Ideas as to what actual physiological process is occuring is a repeated theme in speculative science - a reductionist thinking that absolutely must denigrate the process - and the person - experiencing it.
From Louis ....
Why must reductionist thinking "denigrate" anything ?
Surely any attempt at understanding must BEGIN by
breaking things down to their essentials - "reducing"
things to pure information by removing cosmetics like
figurative language and emotional embellishment.
To describe humans as "a bunch of cells" is only a place
to START - not an implication that we are nothing MORE .
And I regret using the word "test" - maybe I should have
used a fancier word like "epistemology" ( that personal sense or set of criteria by which decide to classify things as "definitely real" , "possibly real" or "no way could that ever be real" ). We are all born with that sense, although
some get "brainwashed" out of it - in others, it may just
become atrophied through lack of use. Mine still works !
But back to "divine inspiration" - so many people over the
centuries have judged it to be "definitely real", SOMEBODY
must have some idea HOW they reached that judgement !
From Louis ....
Why must reductionist thinking "denigrate" anything ?
Surely any attempt at understanding must BEGIN by
breaking things down to their essentials - "reducing"
things to pure information by removing cosmetics like
figurative language and emotional embellishment.
To describe humans as "a bunch of cells" is only a place
to START - not an implication that we are nothing MORE .
And I regret using the word "test" - maybe I should have
used a fancier word like "epistemology" ( that personal sense or set of criteria by which decide to classify things as "definitely real" , "possibly real" or "no way could that ever be real" ). We are all born with that sense, although
some get "brainwashed" out of it - in others, it may just
become atrophied through lack of use. Mine still works !
But back to "divine inspiration" - so many people over the
centuries have judged it to be "definitely real", SOMEBODY
must have some idea HOW they reached that judgement !