I hope that we dont twist from the main topic which is the relation of JW and Zionism. (but this seems to be the case with every thread
I visited the watchtower site, Mee, but I didnt find anything that reputes Russel's speech about Isreal 's clash with Palestine.
Mee, you said that a spiritual Jerusalem that is meant, and not the materialistic one!!!!
In the "1914...." thread, you are talking about Jerusalem. Zion mount, the temple (which should be built in Jerusalem), and all these are materialistically meant.
What, then, someone may ask, about all the prophecies that speak of Zion’s and Israel’s restoration and prosperity?
Will these go unfulfilled, or have they already been fulfilled, or will they be fulfilled in the future, and, if so, by whom?
Jesus stated that it was impossible for any of God’s Word to go unfulfilled. (Matt. 5:17, 18)
The facts show that these prophecies have had and are having fulfillment. How so?
In the first place, many of them had a fulfillment on a small scale when the Jews returned from their captivity in Babylon in 537 B.C.
The land that had been desolate seventy years again became fruitful and populous, and Jehovah’s pure worship was restored, at least for a time.
But these prophecies have a far more striking fulfillment in our day upon spiritual Israel and Zion, identified at Revelation 7 and 14 as the footstep followers of Christ who will gain the heavenly reward and who are limited to just 144,000.
These began to be selected at Pentecost and of their number only a few, a "remnant," remain till the present time.
It is to this remnant, which belongs to heavenly Zion and spiritual Israel, that these restoration prophecies apply.
The facts show that particularly since the 1870’s members of the "remnant" began to be brought together and then suffered a period of captivity during 1914-1918.
At that time their "land" or condition of worship was wasted, corresponding to the seventy years’ desolation of Judah.
Then in 1919 God delivered them and gradually brought them to a condition of spiritual prosperity by means of his providences, his holy spirit and his Word.
Proof thereof is to be seen in their increased understanding of Jehovah’s Word and purposes, in their great happiness and in their being joined now by a great crowd of ‘aliens,’ who aid them in the spiritual ingathering.—Isa. 61:5, AV.
yes there is a Modern-Day Captivity and Release
Jesus’ enthronement as King in 1914 was marked by unprecedented world distress. Why?
Because upon becoming King, Jesus ousted Satan and the other wicked spirit creatures from heaven.
Once confined to the earth, Satan began waging war against the remaining holy ones, the remnant of anointed Christians. (Revelation 12:7-12, 17)
The climax came in 1918 when the public preaching work virtually stopped and responsible officers of the Watch Tower Society were imprisoned on false charges of sedition.
In this way, Jehovah’s modern-day servants went into a spiritual captivity, reminiscent of the physical captivity of the ancient Jews. Great reproach hung over them.
However, the captive condition of God’s anointed servants did not last long.
On March 26, 1919, the imprisoned officers were released, and later all charges against them were dropped.
Jehovah poured out holy spirit upon his liberated people, invigorating them for the work that lay ahead.
Joyfully, they responded to the invitation to "take life’s water free." (Revelation 22:17)
They bought "wine and milk even without money and without price" and were spiritually fortified for a marvelous expansion that was on the horizon.
and at that time, they didnt even realize just what that would involve, but NOW the understanding is ABUNDANT
Daniel 12;4
and the gathering of THE GREAT CROWD is being done revel;ation 7;9-10 matthew 24;14
true worship has been restored