
In some ways I think S3 is pulling a Lost i.e. everything you know is wrong. A lot of the ideas developed about different characters is being challenged. Some plot lines are going to be coming out of the blue without having been developed much previously (Suresh, that stuff between Sylar and Angela.) I hope that it will start to stabilize a bit. Supposedly the writers had some sort of 5 year plan for the story. I don't know at this point how closely they've kept to it/ are keeping to it.

(( Recommendation if you're tiring of Heroes and looking for something new: Fringe. It starts in the UK on October 5th on Sky1. It feels similar to me in some ways to X-Files, but different, more continuity from episode to episode, more sense of humor. YouTube - Fringe Trailer ))
In some ways I think S3 is pulling a Lost i.e. everything you know is wrong. A lot of the ideas developed about different characters is being challenged. Some plot lines are going to be coming out of the blue without having been developed much previously (Suresh, that stuff between Sylar and Angela.)

In other words, a danger of Heroes resorting to "making it up on the spot and rushing through something to support commercial interests"? Surely not! :)
saw it last night, the bit when he was working on her brain made me cringe.:eek:
This Heroes thing sounds a bit too confrontational for me.
I guess Im different in that I dont analyze it I just watch it and go along with the flow and try to enjoy what my favorite characters are up to.

Ive been pretty interested so far.