Not everyone saying to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter into the kingdom of the heavens, but the one doing the will of my Father who is in the heavens will. Many will say to me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not . . . perform many powerful works in your name?’ And yet then I will confess to them: I never knew you! Get away from me, you workers of lawlessness."—Matthew 7:21-23.
it seems that from these verses in the bible, which are Jesus words, many would be thinking they are doing what is right, but it seems that Jesus will not be thinking that they are doing the right things .
they even think that the works they are doing are powerful works , but not according to Jesus .
he will even say GET AWAY FROM ME
he will not be very happy with some who claim to be doing the will of God
oh dear,
it would be best to find out what Jesus wanted his followers to do would it not?
well if we go to the bible and listen to what Jesus said to his followers just before he went back to heaven, this is what he said , in fact it was the very last thing he said to them.
it is in matthew 28;18-20
And Jesus approached and spoke to them, saying: "All authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded YOU. And, look! I am with YOU .
Jesus left instructions with his representatives to feed people spiritually by teaching them the truth of God’s Word and helping them to be spiritually clean. (John 21:15-17)
Yet, Christendom has dismally failed to obey his direction. christendom has left people spiritually starved, confused by falsehoods and ignorant of basic Bible truths. (Isaiah 65:13; Amos 8:11)
which reminds me of an illustration here it is
A father and mother need to go on a trip. They cannot take their children along, so they hire a babysitter.
Their instructions to her are simple: "Take care of our children. Feed them, make sure they are clean, and keep them from harm." When the parents return, though, they are shocked to see that their children are famished.
They are dirty, sickly, and miserable. They are crying for the babysitter’s attention, but their cries go unheeded.
Why? She is up on a ladder, washing the windows. Furious, the parents demand an explanation. The sitter replies: "Look at all that I did! Aren’t the windows clean? I made repairs to the house too, all for you!" Would the parents feel better? Hardly!
They never asked her to do those jobs; they just wanted their children cared for. Her refusal to heed their instructions would infuriate them.
Even christendoms attempts to better this world can hardly excuse her willful disobedience.
The churches of Christendom have sponsored charities, aided the poor, built hospitals and schools, and performed many other works. To see why they have earned Jesus’ anger, consider the illustration.
Christendom has acted like that babysitter. Jesus left instructions with his representatives to feed people spiritually by teaching them the truth of God’s Word and helping them to be spiritually clean. (John 21:15-17) Yet, Christendom has dismally failed to obey his direction.
thats because they are busy doing other works .
On the other hand, Jesus must be very happy to look down from heaven and see that millions of people are fulfilling the disciple-making commission that he gave his followers before leaving the earth. (Matthew 28:19, 20) What a privilege it is to contribute to the joy of the Messianic King!
by assisting "the faithful and discreet slave." (Matthew 24:45)
Unlike Christendom’s clergy, this class of anointed Christians has obediently spearheaded the preaching work and has faithfully fed Christ’s sheep.
and it is clear as clear who is doing the will of God .
and mee has found them and i have joined them REVELATION 7;9-10
it seems that from these verses in the bible, which are Jesus words, many would be thinking they are doing what is right, but it seems that Jesus will not be thinking that they are doing the right things .
they even think that the works they are doing are powerful works , but not according to Jesus .
he will even say GET AWAY FROM ME
he will not be very happy with some who claim to be doing the will of God
oh dear,
it would be best to find out what Jesus wanted his followers to do would it not?
well if we go to the bible and listen to what Jesus said to his followers just before he went back to heaven, this is what he said , in fact it was the very last thing he said to them.
it is in matthew 28;18-20
And Jesus approached and spoke to them, saying: "All authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded YOU. And, look! I am with YOU .
Jesus left instructions with his representatives to feed people spiritually by teaching them the truth of God’s Word and helping them to be spiritually clean. (John 21:15-17)
Yet, Christendom has dismally failed to obey his direction. christendom has left people spiritually starved, confused by falsehoods and ignorant of basic Bible truths. (Isaiah 65:13; Amos 8:11)
which reminds me of an illustration here it is
A father and mother need to go on a trip. They cannot take their children along, so they hire a babysitter.
Their instructions to her are simple: "Take care of our children. Feed them, make sure they are clean, and keep them from harm." When the parents return, though, they are shocked to see that their children are famished.
They are dirty, sickly, and miserable. They are crying for the babysitter’s attention, but their cries go unheeded.
Why? She is up on a ladder, washing the windows. Furious, the parents demand an explanation. The sitter replies: "Look at all that I did! Aren’t the windows clean? I made repairs to the house too, all for you!" Would the parents feel better? Hardly!
They never asked her to do those jobs; they just wanted their children cared for. Her refusal to heed their instructions would infuriate them.
Even christendoms attempts to better this world can hardly excuse her willful disobedience.
The churches of Christendom have sponsored charities, aided the poor, built hospitals and schools, and performed many other works. To see why they have earned Jesus’ anger, consider the illustration.
Christendom has acted like that babysitter. Jesus left instructions with his representatives to feed people spiritually by teaching them the truth of God’s Word and helping them to be spiritually clean. (John 21:15-17) Yet, Christendom has dismally failed to obey his direction.
thats because they are busy doing other works .
On the other hand, Jesus must be very happy to look down from heaven and see that millions of people are fulfilling the disciple-making commission that he gave his followers before leaving the earth. (Matthew 28:19, 20) What a privilege it is to contribute to the joy of the Messianic King!
by assisting "the faithful and discreet slave." (Matthew 24:45)
Unlike Christendom’s clergy, this class of anointed Christians has obediently spearheaded the preaching work and has faithfully fed Christ’s sheep.
and it is clear as clear who is doing the will of God .
and mee has found them and i have joined them REVELATION 7;9-10