does God really care about us ?

So the 3000 in the towers served their time and won. I am not a pessimist, I am discussing your assertion that surviving indicates G!D is on your side.

the logic falls apart yet the argument continues.
Those 3000, were a wake up call to the United States. God's patients only goes so far. And it doesn't matter what you or I think about his existence.

The proof is in the pudding, and in the way things are happening, so quickly.

We have been warned, and are in a period of grace, but it won't last for long...
A rejection of God's care (for human life) because of faulty expectations that place God "on our side," that is, this side of death; limit Him "to our side" of life, and measures or judges His perceived performance here, on "this side," fails to see that "this life", "here" on earth, is not the end of creation, but that the end of creation is to populate the heavenlies, or spiritual spheres. Man is to become an "angel" on the "other side." He is a spiritual being with a spiritual home, "elsewhere," and death is universally acknowledged as "going home."

Perhaps a mass "going home" marks not only "work or time completed," "here," on "this side," but the readiness or completion of another heavenly housing project (read mansions). Could it be that the Divine economy also uses an indicator called, "Housing Starts?"

Just having fun,

Happy Learner
Does God Care?

Let us begin with the question, Does God care about us?

Sadly, many people think that the answer is no. Why do they feel that way? One reason is that they live in a world full of hatred, war, and suffering. ‘If God really cared,’ they reason, ‘surely he would prevent such tragic things from happening.’

Another reason why people think that God does not care about us is that religious leaders have made them feel that way.

What do clergymen often say when tragedy strikes?

When one woman lost her two small children in an car accident, her minister said: "It was God’s will. God needed two more angels.":eek: When clergymen make such comments, they are actually blaming God for the bad things that happen.:(

Yet, the disciple James wrote: "When under trial, let no one say: ‘I am being tried by God.’ For with evil things God cannot be tried nor does he himself try anyone." (James 1:13) Jehovah God never causes what is bad. Indeed, "far be it from the true God to act wickedly."—Job 34:10


Why, then, is there so much wickedness and suffering?

One reason is that mankind in general has rejected God as Ruler, not wanting to submit to his righteous laws and principles.

Humans have unwittingly submitted to God’s Adversary, Satan, for "the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one." (1 John 5:19)

Knowledge of this fact makes it easier to understand why bad situations exist.

Satan is evil, hateful, deceptive, and cruel. So we should expect the world to reflect the personality of its ruler.

No wonder there is so much wickedness!

Human imperfection is another reason for the suffering we experience.

Sinful humans tend to struggle for dominance, and that often results in wars, oppression, and suffering. Ecclesiastes 8:9 aptly says: "Man has dominated man to his injury."

A further reason for suffering is "time and unforeseen occurrence." (Ecclesiastes 9:11) People often experience calamity because they are in the wrong place at the wrong time.

It is comforting to learn that Jehovah does not cause suffering.

But does God truly care about what is going on in our lives?

The heartwarming answer is yes! We know that Jehovah cares because his inspired Word tells us why he has allowed humans to pursue a bad course.

God’s reasons involve two issues: his sovereignty and the integrity of humans. Because he is the almighty Creator, Jehovah is not obligated to tell us why he permits suffering. Yet, he tells us because he cares about us.

Consider further evidence that God cares about us. He "felt hurt at his heart" when badness filled the earth in the days of Noah. (Genesis 6:5, 6)

Does God feel differently today? No, for he does not change. (Malachi 3:6)

He detests injustice and hates to see people suffer.

The Bible teaches that God will soon undo all the harm that has resulted from human rule and from the influence of the Devil. Is that not convincing proof that God cares about us?

Religious leaders misrepresent God when they say that the tragedies we experience are his will.

On the contrary, Jehovah longs to end human suffering. "He cares for you," says 1 Peter 5:7. That is what the Bible really teaches!:)
Too many times, I should be dead. Way too many times. Too many lives I should have lost, but they weren't, and I had nothing to do with it, even though I was there and part of it.

Too many things happen that I thought would be the end, only to be the beginning. Too many answers to questions in the strangest times and light. What a sense of humor God has, what a gentle touch. He even saw fit to bring a girl from half way around the world, just for me...

If you could but see through my eyes...:eek:

Awwwwwwwwwwwww. and God says, "No Worries". lol
Human logic fails in the sight of God.

Or do you think you are above God and his infinite wisdom? That in itself (on a Christian forum), is illogical.
You were using logic, I was extending it. If logic fails in the sight of G!d, don't use it.

Do I think I am above G!d, no. Do I believe 'He' has infinite wisdom, no. Do I believe spirit is infinite wisdom, yes.

Will I as a Christian be willing to discuss anything in regards to my religion and G!d, even our misconceptions, foibles and occaisional idiocy.