gluadys said:
Genesis 1:1 "and the Spirit moved on the face of the waters"
... The Hebrew verb here is a rare one referring to a very specific type of movement: the fluttering of a bird as it hovers over its nest.
This gives us a whole new image of the Spirit of God. The image of a mother bird hovering over a cosmic egg about to hatch!! It suggests--in contrast to the usual Judaeo-Christian-Muslim image of the creator as maker---the creator as mother birthing the creation. A very feminine image indeed.
I love this imagery. There is a long mystical poem by Baha'u'llah just now in "provisional" (accuracy, authenticity still being checked) stage of translation which I find intriguing.
It is (if I understand correctly) imagery symbolizing the interaction between the human spirit of the Manifestation of God (ie Christ/Prophet) and the Spirit of God/Revelation -- which is portrayed as a "Maid." Tho there is no reference to a Dove in the body of the poem, yet it is entitled "Ode of the Dove" - so I'm not sure if the "Dove" is the "Maid" or "Her Lover." I'll paste just a few lines of it, as I find it beautiful and fascinating, and I think you might enjoy it.
1. I was enthralled by light rays from a face
Whose advent dimmed and darkened every star,
2. As though the sunbeams of Her beauty's glow
appeared and dazzled planets from afar.
3. Her joy diffused the musk of the unseen,
Her stature raised the Spirit up above.
4. The End-Time's Trump resounded when She blew;
Her breath caused shadows of the clouds to move.
5. Her gleam reveals Mount Sinai's deathlessness;
Baha's bright light is kindled when She glows.
6. Then to Her west the sun of splendor dawned,
and to Her east, the moon of moons arose.
7. The mistral's fragrance wafted from Her hair,
and Beauty's eyes were solaced by Her gaze.
8. Her shining face gave Guidance sage advice,
and Moses' soul was cleansed by Her form's blaze.
... (127 stanzas)
The whole text can be found at: