When you go to the place...do you see it as it was or as it is?
Do you just watch? Can you affect anything by your astral presence? Does anyone sense your presence? Can you communicate mentally with others during the experience?Hello! I have worked since I was a child at Astral projection and now am able to Astral project at will, but only to places I have been before. my best friend is a wonderful person who is a total master at Astral projection and can travel anywhere on the Astral planplane.
I'm plenty open to questions and am willing to give advice!
Do you just watch? Can you affect anything by your astral presence? Does anyone sense your presence? Can you communicate mentally with others during the experience?
I have experienced it twice in my early and later teens.
Besides the colorful experience, I have read about it later.
It is very very very dangerous.
The astral body is composed of mind/Intel/ego
---during astral projection there is a 'tether'
springing from the navel area*
made of this astral body material [aka the subtle-body]
that keeps the dislodged astral body
connected back to its gross body.
If the the tether is severed you cannot
re-enter the gross body, leaving the
dis-embodied spirit to be a ghost
---worse still the gross body is vacant of
will-power and thus a available for a
any lucky ghost to reside in aka possess.
* Quick Google query found this:
The Navel Chakra is the passion center of the body and the mind;
it channels your "joie de vivre", libido, creativity and the ability to
connect to others. Feelings associated with this chakra are shame,
jealousy, fear, remorse and disgust.
The third chakra, manipura, or “navel chakra”
(also referred to as the “solar plexus chakra”),
acts as the body's energy power-house.
When it's clogged up, you may find yourself
feeling powerless, stagnant, or quick to anger.
"Just"?Personally, I believe that what we call "astral projection" is just a form of hypnotic trance accompanied by an OBE.
IMHO, 'mind-awake/body-asleep' is in meditation and not any astral projection.A few months ago I used to achieve the 'mind-awake/body-asleep' state spontaneously, but at the time I didn't know it had anything to do with out of body experiences.
Ah, and you were suitably impressed! I find that quite funny... because it could accidentally rush to skull and explode the cranium. The monk would not say more and he was very serious. I know little about kunadalini aimed practices or goals
Marsian? Venusian? Or some one from Andromeda?(I HAVE been noticed by another being on the Astral plane before) but I haven't tried yet. I definitely can sense my friends presence when he visits and I'm not sure if mine can be felt. I have not tried to communicate mentally with anyone, the only thing I found on the Astral plane was at my friends house. Big black shadow person... didn't wait around to see if I could talk to it lol!
Something rubbery? Metallic? Shiny, glowing?..during astral projection there is a 'tether'springing from the navel area* made of this astral body material [aka the subtle-body].
Say it, sir, Say it!though like any related discipline, it's best learned from a teacher with relevant experience.
I see it as it is. Everything looks like it's vibrating. I can't effect much, my friend can interact with Astral beings (I HAVE been noticed by another being on the Astral plane before) but I haven't tried yet. I definitely can sense my friends presence when he visits and I'm not sure if mine can be felt. I have not tried to communicate mentally with anyone, the only thing I found on the Astral plane was at my friends house. Big black shadow person... didn't wait around to see if I could talk to it lol!
You both are allowed minds or old minds most likely.
You have allowed minds and then not allowed minds. Allowed minds can become themselves again not allowed minds will just become anyone again that they can become. allowed minds get first choice to become something here again.
What @powessy means by 'allowed' minds: