choice of self over the good of the collective.....

but then again, the comments are not geared for the selfish, meaning many others are reading what you may never understand.

This thread is for sharing the truth of reality even if it means walking across all them faithful paths into ignorance; to finally reach the "one location" of the truth.

Existence only opperates in ONE fashion.
such are the faithful.....

as they do not care for the future; just themselves

"i found what I was looking for"

then live and die in your choice of self over the good of the collective.....

but then again, the comments are not geared for the selfish, meaning many others are reading what you may never understand.

This thread is for sharing the truth of reality even if it means walking across all them faithful paths into ignorance; to finally reach the "one location" of the truth.

Existence only opperates in ONE fashion.

It's not selfish for me to be a Baha'i. One of the reasons I became a Baha'i is for the sake of world unity. I see in it the greatest hope for the world. Gandhi called the Baha'i Faith a solace to mankind.