Does this qualify as 'Emergent Christianity'?

DT Strain

Spiritual Naturalist
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United States.
Suppose there was a religion that is agnostic with regards to God and an afterlife, and even with respect to whether or not Jesus was a literal historical person. But they call themselves Christians because they follow many of the ethical and lifestyle teachings of Jesus.

This, to me, seems even more radical that what I've seen described as the 'emergent church', but would it qualify under that label? Or, something else?

What is a good description of the "emergent church"? I'm not sure what that is, so I can't really answer this.

I would say the people you describe sound like most humanists I know, which is different from some of the mystical or esoteric Christians who do think there is a literal historical Jesus, God, and afterlife but do not ascribe to any specific doctrine or denomination.
Suppose there was a religion that is agnostic with regards to God and an afterlife, and even with respect to whether or not Jesus was a literal historical person. But they call themselves Christians because they follow many of the ethical and lifestyle teachings of Jesus.

This, to me, seems even more radical that what I've seen described as the 'emergent church', but would it qualify under that label? Or, something else?

So did Ghandi, and so did the Samaritans concerning Judaism. Yet Christ stated flatly to them, "you know not what you pray to, or who you believe in..."

the answer is no.
So did Ghandi, and so did the Samaritans concerning Judaism. Yet Christ stated flatly to them, "you know not what you pray to, or who you believe in..."

the answer is no.
"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?' Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!'" -- Matthew 7:21-23
Doing the "will of [our] Father who is in heaven" is precisely what some of us think men like Gandhi were doing. I don't know if he was intended to be part of an emergent Christian church, but I do think he was aware that Satyagraha was having a pretty noticeable impact, and I don't just mean on the religious climate of India. This was world news, because whether we in West made the obvious and undeniable connection, here was a man who was putting the philosophy of forgiveness, and turn the other cheek literally into practice.

Gandhi did not hedge, either.

Strip modern Christianity of its superstitions and idolatry. Emphasize the living Truth which its ancient traditions, prayers and rituals have sought to preserve. And ever so gradually shift emphasis from the glorification of the life of ONE MAN -- any man -- back onto the living memory of this man's Spirit, the PRESENCE He sought to bring into every human, or even non-human encounter ... and I think we will be just fine if we hang up the God-question for awhile, worry less about what happens AFTER we live our earthly lives, and get back to the brass tacks of choosing, every single moment, what kind of people we really are (and are thus becoming), and what kind of a world we are preparing for our future.

It is much, much easier to simply worship someone, and hope that in the long run, everything will turn out alright ... while meanwhile we can play the guessing game, and console ourselves, or bolster our "faith" through mutual affirmation of what has always been done, said, enacted or sung. But how about asking ourselves, moment by moment, is this right? Is this what I really feel I ought to be doing? Hmm, a really novel concept, right? The real answer to the question, WWJD, if we both asked and awaited an answer with reverence, patience and our very most earnest effort toward attunement (or "tuning in," if we like) ... might come as such a shock to some of us, that the realization, "Oh gee, that wasn't very `Christian' at all" would surely accompany it every bit as unavoidably as the painful thud which usually accompanies a dropped brick on the head.

Too much Jethro Tull? perhaps But John Lennon said it in a way that I hope we all remember, or at least appreciate (he was before my time, though I was born a year after this song came out):
Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace...

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

I think Jesus would have appreciated this song. Yeah, I really think he would. :)
"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?' Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!'" -- Matthew 7:21-23
I can't even walk to the front of the Church Andrew...
Well said AndrewX. It would be interesting to see what the world would be like if there were a major religion whose adherents lived by the teachings of Jesus.

Doing the "will of [our] Father who is in heaven" is precisely what some of us think men like Gandhi were doing. I don't know if he was intended to be part of an emergent Christian church, but I do think he was aware that Satyagraha was having a pretty noticeable impact, and I don't just mean on the religious climate of India. This was world news, because whether we in West made the obvious and undeniable connection, here was a man who was putting the philosophy of forgiveness, and turn the other cheek literally into practice.
Somehow I doubt you could make it an agnostic one, which is what your opening question was. You'd need some kind of agnostic priesthood, anyway. Most people seem to think you'd need a priesthood to keep the meme going for just about any religion or at least some sort of educated cabal of people.
Suppose there was a religion that is agnostic with regards to God and an afterlife, and even with respect to whether or not Jesus was a literal historical person. But they call themselves Christians because they follow many of the ethical and lifestyle teachings of Jesus.

This, to me, seems even more radical that what I've seen described as the 'emergent church', but would it qualify under that label? Or, something else?

If this body of people 'doesn't know' about God and an afterlife, and a historical Jesus, then the appropriate answer to the question regarding the label of 'emergent church' would also be 'don't know.' Putting your faith and hope in the ethical and lifestyle teachings of Jesus, and practicing them {easier said than done} may be good, but is it enough? Don't know...
Well said AndrewX. It would be interesting to see what the world would be like if there were a major religion whose adherents lived by the teachings of Jesus.

If this body of people 'doesn't know' about God and an afterlife, and a historical Jesus, then the appropriate answer to the question regarding the label of 'emergent church' would also be 'don't know.' Putting your faith and hope in the ethical and lifestyle teachings of Jesus, and practicing them {easier said than done} may be good, but is it enough? Don't know...
1: a person who holds the view that any ultimate reality (as God) is unknown and probably unknowable; broadly : one who is not committed to believing in either the existence or the nonexistence of God or a god

2: a person unwilling to commit to an opinion about something
Namaste all,

I'd say doesn't Know, not doesn't know. The big K vs the little k designation is what I see you meaning in quotes yes? knows of Jesus and G!d in the knowledgable of sense but doesn't Know in the unfailing, unfaltering belief sense.

I'd say there exist factions in many churches today that fit that category.

And I agree following the teachings of G!d and Jesus, that is the tough line to follow. I think that is why many church goers prefer to be saved rather than save themselves, prefer to be told what is, rather than think themselves, prefer to be prayed for, rather than take personal responsibility.
Namaste all,

I'd say doesn't Know, not doesn't know. The big K vs the little k designation is what I see you meaning in quotes yes? knows of Jesus and G!d in the knowledgable of sense but doesn't Know in the unfailing, unfaltering belief sense.

I'd say there exist factions in many churches today that fit that category.

And I agree following the teachings of G!d and Jesus, that is the tough line to follow. I think that is why many church goers prefer to be saved rather than save themselves, prefer to be told what is, rather than think themselves, prefer to be prayed for, rather than take personal responsibility.
I have to agree with that.