You questioned: " why does God create evil (satan/ evil deeds)?.
Bob x, well, I explained in the previous posts that God created human beings and jinns to worship Him. Worshipping God means establishing a relation of Love with Him through following His DOs, and avoiding His DONTs.
I explained that human beings are in this world life to be
tested in their committment to God. God creates that animalistic derives in us, and asks us to educate our souls as I show you through some Quranic verses in the previous post. God doesnt ask us to kill, steal, backbite, destroy etc, though He gives us the ability to do that.
God doesnt create man's evil deeds. He merely gives us the ability and choice. It is man who creates evil in the world. It is man who strikes wars and destruction around the world. It is man who neglects and ignores God, and chooses Satan's and ego's inspiration.
You may ask: "Why those men are given freedom to do bad?!".
The answer is that: "we are in test. That's why we are given freedom. Yet, Those men should be punished in this world, and if they dont sincerely repent to God, their punishment would be harsher in the day of judgement. Blessed are those who keep stick to God's teachings, and strive with might and means to educate their souls."
Is it clearer now, bob x? I hope so