Good bye



I try to reach as many religious people as I can which is why I join these religious forums. But every forum I've ever been on, save the extinct Lycos community one, has its single or set of forum owners who use their forums as personal weapons to control peoples' opinions. If this seems a harsh judgment, you haven't bucked the authority of this forum owner. It's almost as if men, it's almost always men, have to create a piece of territory in which they can roam as bulls chasing away competitors so they can look good to themselves presumably because who else cares? It's so extremely petty that I wouldn't bother except believers who use these forums are still people I want to reach with the new Good News!

I, Brian, does not want me posting anything that counters his opinions and he's already erased my Christian beliefs by putting them into the esoteric, Gnostic category where they do not belong as I am a Johannine Christian believer and not a believer in the gnostic formulations. So this is how I, Brian treats this forum member by unilaterally deciding what beliefs I have. Sorry, I, Brian, but you do not control my religious beliefs or how I express them so adios, friend-o. What is the point of you having a forum if you don't let people teach you anything?

But back to forums. When I do get banned for being honest, for speaking my truths, and giving my visions, I have noticed that the forum regulars are also quick to pick up their stones as well to sling with the forum owner who allows them their forum while denying it to those who actually have something original to say. It is is a no-win situation so there's no point in me hanging around here.

Watch the news from Israel next year. I was invited back to Nazareth to again participate in the Christian annual Easter procession and will go next year. Pax is going to bring down the Serpent Wall.

Sorry, Steven, but you have a long history of spamming your personal website on the forums - even still, despite your use of multiple aliases to try and self-promote, I didn't actually ban you this time because I thought I'd at least be the one to make the effort to be patient and considerate.

Instead, after claiming in a thread that discussions on Gnostic Christianity were not allowed, I moved your thread to a board where Gnostic Christianity is more commonly covered (the Esoteric board).

Then you began spamming us again. :)

I'm sorry if you consider my actions censorship - the fact that I tried to be hospitable to you, the fact that I tried to move your discussions to the most appropriate place, and the fact I removed your outright self promotions.

Somehow I don't think any of that can be regarded as censorship, Steven Lewis, but if you manage to over react like this at the slightest instance, and manage to get yourself banned from pretty much every other religious forum, then I think that says a lot for the IO forums for our patience. :)
Thanks for joining, and farewell, take care. :)

I try to reach as many religious people as I can which is why I join these religious forums.

Try to reach religious people? For what reason exactly? :)

forum owners who use their forums as personal weapons to control peoples' opinions. If this seems a harsh judgment, you haven't bucked the authority of this forum owner.

My opinion has never been controlled..... This is by far one of the most 'free to roam' religious forums out there lol....

What is the point of you having a forum if you don't let people teach you anything?

It isn't about teaching..... It is about sharing and becoming a coumminity sure we learn from others faiths and their posts.... But there are some that have no interest in others ways and faiths and such and just come here to talk at others... Maybe you were percieved in this light?

I was invited back to Nazareth to again participate in the Christian annual Easter procession and will go next year. Pax is going to bring down the Serpent Wall.

Well whatever that is, good luck with it :)
Heck dude, I just asked a question. I even posted the link to your site, I'd think you'd be appreciative. I'm not and did not throw stones. It was just that your posts sounded like they weren't responding, so I cut and paste a quote and up popped your site when I searched. Cut another and then another page of your site. At the time I didn't know if it was your site or if you were plagiarizing. Hence my original question

I think the difference is this a discussion site. And you only entered the discussion to cut and paste info from your site. You claim it is original and I guess it was back whenever you wrote it. But we are asking for give and take with words of today.

Famous? My bad, I have no idea who you are, even after reading and noting that others know of you.

Surely our paths will cross again. I banished myself once, self imposed exile, wasn't able to stay away for long, think I only made it a month or two.
Sorry that you are going Sonoman. I found your posts most insightful. You have a rather highly developed self justification for your beliefs that I found interesting. I, from the position of the armchair shrink and not a deliberate hurtful personal attack, would say you have a fairly well established psychosis. Its amazing what reasonably intelligent human beings will convince themselves of.

As for forum rottweilers.... well I have my bites too....but this is no democracy here. You, like me, have an occasionally combative style which will always draw conflict from those that are equally combative or self-protective. Seems like every religious discussion forum is a china shop...and stone throwers are not long tolerated. Start throwing bricks and you are kicked out immediately. But just try and remember this... its all just talk at the end of the day. There is nothing beyond death except freedom from being the self deluded ignorants we were born to be.

take care and enjoy your life :)

hope you get to read this post, "sonoman". i am very disappointed in you. though i know this would mean squat to you, i know it would mean a great deal to Father. you obviously have great knowledge of God, but you lack the spirit to spread the good news merely out of love for the sons of man. i hope you read the pm i sent you. i have yet to recieve a reply. this only confirms that you are into the gospel to only self promote your beliefs. i ask myself for which reason? i pray to Father that it isn't for money or for pride. i was willing to listen to what you had to say and what i only received was your back. i have ears to hear. so why didn't you give me the gospel? its a shame really. i was hoping you could prove everyone on here that they are wrong and that you truly love us. i pray you do what is right. not only on this site, but with actual people that God places on your path. so long for now. peace be upon you...

I, too, regret your leaving Steve-assuming you want to actually dialogue about ideas. I, Brian, is correct in stating "gnostically-oriented" Christians hang out here. I'm sort of 1, sort of not-am definitely not inclined to fit easily into any of the provided boxes of discussion here but see nothing wrong with having my odd slants on things diverted to the semi-appropriate box. Discussions sill can ensue. earl
Sonoman has left the why you always here when I log in?