What is soul? If it is produced from food then, when food stops soul is destroyed?



What is soul? If it is produced from food then, when food stops soul is destroyed?

Soul is pure awareness, which is a special work form of energy produced by the oxidation of food. Its generation requires the function of several biological systems also like lungs, stomach, nervous system etc. When any one of these fail, the energy is not produced and awareness in general disappears as in the deep sleep in which the nervous system takes rest. But the subtle body, which is a bundle of strong feelings (Samskaras), which are the waves of awareness, is not destroyed and it leaves the body for final enquiry. The enquiry is conducted by God based on these Samskaras only and not mere pure awareness, which is common in every soul. If you mean the subtle body for the soul, it is not destroyed. Even in the subtle body, pure awareness exists like gold in the jewels.
Re: What is soul? If it is produced from food then, when food stops soul is destroyed

What is soul? If it is produced from food then, when food stops soul is destroyed?

Soul is pure awareness, which is a special work form of energy produced by the oxidation of food. Its generation requires the function of several biological systems also like lungs, stomach, nervous system etc. When any one of these fail, the energy is not produced and awareness in general disappears as in the deep sleep in which the nervous system takes rest. But the subtle body, which is a bundle of strong feelings (Samskaras), which are the waves of awareness, is not destroyed and it leaves the body for final enquiry. The enquiry is conducted by God based on these Samskaras only and not mere pure awareness, which is common in every soul. If you mean the subtle body for the soul, it is not destroyed. Even in the subtle body, pure awareness exists like gold in the jewels.
I would say that breath would have a much more immediate effect than food. How aware are you of your breath (both ordinary respiration and prana?)
Re: What is soul? If it is produced from food then, when food stops soul is destroyed

I am never aware of my breath....but then I use listerine! :rolleyes:

Param, are you related to Bishadi?
Re: What is soul? If it is produced from food then, when food stops soul is destroyed

I hate it when I become aware of my breath. So does my wife.

Re: What is soul? If it is produced from food then, when food stops soul is destroyed

What is soul? If it is produced from food then, when food stops soul is destroyed?

Soul is pure awareness, which is a special work form of energy produced by the oxidation of food. Its generation requires the function of several biological systems also like lungs, stomach, nervous system etc. When any one of these fail, the energy is not produced and awareness in general disappears as in the deep sleep in which the nervous system takes rest. But the subtle body, which is a bundle of strong feelings (Samskaras), which are the waves of awareness, is not destroyed and it leaves the body for final enquiry. The enquiry is conducted by God based on these Samskaras only and not mere pure awareness, which is common in every soul. If you mean the subtle body for the soul, it is not destroyed. Even in the subtle body, pure awareness exists like gold in the jewels.

The soul is a biological system? Please state your refrences to this..... Thanks.
Re: What is soul? If it is produced from food then, when food stops soul is destroyed

Is your becoming aware of your breath caused by what you ate? (Onions & garlic, washed down with lots of beer, perhaps?) :p

Yes. It's true what they say that if you can smell yourself it's really, really bad.

Genesis says that God made man out of dirt, breathed into him, and he became a "living soul." It would seem that there is a necessary terrestrial element to a soul. Which makes me wonder if there is such a thing as an incorporeal soul.

Re: What is soul? If it is produced from food then, when food stops soul is destroyed

Yes. It's true what they say that if you can smell yourself it's really, really bad.

Genesis says that God made man out of dirt, breathed into him, and he became a "living soul." It would seem that there is a necessary terrestrial element to a soul. Which makes me wonder if there is such a thing as an incorporeal soul.

Great! Now every time I consider spiritual materialism, I'm going to associate it with stinky breath. :p
Re: What is soul? If it is produced from food then, when food stops soul is destroyed

Last week I am told from someone here in contention who insists emphatically that spirituality is produced from bowel movements. This week I read that the soul (in question) is produced from digesting food.
Next week? Formal instructions-lasciviousness and grand larceny producing holiness.
Re: What is soul? If it is produced from food then, when food stops soul is destroyed

Last week I am told from someone here in contention who insists emphatically that spirituality is produced from bowel movements. This week I read that the soul (in question) is produced from digesting food.
Next week? Formal instructions-lasciviousness and grand larceny producing holiness.
We get all kinds around here. :eek:
Re: What is soul? If it is produced from food then, when food stops soul is destroyed

What is soul? If it is produced from food then, when food stops soul is destroyed?

Soul is pure awareness, which is a special work form of energy produced by the oxidation of food. Its generation requires the function of several biological systems also like lungs, stomach, nervous system etc. When any one of these fail, the energy is not produced and awareness in general disappears as in the deep sleep in which the nervous system takes rest. But the subtle body, which is a bundle of strong feelings (Samskaras), which are the waves of awareness, is not destroyed and it leaves the body for final enquiry. The enquiry is conducted by God based on these Samskaras only and not mere pure awareness, which is common in every soul. If you mean the subtle body for the soul, it is not destroyed. Even in the subtle body, pure awareness exists like gold in the jewels.

You have an incomplete notion of the 'subtle body'. We have a physical body, an astral body, and a soul. Only the physcial is dependent on food. The astral body which you seem to refer as the subtle body, actually is three bodies in one - the first is the pranamaya kosha consisting of the five major and five minor pranas plus the subtle organs of action (mouth, hands, feet, and organs of evacuation and generation); the second is the manomaya kosha consisting of the mind, subconscious and the subtle organs of knowledge (sight, sound, smell, touch and taste); the third is the vijnanamaya kosha consisting of the intellect and the ego. As the astral body survives the death of the physical body as does the soul (which is God manifested within the person), neither is produced by food and survives without food.

The samskaras to which you refer only relate to part of the astral body - the mind and subconscious. The objective of spiritual transformation is to overcome and eliminate these samskaras. The samskaras are ego-based karmic influences. They are not part of a 'final enquiry' conducted by God who you seem to be believe resides somewhere 'out there'. Spiritual enquiry consists of the identification of the how we have estranged ourselves from God Consciousnes, the measures employed to overcome and eliminate those obstacles, the resulting ability to move through the chakras accessing increasingly more subtle spiritual wisdom until we at last recognize that we were God incarnate on earth. God is not different from us so when you say God is responsible for final enquiry you are only saying that our intuition of our innate divinty seeks to bring us to a consciousness of our divine nature.
Re: What is soul? If it is produced from food then, when food stops soul is destroyed

Last week I am told from someone here in contention who insists emphatically that spirituality is produced from bowel movements. This week I read that the soul (in question) is produced from digesting food.
Next week? Formal instructions-lasciviousness and grand larceny producing holiness.
The last guy I put in Ft. Leavenworth thought so...:rolleyes:
Re: What is soul? If it is produced from food then, when food stops soul is destroyed

Yes. It's true what they say that if you can smell yourself it's really, really bad.

Genesis says that God made man out of dirt, breathed into him, and he became a "living soul." It would seem that there is a necessary terrestrial element to a soul. Which makes me wonder if there is such a thing as an incorporeal soul.


You seem to be choosing to associate the soul with the dirt and physical life instead of God's breath. The soul survives the death of the physical body so from that point of view it can exist outside of a physical body and is therefore incorporeal. But the soul also exists in conjunction with the astral body. If and when the individual attains ultimate God Consciousness and makes the decision not to return to earth as an avatar but to merge into God then the soul would no longer exists as such. It would be the fullness of God. In this latter case, the soul cannot exist as soul without the astral body and is therefore in a subtle way not incorporeal. Without an astral body there would be no 'individuated' soul, there would only be God.

What is interesting to note is that as the soul is God manifesting in the individual, everyone has exactly the same soul, i.e. God.
Re: What is soul? If it is produced from food then, when food stops soul is destroyed

You seem to be choosing to associate the soul with the dirt and physical life instead of God's breath. The soul survives the death of the physical body so from that point of view it can exist outside of a physical body and is therefore incorporeal. But the soul also exists in conjunction with the astral body. If and when the individual attains ultimate God Consciousness and makes the decision not to return to earth as an avatar but to merge into God then the soul would no longer exists as such. It would be the fullness of God. In this latter case, the soul cannot exist as soul without the astral body and is therefore in a subtle way not incorporeal. Without an astral body there would be no 'individuated' soul, there would only be God.

What is interesting to note is that as the soul is God manifesting in the individual, everyone has exactly the same soul, i.e. God.
You are mixing soul with spirit. The soul belongs to a man, the spirit belongs to God. But without the spirit, the soul is indeed dead.
Re: What is soul? If it is produced from food then, when food stops soul is destroyed

Last week I am told from someone here in contention who insists emphatically that spirituality is produced from bowel movements. This week I read that the soul (in question) is produced from digesting food.
Next week? Formal instructions-lasciviousness and grand larceny producing holiness.

It's easy to burn straw men. It's much harder to engage others in actual dialogue. But if you do not like actual dialogue, continuing to create straw men will make your time here easier, though probably much less rewarding.

-- Dauer
Re: What is soul? If it is produced from food then, when food stops soul is destroyed

Don't knock the importance of sh-t.

I remember reading where a man, perhaps the greatest man of the twentieth century was approached by a new young student. She confessed that she could not relax in front of him since he was so ??? and she felt embarassed.

He looked at her and thought for a few moments. Then he smiled and replied, and I paraphrase, that she was indeed sh-t but compared to some others he was also sh-t so you see we are the same. She reflected for a while then came back and thanked him.

Definitely not New Age. :)
Re: What is soul? If it is produced from food then, when food stops soul is destroyed

It's easy to burn straw men. It's much harder to engage others in actual dialogue. But if you do not like actual dialogue, continuing to create straw men will make your time here easier, though probably much less rewarding.

-- Dauer
Re: What is soul? If it is produced from food then, when food stops soul is destroyed

Don't knock the importance of sh-t.

I remember reading where a man, perhaps the greatest man of the twentieth century was approached by a new young student. She confessed that she could not relax in front of him since he was so ??? and she felt embarassed.

He looked at her and thought for a few moments. Then he smiled and replied, and I paraphrase, that she was indeed sh-t but compared to some others he was also sh-t so you see we are the same. She reflected for a while then came back and thanked him.

Definitely not New Age. :)
Too bad he thought so little of himself and others.

waste is waste. Perhaps if it were called "fertilizer" it wouldn't be looked upon so disdainfully...:eek:
Re: What is soul? If it is produced from food then, when food stops soul is destroyed

Too bad he thought so little of himself and others.

waste is waste. Perhaps if it were called "fertilizer" it wouldn't be looked upon so disdainfully...:eek:

Actually it is the opposite. In this day and age the emphasis is often on style over substance. One must be politically correct in how something is said. However for the minority willing to sacrifice the security of BS, they appreciate honesty in their quest to discover human meaning and purpose in themselves.

It is only because a minority really appreciate human conscious potential that they are willing to admit the human condition as it exists within them.

Call it what you will but the bottom line is that objectively speaking, Man is a part of organic life on earth. Organic life creates sh-t (waste products) and other life feeds on it. Excretion is not limited to digestion. We breath oxygen and excrete carbon dioxide. Plants use carbon dioxide and excrete oxygen. Objectively, Man's primary function is to create waste and serve as food for other life both in life and death.. Conscious evolution suggests a greater potential for Mankind.