The End of Abraham

I was first put onto the India/Abraham connection by reading archived articles posted on the Hindu website Sword of Truth. There Hindus pointed out the fact that pre-Muslim Mecca was an Arabic Vedic worship site and that Muhammad not only mistook "Abraham's" altar for a Brahma worship site but seemed to deliberately try to erase all traces of Vedic worship but failed to do so thereby leaving Islam with clear borrowed religious practices from Vedic worship, e.g. the seven perambulations Muslims do around the Kabaa comes from the seven perambulations Hindus did and some still do in worship of Shiva and the Black Stone Muhammad left out of all the other idols in the Cabaa because it was his family's worship stone--what is called a "shivaling" or Shiva idol in India.

Something you've got to be careful of is that there's a major upsurge in Hindu nationalisation over the past few years, which effectively rewrites history to make Hinduism the focus. Some of it's interesting, but some of it is outright nationalist propaganda with no basis.

There was a comedy show in the UK a few years back called "Goodness Gracious Me" which had a regular feature lampooning this attitude via a series of characters, ie:
YouTube - Goodness Gracious Me- The Queen Is Indian
Something you've got to be careful of is that there's a major upsurge in Hindu nationalisation over the past few years, which effectively rewrites history to make Hinduism the focus. Some of it's interesting, but some of it is outright nationalist propaganda with no basis.

There was a comedy show in the UK a few years back called "Goodness Gracious Me" which had a regular feature lampooning this attitude via a series of characters, ie:
YouTube - Goodness Gracious Me- The Queen Is Indian

The Hindus on the Sword of Truth were citing Sanskrit words and Hindu religious concepts that Muslim Arabic has incorporated which is not easily molded to a specific nationalistic propaganda agenda. For instance if "Arabia" does not mean "Land of Horses" in Sanskrit then there's reason to question their other associations of Vedic influence in Mecca. I'm not a linguist by any means and admit to arriving at many of my religious opinions via the "gnostic" way or what some would call "intuition" but this method has served me well in the past often leading me to find historical information confirming the insights received in spiritual communion. But my method is not at all scientific and must rely on a Higher Knowledge guiding me. It is the curse of being ahead of your times that "proof" hasn't yet arrived in authoritative circles so you're out on your own until the world catches up. This, btw, is the meaning of why while the birds have their nests and foxes their dens, the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.
No one is substituting history with linguistics here but only like many other minds before me, like Aristotle, pointing to linguistic coincidences between the Vedic sources and the later Hebrew myths of origin that are very hard to explain away as not being related at some point in time. Such information, because it does destroy the spiritual foundations of all the Abrahamic religions, is of course not going to be well received. Critics will forget all about how crimes and mysteries are solved by a cumulation of circumstantial evidence that forms a pattern to how the events actually happened.

Why would it "destroy the spiritual foundations of all the Abrahamic religions" if a connection could be proven between Hinduism and Judaism?

I've been away from this forum for months, so today is the first time I have ever encountered this hypothesis--i.e. a possible connection between Hinduaism and Judaism based upon the similarity of the names Abram/Abraham and Brahma and Sarai/Sarah and Sarasvati. I've been reading it all with great interest but don't understand and certainly don't share the combative, in-your-face attitude.

But then I really have no ax to grind in this area since I'm quite open and sympathetic to your POV. If you saw my Facebook profile you'd see that under "Religious Preference" I put "Syncretist - Jewish, Gnostic, Pagan."

Judaism is my birth religion, but I'm the first one to admit that it's the historic propensity for intolerance and violence in the Abrahamic religions that has given them such a bad name in recent years, as humanity as a whole evolves beyond ANY "flaming sword" justifications. THAT is what will eventually discredit them, not any possible linguistic or historic connections that may be proven down the line.

I think if you dropped the combative stance and just talked about your theory on its merits you wouldn't keep getting banned. Your theory really does have a lot of merit and I'd like to explore it further with you. Please understand that I say this as someone who has been guilty of an excess of attitude on this board more than once, so I totally get where you're coming from in that area too! :)

Linda aka Raksha
you guys sound like your falling asleep. Maybe this will wake you up. This world has a purpose and it's entirerely on point. Adam becomes Abram who becomes Abraham after 22 generations. Abram-Abraham has three wives, Sara, Hagar and Keturah. Abraham sent the sons of Keturah to the east with gifts. these were the Vedas. They came as Aryans into India and and became Bramans(A-braman's children) Then Buddha , a hindu yogi developed the underatanding further. Still for both Hinduism and Buddhism everything Maya, illusion. That is because they are the root of the plant of the earth. The top of the plant grows west from Mesopotamia as the sun . In the website which begins with w and then is "secondbookofdaniel" and it end with .com there a chapter called "The world divides in three parts" it is amazing and true. The religions of Eurasia are one and the presently forming EU is the flower.(Although it's quite unfinished just yet) dan b
I guess, seemingly, i have been losing much knowledge of things i thought i grasped well. But is it a process of being ignorant of the truth or looking for it? My heart says let it all go and be, but what does that mean? are there any paths or religious sects that would frown on just loving? Are there any that would deny the need for knowing your father? cause that is what he must be in a beginning since. and since all any of us can do is grasp at clouds, is it not apparent we need redemption if not for our souls,then for our intellect. If elevation of self was a calling any of us could achieve on our own then why havnt those who have achieved it hitched us to there wagon. I guess maybe it has all been a big trick. With my knew understanding of what scientists deem as possible or even achievable, my mind keeps thinking about the possibility of some super advanced race, who has mastered matter, hiding themselves from us for millinea and with time travel and mastery of matter they dupe us into poppulating and repoppulating the earth as they see fit. I know this is real crazy but it makes me realy thankfull for redemption. If this is the case, this trick would meen we all have been seeking false gods. It would meen we are all making mud bricks, all of us praying to bulls ( or bull****). Who can no the father except one that is from the fathers relm. Wouldnt the one who knew this hitch us all to his wagon. and if this super race exsisted would that not be to much for any group of people from anytime to wrap there minds around. Well the truth has always been for people who realy want it and i do. But knowledge of this world and its ways is seeming to become somewhat of a barricade. We can never know any of it for sure, and when we are finaly face to face with our beginning im sure thoughts of this world will be fleeting. Remember then matter does not matter unless the matter contains a being. sorry for not proofing got in a rush
After a few days it is now obvious to me that this ia a bunk site at which people would rather sound smart than take part in any meaningfull dialogue. The knowledge and heart for truth i have is waisted on this group.

Such a prolific writer, too! Its as if gnosis itself were leaving in person. If only we had listened!
Whatever you may think of me, may it be true in your world, if "i am" foolishness to you then may it be so. If "i am" a laughing stock for you then may it be so. If " i am " a stone on which you stub your toe then may it be stubbed. Just know friend, " i am".