Astral Projection - Anyone experienced?

Hello! I have worked since I was a child at Astral projection and now am able to Astral project at will, but only to places I have been before. my best friend is a wonderful person who is a total master at Astral projection and can travel anywhere on the Astral planplane.

I'm plenty open to questions and am willing to give advice!
Do you just watch? Can you affect anything by your astral presence? Does anyone sense your presence? Can you communicate mentally with others during the experience?
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Do you just watch? Can you affect anything by your astral presence? Does anyone sense your presence? Can you communicate mentally with others during the experience?

I see it as it is. Everything looks like it's vibrating. I can't effect much, my friend can interact with Astral beings (I HAVE been noticed by another being on the Astral plane before) but I haven't tried yet. I definitely can sense my friends presence when he visits and I'm not sure if mine can be felt. I have not tried to communicate mentally with anyone, the only thing I found on the Astral plane was at my friends house. Big black shadow person... didn't wait around to see if I could talk to it lol!
I have experienced it twice in my early and later teens.
Besides the colorful experience, I have read about it later.

It is very very very dangerous.

The astral body is composed of mind/Intel/ego
---during astral projection there is a 'tether'
springing from the navel area*
made of this astral body material [aka the subtle-body]
that keeps the dislodged astral body
connected back to its gross body.

If the the tether is severed you cannot
re-enter the gross body, leaving the

dis-embodied spirit to be a ghost
---worse still the gross body is vacant of
will-power and thus a available for a
any lucky ghost to reside in aka possess.

* Quick Google query found this:
The Navel Chakra is the passion center of the body and the mind;
it channels your "joie de vivre", libido, creativity and the ability to
connect to others. Feelings associated with this chakra are shame,
jealousy, fear, remorse and disgust.

The third chakra, manipura, or “navel chakra”
(also referred to as the “solar plexus chakra”),
acts as the body's energy power-house.
When it's clogged up, you may find yourself
feeling powerless, stagnant, or quick to anger.
I have experienced it twice in my early and later teens.
Besides the colorful experience, I have read about it later.

It is very very very dangerous.

The astral body is composed of mind/Intel/ego
---during astral projection there is a 'tether'
springing from the navel area*
made of this astral body material [aka the subtle-body]
that keeps the dislodged astral body
connected back to its gross body.

If the the tether is severed you cannot
re-enter the gross body, leaving the

dis-embodied spirit to be a ghost
---worse still the gross body is vacant of
will-power and thus a available for a
any lucky ghost to reside in aka possess.

* Quick Google query found this:
The Navel Chakra is the passion center of the body and the mind;
it channels your "joie de vivre", libido, creativity and the ability to
connect to others. Feelings associated with this chakra are shame,
jealousy, fear, remorse and disgust.

The third chakra, manipura, or “navel chakra”
(also referred to as the “solar plexus chakra”),
acts as the body's energy power-house.
When it's clogged up, you may find yourself
feeling powerless, stagnant, or quick to anger.

Personally, I believe that what we call "astral projection" is just a form of hypnotic trance accompanied by an OBE.

The methods for achieving this are usually some form of visualization exercise combined with breathwork that causes the same sort of cerebral hypoxia as Near-Death Experiences. It's mostly harmless in small doses. The big risks aren't being possessed or losing your body, but potential long-term brain damage caused by anoxia.
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Personally, I believe that what we call "astral projection" is just a form of hypnotic trance accompanied by an OBE.

I can pretty well describe how a chin-up is done, you just hang by your arms and pull yourchin up to your knuckles.

Couldn't do one for the life of mine, in my current state of fitness.

I do agree that astral projection is not inherently dangerous, though like any related discipline, it's best learned from a teacher with relevant experience.
I know little about the following, but I was explicitly warned by a Hindu monk that I should avoid exploring interests in kunadalini ... because it could accidentally rush to skull and explode the cranium. The monk would not same more and he was very serious. I know little about kunadalini aimed practices or goals
A few months ago I used to achieve the 'mind-awake/body-asleep' state spontaneously, but at the time I didn't know it had anything to do with out of body experiences.
IMHO, 'mind-awake/body-asleep' is in meditation and not any astral projection.
.. because it could accidentally rush to skull and explode the cranium. The monk would not say more and he was very serious. I know little about kunadalini aimed practices or goals
Ah, and you were suitably impressed! I find that quite funny.

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(I HAVE been noticed by another being on the Astral plane before) but I haven't tried yet. I definitely can sense my friends presence when he visits and I'm not sure if mine can be felt. I have not tried to communicate mentally with anyone, the only thing I found on the Astral plane was at my friends house. Big black shadow person... didn't wait around to see if I could talk to it lol!
Marsian? Venusian? Or some one from Andromeda?
..during astral projection there is a 'tether'springing from the navel area* made of this astral body material [aka the subtle-body].
Something rubbery? Metallic? Shiny, glowing?
though like any related discipline, it's best learned from a teacher with relevant experience.
Say it, sir, Say it!

I agree, and would apply this rule in almost everything.

I studied Reiki for a while, but moved away when (having studied Japanese matters beforehand) I realised vast mythologising of its founder and origins, spun for various reasons, some reasoned, some quite romantic ...
I would like to shed some light on the astral planes, astral projections/ obes.

First off, in all these experiences you are never just there alone, it is you and a mind together, you inside of it or it inside of you. I have had thousands and thousands of obes and astral projections in my life time to know this for a fact. 99% of all said experiences occurs inside of "myself or the matrix as others refer to it" The astral is many things but it is time mostly of things that become nothing here. Myself is a creation of the ancients many times before this universe was formed.

We all have a yourself and inside of this mind we bring our time across to figure things out. Dreams are a intimate collaboration of time to teach you things, either about yourself, others or things that make no sense to anyone there.

Remote viewing can be done but you have to be able to teach your monkey mind how to figure things out. If I want to figure you out I can find time inside of your mind to ask questions, but if your mind does not understand thoughts or cannot figure you out then the information is not good.

The layers of the astral is a five by five grid each section is a mind that can hold worlds within them so it would be impossible to understand the full astral it would take you life times.

Minds will trick you most of the time if you try to figure them out, example of this could be lizard people, gods, and even Santa Claus. it is best to meditate with a empty mind no questions just silence your mind to allow them to show you things.

To understand how a mind teaches you astral projections/ dreams is it comes up to you and fills yourself with its minds. These minds activate the brain cells/ mitochondria responsible for rem sleep You are now able to enter into a holographic world created by the mind that just taught you inside of it.

I don't think the brain is capable of forming it's own dreams, and if it did it would be simple thoughts about simple things like addictions or, physical problems they may try to figure out if persistent, things that make sense to us.

I see it as it is. Everything looks like it's vibrating. I can't effect much, my friend can interact with Astral beings (I HAVE been noticed by another being on the Astral plane before) but I haven't tried yet. I definitely can sense my friends presence when he visits and I'm not sure if mine can be felt. I have not tried to communicate mentally with anyone, the only thing I found on the Astral plane was at my friends house. Big black shadow person... didn't wait around to see if I could talk to it lol!

I seek the shadows, how long ago was it that you had this experience with the shadow person in it.

The reason you sense your friend, this is your mind and his mind together to figure things out he is trying to teach you things inside of you. if you were trying to teach him things he would feel your mind asking questions, not all minds can find time like this. You both are allowed minds or old minds most likely.

If your mind tries to figure me out I will try to post what I see if anything this might help you understand how much it can figure you out. Minds don't always seek me out to teach me things but it is rare they do not.

Just wanted to add this thought. If you want to try to place something on a table and get the other person to figure it out from a remote place you have to use items that have meaning to you. The saying goes like this "it has to become something here many times to become something here all the time" I would try things that have a lot of time to them in your life to teach each other.
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What @powessy means by 'allowed' minds:
You both are allowed minds or old minds most likely.
You have allowed minds and then not allowed minds. Allowed minds can become themselves again not allowed minds will just become anyone again that they can become. allowed minds get first choice to become something here again.
What @powessy means by 'allowed' minds:

Allowed minds are minds that first found time here when this world was formed from the primordial soup to today. Minds try to become the most evolved life forms on the planet those that can figure things out the most. These minds became everything to become something again and again, many might call them angels. From what was said this planet only had 500 million allowed minds to start and never found time again to become more minds.

"Not allowed minds" are minds that have only become something here once and need to become themselves many times to become something here again and again before becoming themselves all the time.

There were many people and problems that happened along the way and this is why they do not try to teach us about ourselves.
