Except for you.
people who do not know others, yet they know more about everyone else than everyone else knows about themselves.
Except for you.
The cherubim guards in all directions against those who would reach forth and take of the tree. It is the reaching, grasping, holding, and forcible taking of the fruit that is prohibited.
The cherubim guards in all directions against those who would reach forth and take of the tree. It is the reaching, grasping, holding, and forcible taking of the fruit that is prohibited.
It seems the Cherubim with flaming swords were assigned to guard duty by G-d, who evidently wanted to assert His judgment, authority, and jurisdiction. The Tree of Life is being guarded by the Cherubim, whose protection of the Tree indicates that it has a special sanctity and that you are not to proceed without permission. The flaming swords also symbolize G-d's might, making it clear that His judgment and authority are enforceable.I'm on the edge of my seat to hear what anyone has to say about the cherubim.
The L-rd did not officially say that Adam and Eve would never have access to Eternal Life. He does not wish to deny mankind Eternal Life. What He does intend to show, it seems, is how mankind can gain access.did the fire sword also keep them from having the antidote for their condition?
did the fire sword also keep them from having the antidote for their condition? wasn't it inside the mystical garden?
The Tree of Life was in the middle of the garden - along with the Tree of Good and Evil.did the fire sword also keep them from having the antidote for their condition? wasn't it inside the mystical garden?
Well heck, since the title of this thread is "The Trouble with Transcendental Unity of Religions," it might be appropriate to investigate a curious parallel to the stepping on the head of the snake from a different religion, to investigate the trouble it might stir up:In the story I already know the way back to the tree and have tasted it before, so its not a matter of identifying the trees. My problem is the deadly cherub which G!d placed between me and the tree. I'd eat from the tree if the cherub weren't in my way, because I don't obey when G!d says 'Do not eat'. Ironic that obedience requires that I die, and disobedience is instant death. My problem is also the serpent, which G!d allowed in the garden. The serpent is obviously the variable that matters, which I realized soon after I'd eaten fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. I will be permitted to live in the garden once the serpent dies, even though I now know good & evil. Puzzling. Should complain about my situation?
In the question of transcendental unity of religions, a related question is "is it the knowledge of good and evil or the serpent that matters, and how is it killed?"
Hey, I did say that I was looking to see what kind of trouble I could stir up.It is interesting that the snake and the foot appear in a conversation about religion. Isn't this a different picture though? In this the person is advised to avoid all pleasure as if it were a snakes head and they were barefooted.
it might be appropriate to investigate a curious parallel to the stepping on the head of the snake from a different religion....
Originally Posted by Thomas
Everybody thinking they know best is the source of the problem, not its solution. It's also nigh-on a fact that as soon as we go our own way, we're most probably making a mistake ... "hey ma, look! everyone's marching out of step but me!"
I think that is human wisdom talking. I think think that individual revelation is the Stone the Builders Rejected, which is been made the Capstone. The builders are of course the builders of the House of God. The builders reject it, because they cannot conceive of it working. It is not their decision however, and every stone in the spiritual temple must be custom cut at the quarry, just as the physical stones were for Solomon's temple.