Why do you believe in YOUR religion

Why do you believe in YOUR religion

because it is the one with abundant true knowledge about the bible DANIEL 12;4

Eespecially in these the last days .

and it is very good :)

sounds about agreeable, though you could have expanded your answer.
I have chosen to be religionless. Atheist. For most of my life I entertained the 'hope' that there was 'something' and that i would find it. Dismissing the major religions was easy, most of them are blatant fabrications of a bygone age that are so hypocritical and ridiculous I find the only miracle is that anyone believes in them at all. The minor ones I found to borrow wholesale from the major and their devotees to use the same psychological reasoning to support their faith. I believe the psyche to accept faith into your life to be universal throughout all religions and though complex and multifaceted is a side effect of self awareness. There has never been any proof at any time to demonstrate any sentience is at work, yet millions of false claims. If this was any other field of questioning it would have been dismissed aeons ago. But unfortunately it has become so culturally ingrained, through millennia of indoctrination by greedy power mad institutions on the poorly educated, that it is nigh near impossible to shift. La Folie.


I've personally witnessed a weeping icon of the Virgin Mary and other members of my family have. The media often reports on miracles that happen in quite afew religions. I've read reports on Islam, Hinduism and Christianity. We had the famous Hindu Milk miracle that occurred years ago. It started off after an Indian in India had a dream being visited by a Hindu God teln in India had a dream being visited by a Hindu God telling him to give him milk to drink (something like that I can't remember the full story) the next day this guy took milk to the temple and attempted to feed it to an Icon which then started to absorb the milk. News of what happened got out and before you know it was an international phenomenon happening all over the world and media chasing around watching it in dme. Afew scientists looked into it at the time and there has still been no full rational explanation as how it happened.

I was born a Christian (Greek Orthodox) and still a practising one. But I'm intriged with the Baha'i faith.
I've personally witnessed a weeping icon of the Virgin Mary and other members of my family have. ...

Afew scientists looked into it at the time and there has still been no full rational explanation as how it happened..
It is my understanding that weeping statues have been made for centuries and are still made today, however many of the weeps identified have been found to be hoaxes that were perpetrated (when the substance was studied). I remember watching a show on the debate between the scientists, the faithful and the skeptics.

Milk-drinking gods just plain science
Nooooo this happened in our house on about 3 occasions we even moved it into another room and it happened again the window seal was soaked in some kind of oil and you could see it dripping from the eyes. The Icon was a mass produced one made out of MDF. I read of another case of a weeping icon on the internet and it was off a paranormal investigators site and he decribed exactly the same only he seen a weeping icon in a church in Canada and he dismissed it as a hoax which actually left me quite annoyed with his ignorance. As for the Hindu milk miracle the scientific theory makes no sense to me because the icons would only absorb milk on certain days and it mysteriously stopped happening altogether after a certain day and Hindus were reporting this all over the world, they were drinking spoons full.
Jonathan Ross wife I forgot her name she’s of Jewish decent made an amazing documentary on different Paranormal activities, she goes to investigate peoples claims of mysterious things taking place quite objectively. Her point of view favours they actually happen as she investigates.
Why do you believe in YOUR religion

because its teachings are inline with the bible , and what the bible REALLY teaches.

And of cause it is the channel that is being fed by Jesus
matthew 24;45-47 .

and it is real good spiritual food that is being given out :) only the best for mee
A Good Answer

First off I apologize if this has already been asked in a previous thread. I looked but did not see anything.

I've spent the last 8 years hearing "their belief is wrong because..." and many bad, or stereo-typical things about other relgions that don't fall in line with "Southern Baptist".

I don't want to hear steroe-types.. they are judgmental and group things together as a whole instead of giving them to chance to prove themselves on an individual basis.

To me, there obviously is something there in those other religions to not only cause such devotion to them, but to (as my husband drilled it to me last night..) "take the chance with your soul that you are wrong.."

So, my question to you is this..

What moves you so deeply inside about your chosen relgion? If possible I would like to hear YOUR words not "because < > says so...."

I think you may find your question answered here:
PLU ~ Bob :)


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sounds about agreeable, though you could have expanded your answer.

Also it is the channel that JESUS is feeding and giving great responsibility too matthew 24;45-47 :)

also it is being fed real good bible based spiritual food . i like that:)

no manmade doctrines in sight